
gillasue's point of view

@gillasue345 / gillasue345.tumblr.com

INFJ. Supernatural blog. Dean!girl. I am a multishipper, but my primary ship is Destiel. Cockles makes an occasional appearance as well. I do not ship incest pairings and I would appreciate it if they were tagged.

paul hollywood on bakeoff: now, i can see you’ve had a little trouble with your genoise sponge, haven’t you? the egg whites haven’t been whipped for quite long enough, and it’s lost some of that delicate, airy consistency, which means that your 10,000 spun sugar decorations haven’t got the solid foundation that they really need to support the handcrafted marzipan statue of the virgin mary that you’ve painted with edible gold leaf

me, shoving handfuls of reheated takeout pizza into my gaping maw: a rookie mistake


*softly knocks on your askbox* Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and Savior, Omega!Dean?


Dude. I have several minutes to talk about omega!Dean. Let me preface this by saying this is my opinion… I’m not in the mood for hate rn. Now, it’s been a while since I’ve read ABO fic (mostly because of issues I have with world building and the politics within the AU) But I am just a SUCKER for omega!dean. Like I just… he’s just… there is really no other character I can look at and say “that’s an omega,” except perhaps Charlie, and that’s only if her sexuality as a lesbian remains intact.

Because I think gender, ABO assignment, and sexual orientation should be separate things within an ABO universe, and more often than not, its treated like they are one in the same. That an omega is an omega is an omega… That an omega’s sexual assignment, gender assignment and sexuality is all tied up in being an omega. I can’t get behind that.

Now, the ABO universe frustrates me, because sometimes it feels like omega is synonymous with female. Or rather, the idealization of what it means to be “female.” As in: the house spouse, baby raiser, perfect hair, perfect smell, perfect face, weak, meek and basically everything that kinda makes me vomit in my mouth a little.  And I believe it can be much more nuanced than that. 

Often times in fic, I feel like omega!Dean is portrayed as either: A) a “different” omega for his breadth, gruffness and bravado, personality, height etc. “he was like no other omega because was tall and strong and masculine…” Or B) Dean is portrayed as the complete opposite of who he is in order to fit the omega trope, i.e: he’s incredibly slender, small, quiet… unflatteringly camp.

It comes back to the idea that sexuality/gender/abo assignment are treated as the same. That a male omega is essentially treated as the same as a “twink.” That a female omega is treated as a neckbeards ideal spank bank material. They’re treated as a pretty young hole to fill and breed. That they aren’t treated as people first. And that bothers me something fierce.

In regards to ABO, I think Dean is an omega, but I also think he’s a man. I think he’s bisexual. I still think Harrison Ford was his first celebrity crush, and that Demi Moore’s voice makes him weak in the knees (or am I projecting? shrugs) But I am a character first kind of reader. If you can give me Dean first, the same Dean who taught his brother how to tie his shoes, the same brother who puts family first, always, who is a smart ass and a snark shark, then I can get behind most AUs. Make Dean a tentacled lizard for all I care, but he needs to still be Dean.

And that’s why I think him being an omega is such a natural fit. Because there are many tropes within that assignment that I wholeheartedly agree Dean exhibits. For instance, his high levels of emotional intelligence. His ability to recognize others’ needs and to put them first, no matter how much it infuriates me. His way with children of all ages. His capacity to love. His empathy. His compassion. His nurturing characteristics. All of which I believe embody my idea of an omega.  


There are n*zis on campus rn and a student brought out like a 1997 boombox and started blasting Taking The Hobbits to Isengard every time they tried to say something.



Chaotic good

In Jewish tradition, one of our holidays is called Purim. It celebrates the defeat of an antisemitic political advisor to a king who liked to prowl the streets ranting his hatred. Part of the story of Purim involves the people being ranted at inventing a special kind of noisemaker to drown him out. Basically what I’m saying is this student is following a grand tradition whether they realize it or not and they should be proud.


not only is Purim about drowning out fascists, it’s about doing so in the most absurd and embarrassing ways possible! fascism thrives on an aura of invincibility, and it’s hard to hold onto that when people keep making farting sounds every time you open your mouth

so really, weaponized memes are PERFECTLY in keeping with the Purim spirit

*slams fist on table* NOW THIS is the kind of religious/cultural tradition I can get behind! 


Omg omg omg omg deaging?!?!?!?! Holy shit. I think I may pass out with excitement. Omg I am so fucking afraid and excited. And dean acting like he can handle it cuz he did before oh god. Oh goooood.


Imagine it if Dean’s mentally fourteen too. Sam will get a window into Dean’s childhood as an adult man instead of a young child who doesn’t comprehend everything. He’ll see it first hand. On the lighter side, I kind of want to see Dean being a fish out of temperal water because he’s technically from 1993? Like: “What’s a what’s a Google?” *Messes around with Sam’s cellphone* “There’s internet on this thing? Wicked dope!” *Listens to copious amounts of Alice and Chains* 


the possibilities are freaking endless. I really wish that it’s Dean as a teen without memories of adulthood. Like he emotionally, physically and mentally gets reverted back to how he was at that age, and I want Sam to see the way Dean acted as a kid, because I have no doubt that teen!dean won’t be very different in terms of his ability. Because remember, by this point he was carrying his own gun. He had killed a man already. He had been taking care of Sam. 

And I desperately want a moment where Sam starts to take care of Dean on something, because he forgets for a minute that its his big brother and Dean is just a kid, and Dean bristles at it because he’s always been able to do it before and he doesn’t need a grown up to help him. He’s fine. 

Also I think, if claire is still around, that she and Dean will get along, because they understand each other. And Jesus, can you just imagine for a minute the scene where Claire talks about the really bad shit she had to do before and after she met that creep…. and teen Dean understanding and empathizing because he’s been there. There were the days that Sam needed new shoes, and the time he blew a guy behind the motel dumpster because Dad hadn’t left enough money for the rent.

Oh man. Oh man……. and I want Dean not to recognize that Sam is this giant who has long hair and sad eyes. He is singlemindedly determined to get back to his brother, and will stop at nothing to make sure his little brother is okay, and Sam doesn’t know how to tell him that he’s Sam. So instead he goes by the name of Keith like he had in 5x03 because that’s easier than explaining what kind of fucked up situation they’re in.

Oh god and Dean wanting to know where John or Uncle Bobby, or Pastor Jim, or Uncle Caleb… and Sam having to swallow the pain of realizing just how many people they love are gone.

Imagine Sam wondering if he really wants the curse to even be lifted. This Dean might have a chance. Maybe he should just let it be. Let Dean grow up in this time, in this bunker. Let him go to Lebanon High School for all four years, raise Dean as Dean raised him. 

And all of the pain that Dean went through, this Dean wouldn’t have to experience any of it. He could be a normal kid. Maybe this Dean wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss himself. Maybe this Dean wont be so destructive or abusive. Maybe he’d feel comfortable with his sexuality.

Maybe he won’t wake up from the nightmare of watching Sam fall into hell, or watching Cas die for him, over and over and over. 

This Dean won’t remember Hell, or Purgatory, or Heaven. He won’t remember any of it. It will be a fresh start. 

And now I’m crying. 

Imagine the terror that boy would go through at first.  “Where’s my baby brother? Where am I…really? What monster put me under?"  Even if Sam told him the truth, Dean would never believe it.  "This tall mofo isn’t my brother. There’s no fucking way. Who are you really? What are you really?” And Dean would be convinced that Sam is some kind of monster that put him under until Sam can drag up some kind of half-remembered inside joke they had when he was nine to prove to Dean that he is, in fact, Sammy.

I knew we’d had this conversation before.

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