
There are seriously “olicity” fans who want to see Dinah/Oliver and get pissy when others dare to mention that I don’t know maybe the show shouldn’t have two characters bang others all the time and allow them some me time once in a while. Oliver is already dating someone. Felicity was dating someone. It’s ok for them to stay single for once. It happens in real life, shocking I know.

It’s kinda wrong to suggest that people don’t want oliver to be in a relationship with Dinah just because they are faithful to or insecure about olicity. No hon, people simply are tired of the show doing nothing but giving love interests to the characters just to replay the tropes each year. Characters are more than that but somehow this show insists on putting them in relationships ALL the time to the point that I think I’m watching a teen soap opera. People are tired that the main lead needs to bang every female character with similar age as if their relevance in the show is only measured based on whether they ride his dick or not. Cause that’s what the show pushes when it doesn’t allow a female character on present time to just be friends with the male lead.

You think people just want oliver to stay single until felicity decides to be with him or felicity to stay single just to prove her love but no people are simply tired with the show repeating itself. The show already had them dating others, plenty of times, it’s becoming repetitive and downplays all the previous seasons development.

So excuse them for not wanting a replay of season 2 after olicity almost got married last season and then the writers thought it would be cute to downplay their dynamic as if they had a one night stand and decided to move on. Excuse them.

But hey it’s the peoples problem for not wanting the lead to bang all the canaries that come near him. Totally!


HVFF Atlanta - An opinion shared with David Ramsey

Every HVFF brings its lot of hope and disillusion. This past edition in Atlanta was no different. We hoped for good news, we asked… and happened what happened. (I’m not gonna comment on that - we heard enough about it).

However, there’s always a silver lining in every situation. After a less than smooth SA panel, we decided to cheer us up with a hug from David Ramsey… What’s better than a hug from David himself? Answer – Not much!

Here’s the silver lining of HVFF. Some actors care. A lot. David Ramsey is one of them. They care about what we think, how we perceive the show, what has changed for us and how our experience has been impacted. They care enough to ask about it. I ignore what they do with that information, how they gather it and how they distribute it. This is up to them, not to us.

A lot of you have asked me what the content of the discussion with David was. I’m gonna write what has been said, not what has been asked. I won’t write about David’s reaction, only our words. mine and @kalichica12​′s. David has expressed in the past his opinion about this season – if you’re looking for it, the articles are online. The fandom has become too prompt to come to conclusions for me to even start being his messenger here. The only thing I will say is that David started this discussion by asking for our “honest opinion”. I did ask how honest. He answered by “very honest”. So here’s what we told him about the new season.

- The entitlement of the new crew, especially Rene and Evelyn, is highly irritating

- We like Rory – because he is humble -  and want him to stay

- We are aware that the writers create nice scenes between the recruits and Original Team Arrow to make us like them more (ie the scene with Rene organizing JJ’s birthday) but only to appear inorganic and sometimes a proof of lazy writing

- It would have been easier to accept the new recruits in a season where Original Team Arrow and Olicity were not broken up – Too many changes, too quickly.

- We do understand that adding new characters makes killing off characters easier (eh, it is Arrow at the end of the day) but it’s not enough to justify alienating the show

- We’ve seen a significant shift in Felicity’s and Curtis’ writing between S4 & S5 and not for the best

- We are annoyed by Rene calling Felicity Blondie

- We miss John and Felicity’s scenes together.

- John and Felicity have been sidelined and we miss Original Team Arrow together.

- We do not believe Arrow 100 will be a love letter to the fans. Not our type of fans anyway. If it was so, we would have much more OTA together during that episode. (David’s body language at that moment didn’t really help me feel better about this episode – but here, personal interpretation).

- The show should spend less time filming with superhero type aesthetics – when they all stand together before/after a fight scene - and focus more on the writing of the characters.

- It is a shame the writers felt like they had to send Curtis on the field straight away. Also, why do they have to send everyone on the field? The Green Arrow and Spartan now have backups but Felicity doesn’t. It doesn’t take to be on the field to be a hero and the writers have forgotten this once more.

Here you are. This is pretty much the content what has been said to David. Nothing that I haven’t already expressed here or on Twitter. It’s quite a long list (and we didn’t even talk about Olicity…) but we’ve been asked for it.

Bottom line - David is a precious gem that we should all be grateful for. He is very aware of the general feeling around Season 5 and very eager to understand the rationale behind it. Not everyone is willing to hear this side of the experience. For this only, David proved once more he deserves his status of MVP. 

Anonymous asked:

Angel again with another question. Do u think it's likely that the writers will have Oliver revert to s1 when he was in relationships with multiple women. I know without a doubt that olicity is a mortal lock but I doubt that their reconciliation will happen anytime before the final episodes. I ask because there's a lot of new female characters to choose from, Tina the CCPD cop, the "new BC", talia al gul. In season 1 there was Helena McKenna and LL. I wonder exactly how much back to basics mean?

