
blogging ideas

@adam3k3 / adam3k3.tumblr.com

channel https://youtube.com/user/Adam3k3

WhatsApp Android dark mode looks sick on my Galaxy S9. Way better than on my iPhone 11. I always prefer the dark gray over true black.

Had to download the apk from the official website as I still did not get the update. Another benefit to Android I guess.

Been waiting for this for a long time especially on iPhone since the app design on iOS has more white space. Had to even toggle a setting to reduce bright colors.


I will admit right off the bat that I'm not a big fan of the live play. In fact, I only attended about 3 to 4 plays in my entire life. The lion king in New York was great but I already knew the story in advance.

Fast forward to today and I'm buying two tickets to a random play in Ukraine. All I knew at this point is that I just bought a ticket to the last play of the evening which later turned into last play of the season.

Everyone was dressed for the occasion. And although we weren't wearing inappropriate clothes, you could tell we weren't planning to attend from the start. Never the less, we made our way to the third-floor balcony which ironically was cheaper than the first floor and waited for the show to start.

Finally, the curtain was pulled and the show began. The basic story was about the medieval warrior who travelled the lands until he came to the town with a dragon. He then fell in love with the priest's daughter and decided to battle the dragon.

The play lasted almost an hour and was full of music and dialogue. Amazing play. I and my brother both had fun and we're glad to randomly drop into this memorable event.

Moral of the story, always experience new things and enrich the one life that you have. Have a good one folks.


Why I still Blog

I started blogging around 4 years back. I mostly shared my gaming experience and opinion as well as Gamming news. I then branched to include some aspects of my life and the things I found interesting.

To this day, my main blog remains mostly about tech and Gamming. I started a second blog dedicated to life events and everything else using the new Ghost blogging platform that made everything look good out of the box.

Maintaining your own WordPress storage while highly customizable and future proof also had its drawbacks. Manually updating and configuring everything can be time-consuming. You also share most of the responsibility of backing up your installation. Yes, some web hosts do help but mostly you're on you own.

Despite the above, I still love blogging and will continue to share what’s on my mind. Creating content was always my passion be it writing, photo sharing our video making. Reading your old posts is as exciting as writing them in the first place. Looking at your own creation knowing that you made something is one of the best feelings ever.

Sure I consume allot of content but I also try to produce as much as I could. Of course, we all have our unique life’s and situations which can sometimes be destructive preventing us from sharing that post idea that just appeared out of nowhere, but content creation is a habit just like any other. If you love it, you will find the time to do it.

One of the benefits of living in the digital age is that everyone carries a content creating device in one form outer another. From mobile phones to laptops. I’m writing this from my iPhone as I lay down in a small apartment in Ukraine while on vacation visiting my grandparents.

I tend to keep my posts short and to the point giving each post personal feel as opposed to big corporate blogs. My goal is to blog more in the future and overall increase the frequency of new content. I will continue to cross-post to social media such as Tumblr and Medium making my content accessible to everyone.

Happy content creation to all.

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