
For the Future. {Autoplay♫}

@eau-accro / eau-accro.tumblr.com

Haruka | 17 | Iwatobi Tracks: eauaccro Free! indie rp blog.

I’m really stressed out atm so i don’t think ill be on tonight..


Sorry for the lack of activity!! I was away on the weekend and before that i wasn’t feeling very good. Ill be on tomorrow!


  Even though things were different and time had patched up the sorest wounds, Rin   found that the looming promise of impending change ate at the sensitive strings of   his heart. Graduation was a strange time, exciting and scary all at once. Taking the   steps towards making his move to Australia hadn’t been particularly rough, but with   more consideration; there was still mild nervousness. 


  A safe move like Tokyo seemed fitting for a guy like Haruka. 

  Amused tinctures flickered to the ceiling whilst the entirety of the shark’s body rested   it’s weight on his forearms and palms. Chin tilting up, rosy lips kept in a tiny upward   curve.”I seriously doubt we’ll have that problem. I’m more worried about you if you are   gonna treat it anything like the way you handle texting me back.” The dolphin was   notoriously known for forgetting his cell phone existed.


He furrowed his brows snapping his head to the side avoiding his friends stare.

“That’s completely different.”


Texting is not a strong attribute for Haru and is likely it never will. The only reason he owns a phone is due to Makoto. It’s very infrequent that it leaves the house, or is even touched. If it does happen to catch his eye there is the off he might check it. Haru does keep it charged at all times even if he doesn't use it. He just doesn’t see the need to keep it on him, let alone have a cell phone.

When he does text he has the recurring problem of forgetting to reply, and of course forgetting the conversation was even occurring in the first place. Having to remember to reply is an annoyance and Haru feels it would be easier just to talk over the phone instead. 

Plus Haru knows he can see Rin almost at anytime currently. Samezuka wasn’t far away. Where as when he moves away keeping in touch will be harder. No longer will they be able to see each other freely giving Haru a reason to respond and reply to Rin’s messages. Haruka doesn’t want to loose touch with someone he cares about like Rin.


"Are you sure they won’t find out?”


“If we get back soon they won’t suspect a thing.” Haru reassured him.


The group didn’t need to know about this. It would be better if this stayed between the two of them. It was embarrassing that they had gotten separated and lost the group. Nether knew where they had ended up, and this was something everyone didn’t need to know about. Of course Haruka blamed Yamazaki for getting them lost.


Makoto finished feeding the disk into the dvd player, turning on the tv and adjusting the volume.


“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” Makoto responded, keeping his eyes on the technology so Haru wouldn’t see the panic setting in his eyes. He had made it through many a horror movie before, he would make it through this one. Whether Haru had any circulation in his arm by the time it was over was a different matter entirely- Makoto had a grip like an anaconda when he was scared.

Makoto fast-forward through the credits and pressed play on the main menu, the screen dissolving into the first scene. He got up and took his spot next to Haru, spreading the blanket over his own legs. The first scene took place in a well-lit wellness center with old people. How bad could it be?



Haruka knew well enough Makoto was only saying that. Sure he wouldn’t be harmed by the movie physically, but mentally that’s another thing. It might cost him some good nights of rest, and maybe he’ll be a skittish in the dark, and even when he’s home alone for the next while depending on how the movie plays out. Haru hoped the best of this film for Makoto’s sake, maybe it won’t be too bad and wont leave a negative impact on Makoto. With anything horror related Haru always worried for Makoto. Not that he would think Makoto would be completely fine Haru figured he would be alright making it through this film so he accepted his friends words and got comfortable.

The pleasant and safe tone of the movie was ephemeral, for worse was coming.


                        (Someone teach me how to photoshop lmfao)

- - Wow, just wow

 +   It’s been 9 months since this blog was born, and to have 1100+ of you homos following me is cry worthy, and believe me when I say I did not expect to EVER even hit 1k ( I cried when I did ) because that is fucking insane amount of real people with hearts and dreams deciding to follow the rough and fun life of gay writing adventures of Andy. ( yes I know I haven’t been replying to shit lately I know that fight me right now )

 +  And of course, you guys, you have made my life so much happier than it was while I wasn’t in this fandom, so many beautiful people living so far away who I need to be with IRL :(((( just just thank you so much for sticking around no matter how terrible/disgusting I was, and for believing me <3 (if you don’t ill fucking fight you too right now let’s gou, talking to you dxsgusting)

 + ANYWAYS, if you don’t follow the people I list right now, you may as well unfollow me right at this second, because these angels are the best kind of human beings I have ever seen in my life, to how fucking quality the way they write, to the way they just are (ooc wise), to how gay/thirsty they can be over swimming homos, I present to you thy SQUAD


harukatobichan — txchibanaasharkteeth—-x cymatiliscxrorcx-nus rei—ryuugazaki( I CANNOT STRESS HOW FUCKING GOOD THEY ARE AT WRITING I CANT MAN THEY ALWAYS MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT THEY’RE TOO GOOD ) 

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