I don’t tweet, Nonnie. 140 characters or whatever it is isn’t enough for a chatty kathy like me to clear my throat. lol 

And honestly, it doesn’t matter. Those people hating on twitter don’t want to be talked out of their anger. They just want to vent. It’s the Trump supporter thing. They’re angry and frustrated and confused, and they don’t want to hear that their candidate is a morally bankrupt, thin-skinned idiot who is as incompetent as a human being as he is as a leader. They’re not interested in the facts that can back up all of those judgements. They’re scared for their future, so they’re just going to reject any reality and focus on the things which justify their fear and insecurities - like email servers and Benghazi. 

When people want to vent and lash out, logic need not apply. They have their own emotional reasoning that not only makes sense to them, but it feels right. And if this election race has taught us one thing, it’s taught us that a lot of humans place more importance on feelings over facts. So much so, that feelings become facts for them. And it’s very hard to argue against someone’s feelings. They don’t want to debate on the facts, they want to debate around their feelings, and as feelings are so subjective and composed of individual life history’s and personas… well, you can see where I’m going with that. 

And the most problematic thing in all of this that there are kernels of truth in what they’re arguing, but there are all these false equivalencies being made when it comes to what is going on with Arrow, and that is muddying the waters a lot. 

My advice, which you weren’t looking for, but I’ll give anyways, is to either get off twitter, or just block the b-jingo’s out of all the haters with their negativity. Tweet about what you love, promote what you love. You’ll have a much better chance of having credence given to your opinion if you tweet something like ‘argh, that last scene broke my heart, I can’t stand them being apart. Please Arrow, these two belong together, give me back my Olicity’ rather than ‘you dick weeds can suck my balls. You hacks have ruined everything and I hope you all rot in hell’. Straight away you can tell who’s opinion comes across as more valid and which one you’d want to respond to if you were on the receiving end of it. 

So, protect your bubble, Nonnie. It’s integrity comes down to your lock out technique. Follow the lovely @scu11y22‘s lead in tightening her bubble security. Don’t let negative people and hate rob you of something you love. If you can love something, flaws and all, that’s worth protecting. At least, that’s what I think. :D 


@louiseblue1 I almost lost my cool on Wednesday. But it’s people like you who make staying in this fandom worthwhile. Had to make some adjustments. But it’s full rollercoaster ahead for me.


Dear anon,

I don’t know if you will ever see my answer. But I saw this and I can’t leave it unanswered, for my own sake..

You politely stated your genuine concern about the show and what you got for answer is some crazy rant about twitter fandom, comparing fans, who see and point out bad writing, plot holes and all shitty things that are happening on the show, to Tr/ump supporters. Wow.

The author of answer diminished your concerns and twisted things to make you look like a poor, brainless sheep, someone who isn’t able to think for herself and is influenced by big bad negative fandom and recommended you to protect your bubble..

You know what? You don’t need to do that. Your opinion counts. Your concerns are valid. There is nothing wrong with you. Or people on twitter who saw all the stuff coming months and months ago and are upset about how bad this show is in this moment. I have yet to see all that “hate” and “you dick weeds can suck my balls. You hacks have ruined everything and I hope you all rot in hell” stuff on twitter from Olicity fandom. I must have missed it, even when I’m very active part of that fandom, unlike author of that answer.

I don’t know what made you reach out to this person. I don’t know her. The little I saw sounds very diminishing, condescending and “I’ll protect my positive bubble for every cost, even when I’ll actually be rude to people with different opinions” to me. It’s happening a lot around this fandom lately. If her answers make you feel better, then, by all means, keep interacting with her.

But if her answers make you feel bad, make you wonder if something is wrong with you just because you’re not so positive about how is everything going great with the show, then believe me, you deserve better. And there are many people in this fandom, who will treat you as an equal, no matter how different your opinions are.

With love

proud member of “negative” fandom

I think it's embarrassing when someone reaches the point of pretty much labeling people as Trump supporters because they simply rant over a TV show. But maybe it's just me.


Whenever someone romanticized 0lic*ty or refers to Fel*city as being an ‘empowering woman’ 

 Me: Welp! Lets play ‘guess who’s never been abused in their life ever’

This is literally a disgusting thing to say or even infer. I understand you may not be a fan of Felicity Smoak or of olicity for whatever reasons that may be, and I’m in no way trying to invalidate whatever abuse you may have endured. But to reach so far and say “people who like olicity/felicity” have never been abused before is next level disgusting.

My father abused me and my siblings and my mother in every form of abuse you could think of and I have witnessed an abusive relationship in a marriage between my parents and I have seen friends and siblings through abusive relationships, I know them like the back of my hand.

Olicity is not abusive. Felicity is not abusive.

