
pilar del atlantico norte

@gemini-seadragon-kanon / gemini-seadragon-kanon.tumblr.com

[imagen de sidebar perteneciente a isara] RP INDEPENDIENTE SI ERES UNICORNIA,HIPSTER O FLAITE, PIERDES TU TIEMPO,NO DOY FOLLOW BACK Soy de la tercera casa pero ahora estoy en el pilar norte, mi nombre es Kanon y evidentemente no dire ni hare nada con...
Anonymous asked:

*whispers*you can report the blog as harrasment and malicious speech. pass it on

Hey anon thanks for the tip! I would strongly suggest everyone to do the same… they’re definitely not worth the time and effort. This will hopefully be my last post about this whole shitstorm.

I mean there’s been negativity from both sides. On one hand towards the blog there’s people sending anon hate and throwing ableist slurs that’s extremely unwarranted along with unjustified attacks. There’s no doubt that there are people in the fandom that you might want to stay away from. On the other hand,

i’ve been given accounts from anons and from other people (in and out of the fandom) that have been stalked and harassed from the admins. It’s unfortunate that the basis of creating a safe space and been warped into something more malicious. It’s also unfortunate that spreading socials justice and awareness isn’t done in a more mature manner for such a small fandom.

Whether it’s for a problematic person you don’t like in the fandom or this blog, my suggestion is, BLOCK, REPORT and IGNORE. Don’t give them more attention it’s NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. It’s not worth any effort.

Also please DO NOT send them anon hate, DO NOT harass them, DO NOT make fun of any mental illness or use ableist slurs towards them. 

DO block and ignore. Move on with life. Saint Seiya is a problematic anime from the 80s and look there are definitely problematic things in the fandom along with people and shippings. Be aware of the incest/pedophilia/abuse/homophobia ect. happening and educate yourself and learn to take criticism and grow. People aren’t perfect and it’s good to recognize when problematic things are happening, but, like, it’s not worth any of this negativity and discourse brewing in a toxic environment.

Don’t give them anymore attention. Block and move on. Go back to spreading positivity and making fun of Gestalt.


"Our birthday is coming. How many guests are you going to invite at the birthday party? And the most important question: where will it be?"


we are going to invite… like 20, 30 people? and…can be on Gemini temple?


Ah, I was afraid you will say “in Libra temple” - that place is overrated. But so many guests… Do you have a friends, Kanon?

Do you think my social life was dead,brother?

Of course not. Everybody knows that the twins of Geminis are hella fabulous!

yeah we are more fabulous than Aphrodite and Misty together

And that’s why we need a fantastic party!

what are we going to eat, bro?

Birthday cake of course and drink the red wine.

Chocolate birthday cake?

Sure it will be chocolate birthday cake! Chocolate cakes are the best, hahaha!

yeah! and a lot of red wine!!

Hell no! The combination of you and alcohol is dangerous. Did you forget?

I have no idea about what happened

You said that for now you will be the Pope and every Saint has to bow in front of you.

I see... how much drunk I was?


"Our birthday is coming. How many guests are you going to invite at the birthday party? And the most important question: where will it be?"


we are going to invite… like 20, 30 people? and…can be on Gemini temple?


Ah, I was afraid you will say “in Libra temple” - that place is overrated. But so many guests… Do you have a friends, Kanon?

Do you think my social life was dead,brother?

Of course not. Everybody knows that the twins of Geminis are hella fabulous!

yeah we are more fabulous than Aphrodite and Misty together

And that’s why we need a fantastic party!

what are we going to eat, bro?

Birthday cake of course and drink the red wine.

Chocolate birthday cake?

Sure it will be chocolate birthday cake! Chocolate cakes are the best, hahaha!

yeah! and a lot of red wine!!

Hell no! The combination of you and alcohol is dangerous. Did you forget?

I have no idea about what happened


"Our birthday is coming. How many guests are you going to invite at the birthday party? And the most important question: where will it be?"


we are going to invite… like 20, 30 people? and…can be on Gemini temple?


Ah, I was afraid you will say “in Libra temple” - that place is overrated. But so many guests… Do you have a friends, Kanon?

Do you think my social life was dead,brother?

Of course not. Everybody knows that the twins of Geminis are hella fabulous!

yeah we are more fabulous than Aphrodite and Misty together

And that’s why we need a fantastic party!

what are we going to eat, bro?

Birthday cake of course and drink the red wine.

Chocolate birthday cake?

Sure it will be chocolate birthday cake! Chocolate cakes are the best, hahaha!

yeah! and a lot of red wine!!

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