
Pulsefire Systems Online

@askpulsefireezreal / askpulsefireezreal.tumblr.com

(Hey guys! Mun here. Sorry, but this blog is currently inactive due to a number of reasons :( I may come back to it in the future, but not anytime soon. However this blog is still the main blog so anything I do will have this name on it. If you want to ask me anything or just general shenanigans, please check my normal blog: http://dragonbladerx.tumblr.com/ Thanks!) PEARL: Hello. Welcome to Ezreal's page. If you wish to submit something, submit it in the links below. Messaging systems appear defective at the moment. If your question is not answered within the next 24-48 hours, unless conditions are stated otherwise, please feel free to send it again. Thank you. Overlooking Summoner: Alioran Ezreal's Status: Inactive Question Status: ----

"I thank you for your concern fellow summoner, but it seems that I have lost a lot of my will for the league. My inspiration is wearing thin, and I have been deprived of my own freedom, in a sense. I have been ignoring a lot of my own desires for this blog (which I do not mind since I have enjoyed doing this very much), and school has worn my work ethic thin. Ezreal is a great person, and I feel honored to run this blog beside him. There are plenty of tales that have not been told and I deeply wish to tell them, but it seems time is short for me and there are plenty of other summoners that can do Ezreal much more justice than I can.

Perhaps it is time for a permanent hiatus? Or a semi permanent one? It is hard to say right now.

I apologize to everyone that has followed this blog until now. Thank you to all for your support. I wish I could've done more, but I am very tired and I wish to rest. Perhaps we shall return sometime in the future. This is goodbye for now."


((Erp, small update

I know I havent been posting anything, but I'm sort of on a league break right now =x=

I WILL be updating once finals are over, which is in about 2 weeks. I'm sorry to everyone who's been asking me things recently >__<))


((Happy Valentines day everyone! Or Happy Singles Awareness Day! Whichever one works XD

So just for the fun of it, why dont we play a little game?

Here's the situation: Let's say Ezreal confessed to you, or whoever youre roleplaying, like in the picture. What would you do? Reblog or respond what would happen! Of course this wont be for real; I just want to see how creative you guys can get XD Who knows, maybe I'll respond with something if I have the time today.

Let's see what you guys come up with!))


Ionia's Lunar Revel is here again. The houses and buildings are laced with such bright and festive decorations that it can be overwhelming.

I'm glad Piltover was invited again this year. I was afraid that last year's incident with Vi would have deterred our invitation this year. (Although, I'm not allowed to to disclose what happened; Vi would kill me! Haha.)

((Xin Nian Kuai Le! Or Gong Xi Fa Cai, if you prefer. Happy Chinese New year everyone :D I hope you're all celebrating with your close ones, even if you arent asian.

Sorry for lack of updates, but school is really rough this quarter. Hopefully I'll be able to pull something up soon!))


Um... wow Nasus... you look different.

Anyways, yeah, time travel itself was interesting. Not particularly in a good way. I didn't have a choice in the matter in this case. I was given this suit, not particularly because I wanted it, but because I took the responsibility to keep it safe and to prevent the unfortunate things in the future from happening again. So, getting new power doesn't really balance out the "keeping the world safe" thing (although the suit is pretty cool).

But that's it. I can't time travel anymore, though.


What? You actually read all that Horoscope stuff? There's no tie between personality and these so called Zodiac signs, I can promise you that.

((Personally, I would rather not label Ezreal with anything XD;; But to me, he does seem like an Aries))


“You know, this thing has a mind of it’s own. I even find my own tail odd… Yordles don’t normally have them, so why I do is a mystery. On top of that, it is pretty much useless, except that it has exceptional aim. Here, watch!” 

((Hopefully this uploads okay… First big project of 2013. Happy New Year!)) ((EDIT: To those who asked, it took me about 2 days to animate this. I spread it out over about a week though. 4 seconds long, 24FPS, I drew out about 40 frames worth, but duplicate that a few times because it went from sketch > line art > colors > highlights > Shades > extra edits that are all animated on different layers. Hope that helps with some questions. Enjoy!))



((Haha sorry I'm still a little sick And school is starting again (whoopie) so responses will be slow (as usual u____u) sorry >


And here’s my thanks to everyone who follow me and my pulsefire blog. I wish I could draw for all of you but sadly I don’t have enough time u___u I ended up getting sick the entire last week of my break so I couldn’t get work done for my blogs, so I apologize for anyone who is still looking forward for those lengthy in depth posts.

I never thought I would join tumblr until I saw all the role play blogs. Now I’ve met all these cool people :D and I still hope to improve my drawings and my blog.

So thank you everyone for your support and encouragement! And sticking with me even though I’m not updating as often anymore.

Lets hope for a good year!

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