There’s a difference between being willing to make sacrifices, being imperfect, being wrong in judgment, having disagreements and making mistakes, and being outright abusive. So many people blur those lines just because something isn’t “vanilla”. There’s a difference between disliking a character, or disliking their actions, and literally calling them an abuser. They’re both neurodivergent people, they’re nowhere within the realms of perfect.

Tumblr throws the word “abusive” and “toxic” around like its a spice or seasoning. Do you even hear yourself?

I have several friends who suffer from abandonment issues and trauma from abusive homes who relate to Felicity and Oliver and support olicity because they would like to see a realistic portrayal of characters with broken childhoods, who suffered trauma, who deal mental health issues and self esteem issues, and are still work through it no matter how long it takes. They want a realistic portrayal of relationships where the two people aren’t perfect and aren’t flawless in their relationship.

I don’t understand how you could actually say something so gross and reach as far to say “well I guess olicity/Felicity fans never been abused”

That is just so bizarre to me and such vile thing to say especially because you undermined everyone else’s real life situations of abuse/trauma/abandonment and generalized them to justify your hate over a fictional character and a fictional pairing on a fictional show in a fictional world. Like……wtf.

You actually said “olicity fans have never been abused” that’s just the ugliest thing I’ve ever read in my life and so offensive and disrespectful and hurtful to abuse survivors who ship olicity and enjoy Felicity. My mind is never gonna wrap itself around that…

The gross reality is that many of the people who call olicity abusive are huge laurel stans and even L/O shippers. Some are even huge fans of the pairing in comics. So when I see *these* stans claim to know shit about what’s abusive or not I laugh. Cause their fave is the epitome of no self respect after the toxic mess that was her relationship with oliver. Apart from that I agree. There’s nothing abusive in olicity. Not one thing. Yes problematic attitudes sure. But abusive, never. People who reach far to state things about fans being or not being abused need help. Abuse is something hella toxic something based on twisted attitudes and lack of real love, and I haven’t seen anything really toxic in olicity ever. But maybe it’s just me living the real life and understanding the real meaning of the word abusive instead of being a blind stan trying to claim shit about people’s privacy over some shit show, simply because I need to make my lonely self feel better over hating fictional characters. Give me a break with all these cray assholes and their lack of touch with reality. Too much TV hurts pals.


RIP Olicity? Oliver AND Felicity?

No,im actually gonna rant. You know what? I have been shipping olicity since day one. Amazing chemistry. Great characters,special dynamic. However all i see the last two seasons is the show turning olicity into the typical soap couple of cw. I had hopes that in season 4 they were gonna move past the soap drama and the forced contrived conflicts. But oh boy,was i wrong. Now here we are heading towards season 5 and i wish was poven wrong but i know they are digging their own show and characters even more…

(there’s negativity ahead of the post, so beware)


So clexa fans were spamming MTV telling them olicity fans were cheating days now, then some olicity fans exposed their hypocrisy by posting actual receipts of clexa fans admitting cheating and clexa fans call us drama queens? Why, because you can’t whine on MTV anymore and convince them to ban olicity from winning? And if that’s not enough, you come into our tags here on Tumblr and post ugly things just cause you are mad you lost? This is supposed to be fun. You take it too far with the hypocrisy. You all keep acting like olicity is not a popular ship when last year you lost and barely made 500K in the same poll and now you suddenly jumped to 7 million. When you couldn’t win shit last year and now suddenly you win many polls. Yes I can accept that your ship became popular only if you accept that you were up against a big Fandom that has been relevant years now and has won much more awards and polls than you ever did. Stop acting like we are irrelevant cause truth is your ship is what was irrelevant just a year ago.


You realize that the “recipe” you guys showed is fake right??? you guys fail big time misspeling clexa brasil calling them she and messing up the color of the text. You guys made fake recips and of course everyone jump on the “clea shippers are cheaters” wagon and repeated it like parrots without actually finding out if the info was legit 

we know Olicity is a huge fandom. but the fact that we double the amount of likes on the polls and the fact that MTV closed the poll early and announcing it just an hour before is super fishy.

Also, no one cares about a year ago. This is ship of the year, this year, not last year. If you take into concideration what actually has happened this year, clexa IS the ship of the year. But if you care so much about last year…. Olicity lost a lot of votes after mtv cleared the spam. So we have every right to think you cheated. In the E! poll for ship of THIS year you guys just managed a 0.2%…. Is it really strange that we think you could have cheated in this one???

you want to talk about shippers posting ugly things??? look at your fandom, don’t act all innocent.

