
The Catching Wind Power (CWP) Compressed Air Enclosed Wind Turbine:

“Traditional three blade turbines knock the birds out of the sky because the birds can not see the massive, spinning, blades that turn between 80mph and 190mph, therefore hitting them and knocking them to the ground, killing them. Our design does not have any external moving parts to hit the birds. Our unit is easy to see so the birds can avoid it, and all moving parts are internal. The blades are mounted behind the windsock and inner compression cone, therefore making them nonaccessible to birds. Also, our turbines make virtually no noise.”


You’re a time traveler who enjoys visiting and watching important moments in history, sometimes you’ll see a few of yourself who came back to watch the event again. You show up to a seemingly unimportant event, and find hundreds of yourself watching intently.


You notice they even copy your movements, you are all in perfect sync, even the blinks. As you go say something, all the other yous move their mouths as well, but there is only your voice, no eco, no nothing.

It’s then that you realize, you went into the very first labyrinth with mirror for walls, and those are your fucking reflects


As it turns out, everything we as humans make up - whether it be lies, stories, or jokes - is a true event somewhere in some universe.  We unknowingly pick them up like radio waves, and mistakenly assume they’re creations of our own minds.  And we’re the only species in the universe that can do so.


So I went for a quick walk to the corner store near me to pick up a couple of things. 

The person who owns the store is an older Muslim man. He’s always been nothing but friendly, to the point of letting me take the stuff I had planned to buy with the promise of paying him back once when my card didn’t work. 

Today I walked in and got my stuff, stepped up to the counter, and started to say hi. Then he turned around, motioned for me to wait a moment, and continued with what he was doing. It was only then I realized he was in the middle of his prayers. 

So I waited at the counter for a few minutes. Then he picked up his mat and put it away, came over, and gave me a free corny dog to thank me for my patience (and because we’re pals).

This is My America, or at least the way I want it to be.

Diversity. Acceptance. Friendship. And bonding over unhealthy fried food.

this is so amazing thank you

This is what America should be. Thank you for sharing this, it’s a nice reminder that there is still good in this world.


i had a dream where there was a new Move and it was a dab but the arms go down instead of up and the hand by ur head was a fist and it was called the Crunch


maddy i’m sorry to hijack your post but 

that’s the team magma pose

holy shit

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