


Fluffiness is not the true measure of a Bunny’s Worth

This little lizard jumped on me and started rubbing on my fingers. After some time I realized he was getting rid of his old skin. Mr. Tiny Lizard choosed me to be his “helping-hand” in this important Stage of his life and I feel very honored



IS OFFICIALLY ONE OF MY FAVOURITE KDRAMA OF ALL TIME! i just hope the ending doesn’t screw it over because so far everything has been perfect. We have:

a lead male WHO ACTUALLY IS FORCED to right his wrongs and live with the consequences of his actions 

a lead female with a real BACKBONE who RESPECTS HERSELF and will not take shit from anyone 

supporting casts who have depth and their own stories and pain and not just some random ‘object’ used to move the plot forward

rules that make sense other than the plain old 'because fate is a bitch’ rule

writing and acting that can convey so much pain and hurt that it’s impossible to not be swayed and get caught up in the moment 

and an ost that fits the story line to a tee 

i beg of you writers! please don’t screw up the ending cuz this drama is the finest 


Hogwarts Common Room Scents

Gryffindor: the sharp scent of burning wood, a faint hint of mothball, cinnamon and orange and cardamom, a smooth, warm smell, like your mother's baking
Hufflepuff: warm and earthy, a hint of dew, like an early spring morning, grass clippings and the rich scent of dirt, a hint of rosemary and basil and lemon ginger tea
Slytherin: cool and sharp, minty and refreshing, a mixing of peppermint and evergreen and wintergreen, the sharp smell of a pine forest with hints of earthy undertones
Ravenclaw: smells like rain, the breezy wind bringing hints from here and there, musty smell of old books, sharpness of new books, a mixture of smells from every corner of the earth
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