Checking the tags here i mainly see your Fandom being hypocritical and nasty. I know for a fact many in your Fandom made a trend to spam MTV and let them know we “cheat ” due to using extensions when many in your Fandom used them too. Also, I myself saw first hand many clexa fans openly admitting to cheating. I saw on boards people encouraging others to cheat. It’s not fake receipts. I know what I saw. What gets on my nerves is how you are quick to jump and claim that all our receipts are fake when you didn’t blink when your Fandom was making some fake receipts and spamming MTV (which I also saw myself). Also it’s true you won many polls this year but you also had a poll against the outlander Fandom during SOTY while we had nothing. And i WILL obviously mention our previous win and relevance when your Fandom claims my Fandom is unknown even though your ship barely made any list before Lexa died. Your Fandom used scripts to cheat on previous polls, many olicity fans got upset and stopped voting during the E! polls because of that, so don’t be so confident over your popularity compared to others . Almost every Fandom had little percentage compared to yours in that E! competition which is kinda fishy don’t you think? But hey, we didn’t have the scripts helping us right?

It’s true that you had more likes on your MTV post but there are various explanation as to why that might have happened. Still your Fandom being mad and spamming MTV to ban us is hypocritical considering that I saw many in your Fandom openly sharing ways to not reblog manually. Which is what you accused us of. As for which Fandom is more ugly in this award, I’m pretty sure olicity fans didn’t call people racist and homophobes or ugly hetero whites simply because they didn’t vote for our ship. Check the tags here on Tumblr and see what’s happening. Lastly the votes will be cleared and eventually many will be deleted in both Fandoms. So again, don’t act like many of yours won’t be deleted.

Are those post that end up in your tag tagged as Olicity??? or do they end up there because of the tumblr system?? Many people here are censoring the ship name so it doesn’t show on your tag. but many forget about it. 

Of course we are saying you guys cheated… You guys were using tumbling jazz… wish is an automtic payed bot. that is cheating, both fandom made fake accounts to vote more so I’m not counting that as cheating. The only thing we used was Archive poster, wish have to be used manually and everyday, the only thing that does is queue posts. thats not cheating. 

And once again you guys are repeating what you hear like parrots…. that script you heard about, I suppose you mean this one, if you had made your research you would have found out that the only thing that script did was this: 

It eliminated the rest of the list so we didn’t have to scroll up and down to vote (Since clexa was at the top of a long ass list of ships and the vote button was at the end) and it didnt work for everyone…. thats what it did. that’s not cheating, it mess in no capacity with the number of votes, if we had been cheating we would have won that poll. You guys are so ready to hate on the clexa fandom that you jump at every opportunity to do it, even if it’s not true, you don’t care, you believe it immediately. 

You guys were celebrating yesterday (even when it hasn’t been announced who won the poll) and made a trend about some olicity mafia?? with the fake recipes, you know what the response of the person who made it was when someone tolds them they were fake??? “I don’t care”. 

So again… who is being hypocrital???

So wait our receipts are fake because you say so but your receipts aren’t because you say so? Cause really that’s what you’re doing here. Nice one. Gotcha.

And BTW, feel free to prove that people used this Tumblr bot and feel free to prove that it’s legit receipt. Cause you so easily dismiss our receipts while claiming stuff with no receipts it’s kinda funny at this point.

Really??? I just told you why they were fake, It’s not why I say it lmao. 

I’ll explain again for you

First of all they misspelled Clexa brasil, second, the colors….as you can see they are backwards and third, EVERYONE on this fandom knows that behind clexa brasil are more that one person, no one would ever called them “she” 

The recipes you have are about the virtual archive, wish is manually as I already told you. or how to make multiple emails.

If you want the recipe about the tumbling jazz to see if it’s fake just tell me, tho it’s already pretty public

Nah I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about various others openly admitting to cheating. And I’m aware of the “receipt” regarding this bot. I’m also aware that the account doesn’t exist. So again why are claiming that all our receipts are fake while using your one “receipt” to prove we are cheating? One receipt that you can’t prove yourself that it’s not fake. My main issue is the hypocrisy of your Fandom crying into MTV mentions about cheating with archive poster or multiple accounts and using the same methods yourselves. You made a whole trend trying to prove that we cheat. There was even a dumb account named CLEXACSI or whatever spamming MTV with screenshots of people talking about archive poster days now in your effort to paint us as cheaters and ban us. Once we pulled out many receipts of you doing the same exact thing and of you openly admitting to cheating you suddenly get upset. Again, prove that your receipt is true and then we’ll talk. Until then, your receipts are as valuable as ours and expose your hypocrisy which is that you spammed MTV to get us banned due to us using archive poster and then got mad once we pulled our receipts. The screenshot of the bot claim appeared yesterday. Yet you all spent days before that spamming MTV about archive poster demanding to cancel the voting. Fake much? Speaking of cheating I’m aware of the fact that your Fandom used imacro or whatever to vote non stop by itself and beat outlander. So let’s not try to play the victim card here when your Fandom is well aware of bots and auto voting.

*sigh* every fandom is aware of bots and auto voting… or are you playing the victim now??? We both used archive, as I said I’m not counting that as cheating since both used it.

