
Walt Disney Confessions Rage

@waltdisneyconfessionsrage / waltdisneyconfessionsrage.tumblr.com

A blog for critique, discussion, and sometimes an occasional rage towards the confessions from the blog Walt Disney Confessions. This is not a hate blog for WDC, its mods or its anonymous confessors.

This is one of my favorite blogs of all time, ever since before I was able to get a tumblr (I was like 11-12) I would go look onto this blog on my browser and read it every day after school. Y’all are such an inspiration. 😭💕💖💖✨


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“Poc girls”


“Poc men”





It means “person of color.” You can’t say “Poc girls” because that literally means “person of color girls” when you say that. Stop. Use it the right way or just say brown/black girls. Brown & black aren’t slurs you can use them it’s fine


What exactly is the difference between sexy and sexist?


In the simplest terms I can think of: autonomy, consent, and basic respect.

Autonomy: A person decides when and how they display their concept of sexy and also gets to decide when and how they don’t. It can be something physical or even something like confidence or opening up another side of one’s personality… but it’s purposefully done and always at that person’s discretion. 

Consent: A person gives permission to others to recognize and enjoy their brand of sexiness. They share those aspects and people are allowed to enjoy those within reason.

Respect: A person is always seen as a full human being, whether they are embodying their sexiness or not. Whenever said person shares their sexiness, they aren’t dehumanized, shamed, or objectified. Their privacy is acknowledged, understood, and not infringed upon. 

Sexism is when these points are overlooked and relates specifically to the experience of women in the world.

I hope this makes sense.


Anonymous asked:

Hello, just an honest question I hope it does not come as rude . I come from a Mediterranean country and my culture is really blends as we took elements from Arabs, european and even precolombine South America, so I am not very familiarized with the cultural appropriation term. So it's only cultural appropriation when the privileged take the oppressed culture but not the other way? As in Beyonce wearing a blonde sleek hair wig is not cultural appropriation but withe chicks in dreads is?

It’s a bit more complicated and nuanced than that *but*, in that specific example, you are correct. Beyoncé wearing blonde hair isn’t appropriative; not even considering the fact that there are naturally blonde black people in the world, but in the context of the West, what she does is assimilation. 

Cultural appropriation, in its most basic form, is someone taking from another culture without proper respect or credit given. There is no exchange, no payment, no permission granted. It’s done with little to no actual understanding of the importance of the appropriated thing and little to no interest about learning or doing better.

If anyone has anything they’d like to add, feel free to chime in.



Representation is important because it allows people to see characters like themselves as heroes.

It also allows people to see characters unlike themselves as sympathetic and relatable. 

Stories teach us how to be human.

This is also why bad representation that demonizes already stigmatized groups is so dangerous; it reinforces the belief that those groups are not human.

A lot of people reblog this with some variation of “oh but tokenism is bad”. Yeah, sure. But if characters are depicted as sympathetic and relatable, they’re not tokens. That’s the point.

Tokenism isn’t “oh there’s too much diversity here”. Tokenism is “this diversity is shallow and features cardboard characters who exist only as representatives of their demographic, not relatable, sympathetic, or interesting beyond X trait”.


Stalking For Love is a popular media trope where invasive stalker-like behavior is presented as an endearing or harmless part of romantic courtship. The hero will often go to extraordinary lengths to coerce, trick or otherwise manipulate his way into a woman’s life.

SUPPORT THIS PROJECT If you’d like to see more long-form video essays focusing on the intersections of entertainment and masculinity, please help fund this series on Patreon. If you’d rather make a one-time donation you can do that via PayPal.


I’m back with another “fandom racism” card, this one more explctly for the Black Panther fandom. I think this one can be used for scrolling through tumblr tags or AO3 as a drinking game, but I like my liver a bit too much to play it and see how it goes.

If you can’t read the bingo squares, here’s what they say (though the order may not match):

  • Sizekink and/or Big Black Cock
  • White ruler of Wakanda (other fandom)
  • Shuri or Okoye as “sassy Black women”
  • Black women as mammy figures for white chars
  • Reverse racism
  • “I can’t be a colonizer, my country never colonized anyone”
  • Accusing Black fans of racism or gatekeeping
  • “Wakanda-inspired” nations for white characters
  • Hyper-focus on white characters in interacial ship stories
  • Wakanda as a hot vacation spot for white characters
  • “Saying T'challa wouldn’t date a white person is racist.”
  • “For some reason, I just don’t like Nakia”
  • Erik/T'challa or Erik/Shuri
  • Sugar Daddy T'challa
  • White ruler of Wakanda (MCU)
  • Sam/Rhodey/Luke Cage, Who?
  • Black character exists only to do emotional labor
  • “You’re why people don’t like to write/draw Black characters in fandom.”
  • Slavefic
  • Darcy in Wakanda
  • White dude slashship references in headcanons/fic
  • Assuming Wakandans are automatically homophobic/transphobic
  • Aggressive Black characters
  • “Why do you (Black) people hate interracial relationships?”

