
the little girl who loved big animals

@itsybitsyvetstudent / itsybitsyvetstudent.tumblr.com


hello vet students and pre-vets

i’m a fourth-year who is 6 weeks from my vet school graduation (!) and headed to a private practice equine internship in the US (!!!!!!!!!!) and i have love love LOVED my clinical year.

if anyone has any questions about what it’s like to be at the end of the tunnel, looking at FINALLY being a doctor - lmk. i am HAPPY to spread the joy. 



btw i passed boards and have an internship lined up outside the match

idk who’s still listening, but i made it. after graduation i’ll be a freaking equine vet. vet school can bite me.


i turned 25 last monday, and also started my equine sports medicine elective rotation. the residents let me inject a hock for the first time in my life. i wish so badly that i could throw myself back in time, find myself crying in the shower or under the covers in first and second year, tell myself, This isn't how all of it is going to be. It is 100% awful right now, but one day you will be excited to wake up and get to work.


The neural network has weird ideas about what humans like to eat

So I’ve been training this neural network to generate cookbook recipes by letting it look at tens of thousands of existing recipes.

The generated titles can get a bit odd.

There’s a creativity variable I can set when the network is generating new recipes, and when I set it low, it comes up with its best guess at the most quintessential recipe titles:

Cream Cheese Soup Cream Of Sour Cream Cheese Soup Chocolate Cake (Chocolate Cake) Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Cake Chocolate Chicken Chicken Cake Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate Cake Chocolate Chips Chocolate Chips With Chocolate Chips

When I tell it to get creative, things get even weirder.

Beef Soup With Swamp Peef And Cheese Chocolate Chops & Chocolate Chips Crimm Grunk Garlic Cleas Beasy Mist Export Bean Spoons In Pie-Shell, Top If Spoon and Whip The Mustard Chocolate Pickle Sauce Whole Chicken Cookies Salmon Beef Style Chicken Bottom Star * Cover Meats Out Of Meat Completely Meat Circle Completely Meat Chocolate Pie Cabbage Pot Cookies Artichoke Gelatin Dogs Crockpot Cold Water


my boyfriend and i just laughed for five minutes in line for pokeworks due to this excellent post

Anonymous asked:

is anatomy/first semester of vet school as bad as they say? do you have any study tips? am i going to cry all the time and is there a legit change of flunking out when i was an A student in undergrad? were you able to make time for yourself ever? HELP/

this question is impossible to answer because everyone enters vet school at different levels of being prepared, at different levels of being ready, at different levels of being committed. 

what i will say is: before you start, you have to sit yourself down and promise yourself you WILL make time for yourself. it’s not a matter of whether someone else ‘lets’ you do it - make time for yourself. this is non-negotiable. 

i’m wishing you the best. 


One of the best things that’s happened to me in third year is my part-time job writing for the new vet school blog. It’s the first time ever that I’m being paid to write (AHHHHHH!) and I’m having a blast with the different features I’m doing! Check out my fave so far, with two dear friends of mine: 


-During the briefing for a calf handling practical

Lecturer: So what have you heard about crypto?
Student A: It causes diarrhoea
Student B: Two or three students get it every year
Student C: It's bad and we're all going to die

Friendly reminder that you don’t have to wait until the weekends to live and enjoy your life. Go to your favorite coffee shop after school, call your friend, bake cookies on a Wednesday afternoon, dance around in your underwear. Your life is yours to live and you shouldn’t put it on hold because of work or school.


whats it like to have energy

whats it like to have disposable income

whats is like to have the time?


wowwwww i fucking hate ophtho. literally the worst-taught class of vet school. i'm just going to literally read the rest of the powerpoints and wing it tomorrow. whatever. if anybody reading this like ophtho, i will fight you (but probably just cry in your arms)

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