The thing is, I have no reason to not believe our recipe is true, but I have every reason to believe yours is fake…. since you were caught faking one, you could have fake 2 or 3….. Is that simple. And besides, only you would think an account caught talking about that bot would still be active. And maybe the account doesn’t exist anymore, but the account wish the post was reblogged with the comment it’s very real, I just checked. So I’m inclined to think that the recips are infact true. Also, I don’t even know what a macro is, I just looked it up. If the Outlander fandom are aware of this, I’m sure they used it too. 

Either way, I saw no one usin it, or even naming a macro…. but if you did (saw them, with your own eyes…. not heard about it like with the script) I have no reason to not believe you. 

The point is…. EVERY fandom cheats in polls, if the outlander see the macro, then they were obviously using it…… the archive is known our two fandoms used it. The thing is….. the clexa fandom is the only fandom hated for using them or called out for it. every fandom does this things. every fandom have badd eggs… we have like 3… from THOUSAND of people, yet we get demonized like every one of us is the spawn of satan.

This holy than thou attitude every fandom we have been against in polls (except shoot) is super tiring, thats why people get rude… everytime we start a poll our tag is full of hate… or anon hate. and WE KNOW we have our bad eggs. the point is that other fandoms like yours act like they are perfect angels. and have never said a bad thing in the world. Like this:

but no one cares… because everyone just assume we start shit…. and the most ridiculous thing is that this kind of message came in response of this 

And either way… I don’t find the logic, If we were cheating… why did we lost??? shouldn’t we have win??? same with the E! SOTY, shouldn’t we have won that one too?? It doesn’t make sense. Is only natural for the ones who is losing to acuse the winning team of cheating…. but the winning tam accusing the losing team of cheating makes no sense at all.. 

I'm sorry you make no sense. My initial post was about how YOUR Fandom tried to paint us as cheaters since day one due to using archive poster by playing the victim card. How can you claim it's always your Fandom being accused of cheating when my post was about your Fandom jumping quickly to accuse others ? Like I didn't see olicity fans tagging MTV and claiming stuff about you before you all spammed them to demand that they ban us. So our behavior was a reaction to your childish and hypocritical behavior. And regarding the fake receipts, I know that your Fandom made some I have seen them. So if it goes both ways why are you even trying to go against me in this convo? My initial post was to point out the hypocrisy of your Fandom not accepting both sides used ways to reblog fast. Cause it was your Fandom making trends and spamming since day one . Olicity fans reacted to it by exposing the hypocrisy. That was my argument. You first tried to prove that my Fandom is cheating and when I used arguments to call you out, you pulled an attitude by pretty much saying what I was initially saying. Now you are playing the victim card by posting pics of anons being ugly to some clexa fans which also goes both ways. Fact remains though comparing the olicity tag and the clexa tag you clearly see which side was more hypocritical and nasty. I'm not trying to paint your Fandom generally or as a whole cause I know myself my Fandom is no special snowflake. But in this poll your Fandom was very hypocritical, crossing lines in order to ban olicity from the voting since the start, which is not cool. Simple as that. I don't care if it's expected that the losing team will always accuse winners of cheating. It's still childish and in this case hypocritical and I pointed out. Anyway, have a nice day.


So clexa fans were spamming MTV telling them olicity fans were cheating days now, then some olicity fans exposed their hypocrisy by posting actual receipts of clexa fans admitting cheating and clexa fans call us drama queens? Why, because you can’t whine on MTV anymore and convince them to ban olicity from winning? And if that’s not enough, you come into our tags here on Tumblr and post ugly things just cause you are mad you lost? This is supposed to be fun. You take it too far with the hypocrisy. You all keep acting like olicity is not a popular ship when last year you lost and barely made 500K in the same poll and now you suddenly jumped to 7 million. When you couldn’t win shit last year and now suddenly you win many polls. Yes I can accept that your ship became popular only if you accept that you were up against a big Fandom that has been relevant years now and has won much more awards and polls than you ever did. Stop acting like we are irrelevant cause truth is your ship is what was irrelevant just a year ago.


You realize that the “recipe” you guys showed is fake right??? you guys fail big time misspeling clexa brasil calling them she and messing up the color of the text. You guys made fake recips and of course everyone jump on the “clea shippers are cheaters” wagon and repeated it like parrots without actually finding out if the info was legit 

we know Olicity is a huge fandom. but the fact that we double the amount of likes on the polls and the fact that MTV closed the poll early and announcing it just an hour before is super fishy.

Also, no one cares about a year ago. This is ship of the year, this year, not last year. If you take into concideration what actually has happened this year, clexa IS the ship of the year. But if you care so much about last year…. Olicity lost a lot of votes after mtv cleared the spam. So we have every right to think you cheated. In the E! poll for ship of THIS year you guys just managed a 0.2%…. Is it really strange that we think you could have cheated in this one???

you want to talk about shippers posting ugly things??? look at your fandom, don’t act all innocent.

