
the P is no longer silent (formerly pterezipyrope)

@pig-with-a-wig / pig-with-a-wig.tumblr.com

Madison. 18. A fan of: Cosplay/Sewing. Pretty things. Anything funny. Destiny on Xbox One. My username is BattleKitten123 if you want to add me.

y’all should commission me to help my cross-country move this august!

I’m moving from my hometown in Louisiana to Minneapolis to attend the Minneapolis College of Art and Design!

I’m also available for freelance work! So if you’ve got a project you need help on hit me up!

or you could check out some of my other stuff!


I’ve spent some time wondering at Dumbeldore’s rational for hiring Gilderoy Lockhart and I’ve reached the following conclusion.

When Dumbledore met Lockhart, all he thought was “Oh, this is going to be hilarious.”

I always got the vibe that Dumbledore was like, “there is no possible way for this man to be a Death Eater,” and hired him on the spot.


So, as it turns out, Tomi Lahren is little more than a hypocritical, pandering sellout.

Pass this around. Delegitimize this piece of trash. Remove her platform.


i know carrie’s death is devastating, and i know we’re all mourning the loss of such a bright soul, but in these dark times please don’t forget what she taught us.

don’t forget that your mental illness doesn’t define you, but it’s not something to be ashamed of, either. don’t forget that you are so much more than it. don’t forget that you are not alone in your fight.

don’t forget that a jewish woman was a princess, and a general, and that she kicked some major ass.

don’t forget that you are beautiful no matter what age, no matter how your body has changed, no matter what unrealistic standards you face.

don’t forget that carrie was so much more than just princess leia. she was an author, activist, mother, friend, inspiration.

don’t forget that carrie would be so, so proud of you, just for being here and for continuing to keep fighting.

Anonymous asked:

"ISIS isnt muslim" are you serious??? "ISIS" literally stands for "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria." Emphasis on ISLAMIC (=muslim)

radical islam ≠ islam BOI how are they muslim when they don’t follow the basics of islam?? if i call myself a vegan and eat meat then u wouldn’t consider me a vegan until i started acting like one yet ur dumb ass would be in my inbox saying “farha called herself a vegan so she’s vegan which means all vegans eat meat (VEGAN = Vmeat Eat Good A Nutrition) (FARHA = Feast A Real Hmeat Always = vegan)


for each note this post gets i will pat my dog

her name is nelly & she is soft and lovely & she makes weird noises when she gets excited

alien: hello i come in peace
me: bro wtf an alien
alien: yeah totally
me: dude that is awesome how can i totally be of assistance
alien: take me to your lizards
me: bro did u mean leader
alien: *hands me a satellite image of a t rex* nah bro take me to your lizards
me: bro...... you just.... im sorry bro....you just missed um man........ u just barely missed them

Foster Campbell Is Our Last Chance to Stop Trump

There will be a run-off election Dec 10th in Louisiana. If the Dems can win this seat, it would give them a 51-49 split in the Senate, thus keeping the GOP from having complete control. With the Senate, the Dems might even be able to keep Trump from appointing a new SCOTUS Justice the same way the GOP did to Obama. Run-off elections have piss poor turnout, so this will depend on who can rally more people to the polls.

This is literally our last chance. If you know anybody who knows anybody who lives or is registered in Louisiana, PRESSURE THEM TO VOTE FOR FOSTER CAMPBELL. Pay for their cab to the polling station! Physically drive them there yourself! Donate to his campaign! We need to rally around this like the literal lifeline it is! 


Hey! Yall know this dude, Robbie Rotten? He’s the villain character on the 2004 kids show, Lazy Town. He’s become the face of many memes and fads including the music credited to him and reaction images of him.

Music that features him includes You Are A Pirate (y’know, “Do what you want ‘cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate.”) and We Are Number One (fad song recently used by SilvaGunner)

He’s known for reaction images like this one:

…and lots more. He’s got a place on the internet, and so does his amazing actor, Stefan Karl. Just a few hours ago, it was announced that Stefan was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and it really strikes me as someone who can unironically enjoy Lazy Town as a childhood classic to this day. In order for he and his family to afford medical assistance needed to fight it as well as living expenses, a GoFundMe has been started!

