
There never was a Nippy, was there?

@kimwexlers-brownhair / kimwexlers-brownhair.tumblr.com

She/her pronouns. 30s, white, cis, some kind of graysexual creature. I prefer that minors DNI. https://archiveofourown.org/users/MegGiry_Starkgaryen

One thing that helps me calm down about intra-left-wing sniping and the reality that the big center-left coalition inevitably includes a lot of ridiculous nonsense, is to remember how ubiquitous seances were to progressive politics in the 19th century.  Like, e.g., Frederick Douglas had to go to so many seances. Many, many political strategy sessions around the country had to include feedback from the ghost of Moses who spoke to us via morse code.  

Was thinking again today about Frederick Douglas, intellectual giant, having to sit through so many seances without complaint because he believed in coalition building.


In all seriousness, a lot of people on the left need to cultivate the patience to sit through bullshit and work with people who have different priorities.

Because, yes, environmentalism/reproductive rights/labor rights/disability access are all THE MOST IMPORTANT THING… to you. But there aren’t enough people who hold that one thing as top priority to get it done. And insisting everyone else prioritize your one thing before you’ll engage (and then buggering off if you get your win) means nothing gets done.

We also honestly need to be able to distinguish between harmless and harmful bullshit. Because sitting in a dimly-lit room with a few dozen people staring at a copper cone is definitely bullshit, but it’s not hurting anyone. Whereas “I want to preserve the environment and also there are only men and women and we all need to have traditional gender roles to be true to ourselves” is hurting people. So one can be tolerated, and the other… not so much.

We need bullshit. We need room for bullshit. We need to understand what bullshit we can and cannot handle.

Unfortunately, a lot of people on the left have no problem saying “Because my thing isn’t the most important thing to you, fuck you.” And then they refuse to work with anyone else (and sometimes just quit).

It seems to me the narrative that “nothing can be done” often plays into that. The majority of activists are, well, extremists. We don’t have enough people who can be normal and chill about their cause, who can and will show up for someone else even if it’s not their One Cause. But then, they don’t want to because they can’t reasonably expect reciprocation. So you just get extremists sitting alone seething that no one else wants to work with them while they are unable to work with anyone else.

And that all ties into Frederick Douglas sitting and staring at a copper cone. Because he knew that by showing up, he could get other people to show up for the things he cared about. And an hour sitting with people staring at a copper cone is a small price to pay to get a few dozen people to actually come to a protest.

"Gothic, mystical, unusual, sweet, charming, fun; has a broken baby-doll vulnerability, edge, sexiness, and a heart of steel...childlike beauty..."

(I left Clara Bow and Jean Harlow off the list because they're a bit too on the nose)

Pics under the cut.


that one previous post over Rom.an being a fascist (that I agree with): I dont wanna make a lecture over this, but I saw some tags (not on that post) going "oh, I would not classify Ro.man as an alt right cuz you have to believe and he doesnt believe in anything" WRONG.

If a guy is on an alt right racist rally raising Pepe memes and he's in it "for the Lulz", it doesnt actually matter if he "buys into it", if he "believes it" in his true heart of hearts. What matters is his actions. R.oman's actions are very, very important over how he conduces himself actively enforcing a fascist ideology. That one scene in which he's like "oh we all dont like Mencken (but you gotta hand it to the guy)." says enough. Roman is (like many fascists on this time and age) a covert fascist. He's a covert many things, a covert freak, a covert sexual harasser, a covert queer. You cant buy into Ro.man's discourse, you have to pay attention to his actions. In his actions, he platformized Mencken directly, since he's secretly hard for a daddy that will symbolize all of his father's faux morality (that shuns queerness and shuns anything that doesnt fit into a family's father model for masculinity, obviously, that shuns Rom.an's behavior and personality itself. Ro.man can get away from the brutality that this will ensues since he's rich. astoundingly rich).

And thats truly what matters. Is to further drive the point the megarich dont care, and they barely need to have ideologies of their own, to manipulate a democratic system. He is a fascist because it further serves his class interest and he is a queer fascist because he can get away with it.

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