Checking the tags here i mainly see your Fandom being hypocritical and nasty. I know for a fact many in your Fandom made a trend to spam MTV and let them know we “cheat ” due to using extensions when many in your Fandom used them too. Also, I myself saw first hand many clexa fans openly admitting to cheating. I saw on boards people encouraging others to cheat. It’s not fake receipts. I know what I saw. What gets on my nerves is how you are quick to jump and claim that all our receipts are fake when you didn’t blink when your Fandom was making some fake receipts and spamming MTV (which I also saw myself). Also it’s true you won many polls this year but you also had a poll against the outlander Fandom during SOTY while we had nothing. And i WILL obviously mention our previous win and relevance when your Fandom claims my Fandom is unknown even though your ship barely made any list before Lexa died. Your Fandom used scripts to cheat on previous polls, many olicity fans got upset and stopped voting during the E! polls because of that, so don’t be so confident over your popularity compared to others . Almost every Fandom had little percentage compared to yours in that E! competition which is kinda fishy don’t you think? But hey, we didn’t have the scripts helping us right?

It’s true that you had more likes on your MTV post but there are various explanation as to why that might have happened. Still your Fandom being mad and spamming MTV to ban us is hypocritical considering that I saw many in your Fandom openly sharing ways to not reblog manually. Which is what you accused us of. As for which Fandom is more ugly in this award, I’m pretty sure olicity fans didn’t call people racist and homophobes or ugly hetero whites simply because they didn’t vote for our ship. Check the tags here on Tumblr and see what’s happening. Lastly the votes will be cleared and eventually many will be deleted in both Fandoms. So again, don’t act like many of yours won’t be deleted.

Are those post that end up in your tag tagged as Olicity??? or do they end up there because of the tumblr system?? Many people here are censoring the ship name so it doesn’t show on your tag. but many forget about it. 

Of course we are saying you guys cheated… You guys were using tumbling jazz… wish is an automtic payed bot. that is cheating, both fandom made fake accounts to vote more so I’m not counting that as cheating. The only thing we used was Archive poster, wish have to be used manually and everyday, the only thing that does is queue posts. thats not cheating. 

And once again you guys are repeating what you hear like parrots…. that script you heard about, I suppose you mean this one, if you had made your research you would have found out that the only thing that script did was this: 

It eliminated the rest of the list so we didn’t have to scroll up and down to vote (Since clexa was at the top of a long ass list of ships and the vote button was at the end) and it didnt work for everyone…. thats what it did. that’s not cheating, it mess in no capacity with the number of votes, if we had been cheating we would have won that poll. You guys are so ready to hate on the clexa fandom that you jump at every opportunity to do it, even if it’s not true, you don’t care, you believe it immediately. 

You guys were celebrating yesterday (even when it hasn’t been announced who won the poll) and made a trend about some olicity mafia?? with the fake recipes, you know what the response of the person who made it was when someone tolds them they were fake??? “I don’t care”. 

So again… who is being hypocrital???

So wait our receipts are fake because you say so but your receipts aren’t because you say so? Cause really that’s what you’re doing here. Nice one. Gotcha.

And BTW, feel free to prove that people used this Tumblr bot and feel free to prove that it’s legit receipt. Cause you so easily dismiss our receipts while claiming stuff with no receipts it’s kinda funny at this point.

Really??? I just told you why they were fake, It’s not why I say it lmao. 

I’ll explain again for you

First of all they misspelled Clexa brasil, second, the colors….as you can see they are backwards and third, EVERYONE on this fandom knows that behind clexa brasil are more that one person, no one would ever called them “she” 

The recipes you have are about the virtual archive, wish is manually as I already told you. or how to make multiple emails.

If you want the recipe about the tumbling jazz to see if it’s fake just tell me, tho it’s already pretty public

Nah I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about various others openly admitting to cheating. And I'm aware of the "receipt" regarding this bot. I'm also aware that the account doesn't exist. So again why are claiming that all our receipts are fake while using your one "receipt" to prove we are cheating? One receipt that you can't prove yourself that it's not fake. My main issue is the hypocrisy of your Fandom crying into MTV mentions about cheating with archive poster or multiple accounts and using the same methods yourselves. You made a whole trend trying to prove that we cheat. There was even a dumb account named CLEXACSI or whatever spamming MTV with screenshots of people talking about archive poster days now in your effort to paint us as cheaters and ban us. Once we pulled out many receipts of you doing the same exact thing and of you openly admitting to cheating you suddenly get upset. Again, prove that your receipt is true and then we'll talk. Until then, your receipts are as valuable as ours and expose your hypocrisy which is that you spammed MTV to get us banned due to us using archive poster and then got mad once we pulled our receipts. The screenshot of the bot claim appeared yesterday. Yet you all spent days before that spamming MTV about archive poster demanding to cancel the voting. Fake much? Speaking of cheating I'm aware of the fact that your Fandom used imacro or whatever to vote non stop by itself and beat outlander. So let's not try to play the victim card here when your Fandom is well aware of bots and auto voting.


