

@its-draco / its-draco.tumblr.com

Hogwarts, Slytherin, wolfstar traSH, girl, 15

Hermione was writing a very long letter; she had already filled half a roll of parchment, which was dangling from the edge of the table […]

Who’re you writing the novel to anyway?” Ron asked Hermione, trying to read the bit of parchment now trailing on the floor. Hermione hitched it up out of sight. 



How many other Viktors do we know?

Sirius: I wish you were my pinky toe.
Remus: Um why?
Sirius: So I could bang you on every piece of furniture in my house.
Remus: ....wow.

endless list of favorite pairings || hinny (harry potter)

He knew that at that moment they understood each other perfectly, and that when he told her what he was going to do now, she would not say, “Be careful,” or “Don’t do it,” but accept his decision, because she would not have expected anything less of him. 

Sirius: I don't want to get back together with you, Marlene.
Marlene: Okay, well-
Sirius: But it isn't because I don't like you ... or I'm still cross with you - because I am.
Marlene: Then what is it?
Sirius: I - I like someone else now...
Marlene: *bewildered* What? WHO?
Remus: *walks into room at wrong moment*

Draco Malfoy in the books

If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know…

  • Draco Malfoy personally made the Potter stinks buttons and nobody could fix them to say Harry was cool and shit, if they tried it would only make the insults worse
  • You wouldn’t know Draco Malfoy was always right behind Hermione in grades
  • You wouldn’t know Draco was seriously the most animated person at school and acted out everything. 
  • You wouldn’t know Draco got deeply offended when people didn’t laugh at his jokes
  • You wouldn’t know Draco created the Weasley is our King song, tune and all. (Probably in the shower or something because he’s such a weenie) 
  • You wouldn’t know Draco and Ron got into a fist fight in their first year
  • You wouldn’t know about the huge knock down drag out between Draco, Harry and the rest of the Slytherin and Gryffindor quidditch team in their fifth year. (Harry  and Draco just fucking tackle each other and start whooping each others asses and it’s amazing.)
  • You would miss out on basically everything Draco says and does. He’s a walking gold mine and It’s upsetting the movies didn’t devote a few seconds for any of his shit (Azkaban did an okay job) 
  • You wouldn’t know about the Weasley is our king buttons he made in fifth year either
  • You wouldn’t know Draco didn’t actually try and fight a Hippogriff he was just petting him and offhandedly said that he was ugly. He didn’t sprint over to him, he actually did all the bowing and what not.

If you didn’t read the books you wouldn’t know that Draco is the most annoyingly smart and artistic little shit you’ve ever heard of. 

you also wouldn’t know that Harry was the only seeker who could beat him. That he suffered from quite severe depression in book five. Quit Quidditch, stopped seeing his friends. He was depressed to the point of looking physically sick. That when he confronted Dumbledore he said he had to kill Dumbledore because Voldemort had his family. Not because he was concerned for himself. You wouldn’t know that he was the only person able to find a way into Hogwarts passed Dumbledores protection spells.


you guys also miss out on the fact that Draco brilliantly sneaks some polyjuice potion from a potions lesson so that he can transform Crabbe and Goyle into different girls all the time so that no one suspected they were up to anything while the two of them guarded the area outside of the room of requirement for Draco.

you guys don’t get to see how his “big bad slytherin buddies” actually tried to calm him down on the train when he was obviously anxious about the whole Voldemort thing. he even calmly laid in Pansy’s lap while she played with his hair.

you guys don’t know about Draco going to visit moaning Myrtle in her bathroom and how she admits that he opens up to her and how he’s sensitive and cries pretty often. and the whole fact that they’re friends.

you guys even miss out on the fact that Draco and Harry meet before they introduce themselves in the handshake scene while they’re being fitted for school robes in Diagon Alley, and Draco has a full conversation with Harry without even knowing who he is.

i don’t think you even get a glimpse of the fact that Draco always receives letters and packages of sweets and stuff from home while he’s away at school.

i also can’t stand the fact that they removed THIS SCENE and basically added the total opposite. how are you going to delete the best character development for Draco, and just make him weak? standing next to his fellow classmates and refusing to cross the courtyard when his family calls him, yelling “Potter!” when he realizes that Harry is actually alive and running towards him and throwing him a wand!! it’s the strongest, ballsiest, audience-mind-changingly scene possible, and they just throw it all away.

((sorry i’m just really salty about how he was portrayed in the movies ok))


Scorpius Malfoy & Albus Potter

“You make me stronger.. and when dad forced us apart… without you.”

“I didn’t much like my life without you in it either.”


Things Ron Weasley would never do: 

  • Give his nephew a love potion (or keep selling them in general)
  • Get married and not be able to remember it.
  • Hold his wand the wrong way around. 
  • Get married as he was in the au situation or talk shit about his own child. 
  • Forget how the Horcrux necklace effected him.
  • Not be able to look as good as Hermione when they are rebels.
  • Give a child a love potion or forget his wedding.
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