If you don’t get what a square means, please nudge me for clarification!


While I adore Coco, it really frustrates me that Pixar just now made a film featuring a character of color. Why did it take them this long?

Because they were allowed to get away with it.

 No one questioned Pixar’s methods as long as they were getting praised for their “storytelling,” no one was going to challenge them. I garuntee you that out of the potential projects that were pitched, there were bound to be people who had characters of color as protagonists at some point. And they were rejected every single time. 

But even if most of the pitched projects had white leads, this is because they were tailored to interests of the filmmakers. And these filmmakers were only interested in projects with white leads. 

Pixar’s not known in the animation community for it’s diverse workplace. It’s notoriously homogeneous, filled with white male creators who promote other white male creators. That doesn’t mean that they don’t hire people of color, but upward mobility is very very difficult compared to their white counterparts. 

This is why there were so many embarrassing mistakes early in production of Coco and they had to bring in more diversity that was sorely lacking in the direction of the early movie. 

As soon as they started getting criticized, they made a movie with a non white protagonist. Same with their (white) female protagonist. But even then the intervention and replacement of Brenda Chapmen on Brave with a male director to make it more appealing to boys resulted in a subpar movie that no one really latches onto due to the sexism of the heads of Pixar.  

When they got to Coco, they brought in more authentic voices. And now it’s considered one of the BEST Pixar movies in recent memory. 

So lesson: Criticize your media and they will do better. Even if they seem perfect, it’s important to know that they could always be better. If you don’t they’ll keep doing the same shit over and over again. 

And if they don’t improve you know where their priorities lie. 


Before I saw Coco, I wasn’t too proud of being Mexican-American. I didn’t really like how my native country is in a poor land or that our hair and eye color is mostly the same. Sometimes I told my mom or brother that I wish I was of French or European decent since they have a more interesting history. Now after watching it, I’m a lot more appreciative of my culture. Besides “Remember Me”, my favorite songs from the movie are “Un Poco Loco” or “La Llorona”. They really got me hooked!

I’m sorry but I’m a little offended by what you said, I’m Mexican, and honestly kind of sad that a MOVIE made you stop hating a whole country, instead of you know, real people with awesome lifes and histories to tell, you know Miguel is not a real person, but Frida Khalo is, Benito Juárez is, Lázaro Cárdenas is, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Cuauhtémoc is, so how about instead of saying that Europe is better than Mexico, you do a little research, we have a SUPER interesting and rich story, have you read about prehispanic cultures? They are awesome, we are a great country, so stop saying things like that, I know that’s not the point of your confession, I’m glad that now you are more proud of your heritage but there are better things to make you realize that that a movie. Así que deja de hablar basura de México porque somos un país rico y lleno de historias interesantes, por cierto noo todos tenemos el mismo color de ojos y pelo, mis ojos son verdes y mi pelo café claro, no todos somos iguales, has tu investigación.


Former Captain Marvel Actress Interested in Playing Storm. 

Following her departure from Captain Marvel, actress DeWanda Wise has expressed interest in playing another Marvel Comics character: Storm.

Wise, who joined Captain Marvel in January, was forced to drop out of the Marvel Studios film because of scheduling conflicts with her Netflix series She’s Gotta Have It. The Spike Lee series was renewed earlier this year for a second season, and appears to be going back in front of the camera soon, leaving the actress to exit what would have been her biggest feature role to date. However, she’s seems to be keeping an eye out for other potential superhero movie roles. Source


Why can’t black girls have a happy teen movie for once? Something bad always happens whether it be depression, teen pregnancy, death, fighting, bullying, drug abuse, or heartbreak in the worst way. Teen black girl movies are always traumatizing.

When are we gonna get a Clueless, Bring it On, Mean Girls, High School Musical, Wild Child type movie where we are the main character? This goes for other girls of color too.


“I’m rolling my eyes at some of the celebrity cast they announced for the live action Lion King. It feels more like a gimmick than anything, like “in case the film under-performs, at least people will watch it to hear their favorite actor/singer.“”

sammiessleepythoughts said: Uh… we do live in a world where Angeline Jolie was the star of Maleficent, that Jungle Book had more than a few well-known actors, the Rock one of the main characters in Moana, and Oprah was in a Wrinkle in Time right? This is not, in anyway, unique to the Lion King, OP. 
SAMMIESSLEEPYTHOUGHTS said: Uh… we do live in a world where Angeline Jolie was the star of Maleficent, that Jungle Book had more than a few well-known actors, the Rock one of the main characters in Moana, and Oprah was in a Wrinkle in Time right? This is not, in anyway, unique to the Lion King, OP.
skyofqueer said: Why are we talking about this with Lion King? I dont remember people complaining about the well known actors in Maleficent, Cinderella, Alice movies etc….
Anonymous asked:

Which state of Mexico do you think Coco takes place in?

According to Lee Unkrich, the director, Santa Cecilia is based on Oaxaca and the town of Santa Fe de Laguna in the state of Michoacán.Parts of The Land of the Dead were inspired by Guanajuato.-ren

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