So clexa fans were spamming MTV telling them olicity fans were cheating days now, then some olicity fans exposed their hypocrisy by posting actual receipts of clexa fans admitting cheating and clexa fans call us drama queens? Why, because you can’t whine on MTV anymore and convince them to ban olicity from winning? And if that’s not enough, you come into our tags here on Tumblr and post ugly things just cause you are mad you lost? This is supposed to be fun. You take it too far with the hypocrisy. You all keep acting like olicity is not a popular ship when last year you lost and barely made 500K in the same poll and now you suddenly jumped to 7 million. When you couldn’t win shit last year and now suddenly you win many polls. Yes I can accept that your ship became popular only if you accept that you were up against a big Fandom that has been relevant years now and has won much more awards and polls than you ever did. Stop acting like we are irrelevant cause truth is your ship is what was irrelevant just a year ago.


You realize that the “recipe” you guys showed is fake right??? you guys fail big time misspeling clexa brasil calling them she and messing up the color of the text. You guys made fake recips and of course everyone jump on the “clea shippers are cheaters” wagon and repeated it like parrots without actually finding out if the info was legit 

we know Olicity is a huge fandom. but the fact that we double the amount of likes on the polls and the fact that MTV closed the poll early and announcing it just an hour before is super fishy.

Also, no one cares about a year ago. This is ship of the year, this year, not last year. If you take into concideration what actually has happened this year, clexa IS the ship of the year. But if you care so much about last year…. Olicity lost a lot of votes after mtv cleared the spam. So we have every right to think you cheated. In the E! poll for ship of THIS year you guys just managed a 0.2%…. Is it really strange that we think you could have cheated in this one???

you want to talk about shippers posting ugly things??? look at your fandom, don’t act all innocent.

Checking the tags here i mainly see your Fandom being hypocritical and nasty. I know for a fact many in your Fandom made a trend to spam MTV and let them know we “cheat ” due to using extensions when many in your Fandom used them too. Also, I myself saw first hand many clexa fans openly admitting to cheating. I saw on boards people encouraging others to cheat. It’s not fake receipts. I know what I saw. What gets on my nerves is how you are quick to jump and claim that all our receipts are fake when you didn’t blink when your Fandom was making some fake receipts and spamming MTV (which I also saw myself). Also it’s true you won many polls this year but you also had a poll against the outlander Fandom during SOTY while we had nothing. And i WILL obviously mention our previous win and relevance when your Fandom claims my Fandom is unknown even though your ship barely made any list before Lexa died. Your Fandom used scripts to cheat on previous polls, many olicity fans got upset and stopped voting during the E! polls because of that, so don’t be so confident over your popularity compared to others . Almost every Fandom had little percentage compared to yours in that E! competition which is kinda fishy don’t you think? But hey, we didn’t have the scripts helping us right?

It’s true that you had more likes on your MTV post but there are various explanation as to why that might have happened. Still your Fandom being mad and spamming MTV to ban us is hypocritical considering that I saw many in your Fandom openly sharing ways to not reblog manually. Which is what you accused us of. As for which Fandom is more ugly in this award, I’m pretty sure olicity fans didn’t call people racist and homophobes or ugly hetero whites simply because they didn’t vote for our ship. Check the tags here on Tumblr and see what’s happening. Lastly the votes will be cleared and eventually many will be deleted in both Fandoms. So again, don’t act like many of yours won’t be deleted.

Are those post that end up in your tag tagged as Olicity??? or do they end up there because of the tumblr system?? Many people here are censoring the ship name so it doesn’t show on your tag. but many forget about it. 

Of course we are saying you guys cheated… You guys were using tumbling jazz… wish is an automtic payed bot. that is cheating, both fandom made fake accounts to vote more so I’m not counting that as cheating. The only thing we used was Archive poster, wish have to be used manually and everyday, the only thing that does is queue posts. thats not cheating. 

And once again you guys are repeating what you hear like parrots…. that script you heard about, I suppose you mean this one, if you had made your research you would have found out that the only thing that script did was this: 

It eliminated the rest of the list so we didn’t have to scroll up and down to vote (Since clexa was at the top of a long ass list of ships and the vote button was at the end) and it didnt work for everyone…. thats what it did. that’s not cheating, it mess in no capacity with the number of votes, if we had been cheating we would have won that poll. You guys are so ready to hate on the clexa fandom that you jump at every opportunity to do it, even if it’s not true, you don’t care, you believe it immediately. 

You guys were celebrating yesterday (even when it hasn’t been announced who won the poll) and made a trend about some olicity mafia?? with the fake recipes, you know what the response of the person who made it was when someone tolds them they were fake??? “I don’t care”. 