I just wanted to let everyone know, and encourage you to please help this man who has made my childhood as well as thousands of others more enjoyable. Thank you.


I don’t normally reblog, but I want to help spread this. They’re very close to meeting their goal. If you want to help, but can’t donate, then help spread the word and share this with others.

Help out the Leafy’s nemesis


*randomly feels pain on a random part of my body* oh god here we go im gonna die

I get these too, they're like random stabs of pain. I looked it up, it's actually a symptom of anxiety. I think the way it works is your brain is so stressed your muscles randomly contract and your nerves become more erratic. So you feel random shooting pains.


Trans Law Help is a Scam

Fyi everyone that Trans Law Help thing that’s been going around is actually a scam. It’s bring run by the same scammers who cheated loads of young lgbtq tumblr users out of thousands of dollars with a bogus video game called The Arkh Project a few years back.

Please spread the word, and consider instead sending money to Trans Lifeline, The Sylvia Rivera Law Project, or The Mazzoni Center.

NOTE: there are legit people using the #translawhelp hashtag, but do NOT give them any money until they’ve proved they’re a licensed and legitimate lawyer.

ALSO: TLDEF AKA THE TRANSGENDER LEGAL DEFENSE & EDUCATION FUND (TLDEF.ORG) is an actual nonprofit transgender law firm based in NYC and I have physically been there and they were able to help me afford my name change (free and donation based) a few years ago, and they also help connect people with attorneys for civil rights cases & anything they can handle and help you with, they’ve helped me immensely via email & you can call them too it’s a small organization and the people there are trans and LGBTQIA people and hopefully they can help you. You can donate to them every time you use amazon if you use the smile.amazon link:



The electoral college does not vote until December 19th. We have 40 days.

What does this mean?

Right now, the presidential election results are only a PROJECTION of the election outcome. They are PRELIMINARY RESULTS. A candidate still needs to earn 270 electoral votes to win. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, which means that more than 50% of the voters wanted her for president. The electoral college shouldn’t guarantee an override of the public’s opinion– and it doesn’t have to.

There are 21 states that do NOT restrict which candidate the electors vote for. Out of these 21, Hillary lost the following:

As you can see, these states are worth 166 electoral votes. As it currently stands, Hillary Clinton is projected to receive 232 votes. Trump is projected to win 306. This means that 37 votes need to be taken away from Trump to bring him down to 269. Hillary Clinton needs 38 votes ADDED to win 270. These electoral voters can also abstain, which means that they can refuse to vote for either candidate. If 37 of the voters within these states abstain then no candidate will have reached the required 270. In this case, the vote would be taken to the House.

Trump won Pennsylvania, a state that typically votes blue, by less than 100,000 votes. While it is highly unlikely to get all 20 electoral voters to cross party lines and vote democrat, it also isn’t impossible to convince a few of them to be “faithless electors.” We only need to convince 38 out of the 166. That is 23%. There are SIXTEEN states we need to focus our attention on.

A move like this would be unprecedented. However, as we all saw on November 8th, odds don’t guarantee reality. Trump had a less than 20% winning, yet given the circumstances, enough people came together and made it happen. We can make this happen

Ask yourself this: What do we have left to lose? We can stay complacent and accept that this country will be run by a racist, sexist, islamophobic, homophobic, ablest bigot, or we can at least try


SPREAD THE WORD. Trend #NotMyPresident to let people know that we do not accept being led by a man who does not care about our wellbeing. Email your professors, email the dean of your colleges. The last thing a university wants is negative press. Millenials can take a stand, but that doesn’t mean we have to be the only ones. Church-led events helped bring a lot of disillusioned voters to the polls. Spread the word in any way possible, whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or even in person. Stage a peaceful protest. Hand out flyers. Let the people around you know that you don’t accept this man as your leader when he won’t even accept you as a citizen with your designated rights.

These 166 people need to face the consequences of electing this man. 

Do this for the people who couldn’t vote. Do this for the people who live in the very real fear of being deported. Do this for the people who will have to face the rise in hate crimes. Do this for the people who have a very real possibility of losing their rights. Do this for the people who will no longer afford necessities. 

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