
Julia Lepetit Illustrates

@julialepetit / julialepetit.tumblr.com


In celebration of the previous twos (and the ongoing season)

Happy Drawtectives Seasons Three!

(If you're new & curious about who these characters are, or want to revisit the past cases in anticipation of the next episode of S3, check out the links below!)

Season 1:The Murder at Crescent Hill & 2: The Celestial Spear Playlist↗ | Season 3: Midnight Alley Trailer↗

Fleur Waltham from drawtectives S3 ep. 4 really reminds me of someone, for some reason...

I wonder whom?

Speed draw here


if julia is allowed to have the animatronics be in the thumbnail i get to put them in my piece


Eugene Finch

Our beautiful son, created by the amazing @julialepetit for the equally amazing Drawtectives show.

aka my first ever non Good Omens fanart, kinda scary - also neon pink waaat, who even am I...

Hi tumblr! In case you didn't know, I run a very silly DnD-esq improv mystery show on Drawfee called Drawtectives! Here's the intro that me and @dilfosaur made for it that I'm very proud of. The way that it works is that I write the season / episodes before hand then make all of the main assets before we record, then we run it like a DnD campaign without the dice rolling or skill checks... or skills. The show is in it's 3rd season but you in NO way have to watch the other seasons to jump right in! Just join in and solve a mystery or two with this found family of lovable idiots all played by a... found family of lovable idiots (us the Drawfee team). Episode 1 of Midnight Alley can be found here and the playlist for the season can be found here! New episodes every month unless the baby arrives sooner than anticipated.

I really hope you all enjoy it and if you do, please share it with your friends!

Anonymous asked:

i hope its okay to ask: how do you balance working on a big project (like drawtectives) while still doing other stuff?

I struggle with it a lot and only recently have I figured out a system that works for me. My problems are I can focus forever and if I'm not working, I feel like I COULD be working. For a number of years, I'd commute 2 hours to work, work, commute 2 hours home, shower, eat dinner, then work on personal projects or my portfolio until about 3am. Fat lot of good it did me. Got hand damage and not very far lmao so I learned my lesson. I figured out that if I allow myself the day, I'll spend the entirety of it working. If I put hard hours on myself and say that rest is work, I can trick myself that it counts. So I work from right after breakfast to lunch (I also use this time to shower or workout), allow myself an hour lunch, then work until dinner. Since my time between breakfast and lunch is shorter, I spend that time doing menial things, like emails, since art or drawtectives takes more brain power to boot into and stay with. I don't have any issues focusing, so this method works for me. I just put on a show or movie I've seen a bunch or a podcast and just go. I wish I had some more time to do some other things, but if I do personal art at all it'll get me too close to work, so I have to do that sparingly. If you want to see my full breakdown, I did a drawclass that includes time management. You can find it here!


ngl this is probably the hardest I’ve laughed this year so far

Its the hardest I've laughed in a long time as well. I felt nauseous from laughing so much.

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