

@fenrishale / fenrishale.tumblr.com

(Semi Hittas till 5th August) (Inde Teen wolf rp account for Papa Hale) Please read bio before rping (though it is only a brief draft at the moment)
  • Name of your muse: Fenris Hale
  • One picture you like best of your muse’s FC:
  • Two headcannons you have for your muse that you never told anyone: 1- Fenris loves chocolate cake. I don't know what it is about them XD If your looking to win his heart just give him chocolate cake. Though if you give him it out of the blue he will become suspicious XD 2- Derek is Fenris's favourite child. Probably because he is his only son.
  • Three things that your muse loves doing in their free time: 1- Running in the woods in his wolf form (a smaller version of it his true form is huge) 2- Baking chocolate cakes 3- Eating chocolate cake 
  • Four people that your muse loves: Talia, Laura, Cora and Derek
  • Three fond childhood memories:  He doesn't have very many. Loki would mostly ignore him in favour of his other children and his mother would ignore him completely. But his favourite childhood memory would be when he was playing in the gardens in his wolf form and ended up digging up a lost city. He would always laugh about it because it's such an unbelievable story.
  • Two things your muse regrets:  1- Not being there when the fire happened 2- Never saying I love you to Talia before he left
  • One thing they’d go through heaven or hell to save/change: The fire. 
  • Tag ten people to do the same thing:  paigeofthepast, auntlivstilinski, angryhaale, bansheewearsred, sheriiff, sheriff-papa-stilinski, halesbabypup, letthefrostbite, newkidxliam, misslydiaamartin

Can we just keep stuff that's not about a ship and/or criticizing/bashing a ship out of the ship's tag?

The people who go through ship tags do it because they want to squee about their ship, not because they want to see it criticized or bashed. The ship tags are there for people to talk about something they LIKE. Please respect that. 



Okay, so many of my watchers on deviantART are already aware of this, but last month I was scammed for thousands of dollars by a user named Pixlett / ToxicMutagen. (They both use the same PayPal address) Pixlett has since deactivated her account.

My account of the fraud:

Pixlett bought some artwork from me for very large sums of money. Then, a few months later, I notice that a couple grand went missing from my PayPal, because she filed a credit card chargeback against me, claiming that she never got the item. Obviously, it was digital artwork, so there was no physical item to ship. She did this for every single piece of artwork she bought from me, and even after backing myself up with a ton of evidence, PayPal ruled in her favor.

And now, today, it has happened AGAIN. Pixlett has filed MORE chargebacks against me, putting me into negative $2,000 in my PayPal account. I start school in a week and need money to pay for my new textbooks, supplies, and gas, but looks like that’s not gonna happen thanks to this fraud.

I have set up a PayPal Donation button on my page, where you can help me out. Even just a dollar helps. Small amounts add up quickly, and I need to get out of the negatives as soon as possible.

I apologize, because I never ask for help, but this is just beyond my capacity of fixing in such a short amount of time. Several other people were also affected by this scammer, so please consider helping them out too.

Thank you! ;u; If you have any questions or concerns, you can message me on here or on my dA.




also - wow … WOW .. I´m fucking mad about this person and paypal - this is really fucked up. this is really a slap in the face for digital artists …

If I remember correctly, if you are commissioning art and making transfers through PayPal, make sure you list it as a service, since when they talk about products they mean something you can physically hold in your hand

Debatable definition, but what they say goes.

I always put my invoices down as services 

Anonymous asked:

Im a new fan. Esp. of one of your newer rp blogs C:


Come off annon now so I can love you XD 

Anonymous asked:

I hope you feel better c:

Thanks annon :D

I am very curious as to who you are now XD



... Ok I can't find my replies I owe... my activities messed up... If I owe you a reply please message me :D

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