stay determinated!

@melissays-blog1 /

Melissa, 22, Peruvian. Stress reliever blog, I make edits/gifs when I'm bored. old url>> jadooterinazar

On of the best commercials I’ve seen in years, BRILLIANT. .. (hope it uploads right my tablet been actin odd lol)

just have to add , you’ll love the twist at the end…

I honestly did not see that coming.

Aww yis.


The one time I can relate to a Justin Bieber gif


no offense but I suck at responding to most messages so please don’t think it’s you. It’s def me.


What if oxygen is poisonous and it just takes 75-100 years to kill us?

My science teacher said he thinks that’s true actually


Yeah this is actually pretty much exactly what is going on. It’s why anti-oxidants are such a big deal. Bonus fact: oxygen oxidizes stuff in your cells or, in other words, it’s not toxic, just setting you on fire very very slowly.

What if there are aliens out there but they subsist on entirely different substances and they’re just scared as shit of us and our crazy ass hell planet? Once in a while some alien anthropologist type suggests checking out the people on this inhabited planet out towards the galaxy’s edge. The other aliens just look at the naive academic with horror. No!! We do not go to that world. That is where the DEATH BREATHERS live. They recreationally consume poisons and are more or less composed of biological fire. Their atmosphere is made of rocket fuel. We must leave the DEATH BREATHERS in peace. Do not go there. Do not.

I tend to always reblog posts about humans being terrifying weirdos to aliens.


Honestly, my goal is to build a life, and career, where I’m not constantly waiting for the weekend. I don’t want to live that way, where I hate five days of the week because I hate my life and job so much, that the only relief I get is Saturday and Sunday. I want to enjoy my life, and not wish it away every week. I want each day to matter to me, in some way, even some small way. I want to like my life, all of it, not just my life on the weekend.

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