
@inkuringu-blog / inkuringu-blog.tumblr.com

I N K 🐙 S H E / H E R read my about

i tried to refollow all of you on my new accounts but since like hardly none of you refollowed me ever im unfollowing everyone that didnt follow me back because guess you didnt want me around you to begin with and all that shit about how much you liked being around me or some shit was a fucking lie lol 


the thing about it though is a lot of like psychiatrists dont see it as a disorder so sometimes ppl diagnosed with it will also be like diagnosed with smth else the physciatrist feels like could be causing it because of them not really seeing it as its own thing and more like a symptom or smth like i wasnt but it happens for some ppl


it’s about damn time elizas problematic alter stepped up to the fight


the little verminia things: going too far over petty things because it’s fun to scare ppl that intentionally try to piss u off


when the 2 week limit on this is up im going to send the blog fanmail and it’s going to be links to either pics of my scars or liveleak vids im doing it for the lolz 

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