So again… who is being hypocrital???

So wait our receipts are fake because you say so but your receipts aren't because you say so? Cause really that's what you're doing here. Nice one. Gotcha.

And BTW, feel free to prove that people used this Tumblr bot and feel free to prove that it's legit receipt. Cause you so easily dismiss our receipts while claiming stuff with no receipts it's kinda funny at this point.

Anonymous asked:

I just wanted to tell you guys [Olicity fandom] good job on the MTV awards. Most of us [Clexa fandom] were just hoping to win this year to honor Lexa's death and Clexa's last year. I hope you know that not all Clexa fans are going to show negativity towards your ship.

Thank you very much. I know most people in both Fandoms are peaceful and just passionate but unfortunately both sides have bad apples. I'm just particularly upset with the hypocrisy of some when I know how hard the olicity Fandom worked for this particular award, due to the fact that we ourselves wanted to prove a point to certain arrow stans and haters. I will always acknowledge the popularity of the clexa Fandom, you guys are very passionate with your love about your ship. I wish we all had more fun with this.


So clexa fans were spamming MTV telling them olicity fans were cheating days now, then some olicity fans exposed their hypocrisy by posting actual receipts of clexa fans admitting cheating and clexa fans call us drama queens? Why, because you can’t whine on MTV anymore and convince them to ban olicity from winning? And if that’s not enough, you come into our tags here on Tumblr and post ugly things just cause you are mad you lost? This is supposed to be fun. You take it too far with the hypocrisy. You all keep acting like olicity is not a popular ship when last year you lost and barely made 500K in the same poll and now you suddenly jumped to 7 million. When you couldn’t win shit last year and now suddenly you win many polls. Yes I can accept that your ship became popular only if you accept that you were up against a big Fandom that has been relevant years now and has won much more awards and polls than you ever did. Stop acting like we are irrelevant cause truth is your ship is what was irrelevant just a year ago.


You realize that the “recipe” you guys showed is fake right??? you guys fail big time misspeling clexa brasil calling them she and messing up the color of the text. You guys made fake recips and of course everyone jump on the “clea shippers are cheaters” wagon and repeated it like parrots without actually finding out if the info was legit 

we know Olicity is a huge fandom. but the fact that we double the amount of likes on the polls and the fact that MTV closed the poll early and announcing it just an hour before is super fishy.

Also, no one cares about a year ago. This is ship of the year, this year, not last year. If you take into concideration what actually has happened this year, clexa IS the ship of the year. But if you care so much about last year…. Olicity lost a lot of votes after mtv cleared the spam. So we have every right to think you cheated. In the E! poll for ship of THIS year you guys just managed a 0.2%…. Is it really strange that we think you could have cheated in this one???

you want to talk about shippers posting ugly things??? look at your fandom, don’t act all innocent.

Checking the tags here i mainly see your Fandom being hypocritical and nasty. I know for a fact many in your Fandom made a trend to spam MTV and let them know we “cheat ” due to using extensions when many in your Fandom used them too. Also, I myself saw first hand many clexa fans openly admitting to cheating. I saw on boards people encouraging others to cheat. It’s not fake receipts. I know what I saw. What gets on my nerves is how you are quick to jump and claim that all our receipts are fake when you didn’t blink when your Fandom was making some fake receipts and spamming MTV (which I also saw myself). Also it’s true you won many polls this year but you also had a poll against the outlander Fandom during SOTY while we had nothing. And i WILL obviously mention our previous win and relevance when your Fandom claims my Fandom is unknown even though your ship barely made any list before Lexa died. Your Fandom used scripts to cheat on previous polls, many olicity fans got upset and stopped voting during the E! polls because of that, so don’t be so confident over your popularity compared to others . Almost every Fandom had little percentage compared to yours in that E! competition which is kinda fishy don’t you think? But hey, we didn’t have the scripts helping us right?

It’s true that you had more likes on your MTV post but there are various explanation as to why that might have happened. Still your Fandom being mad and spamming MTV to ban us is hypocritical considering that I saw many in your Fandom openly sharing ways to not reblog manually. Which is what you accused us of. As for which Fandom is more ugly in this award, I’m pretty sure olicity fans didn’t call people racist and homophobes or ugly hetero whites simply because they didn’t vote for our ship. Check the tags here on Tumblr and see what’s happening. Lastly the votes will be cleared and eventually many will be deleted in both Fandoms. So again, don’t act like many of yours won’t be deleted.


So clexa fans were spamming MTV telling them olicity fans were cheating days now, then some olicity fans exposed their hypocrisy by posting actual receipts of clexa fans admitting cheating and clexa fans call us drama queens? Why, because you can’t whine on MTV anymore and convince them to ban olicity from winning? And if that’s not enough, you come into our tags here on Tumblr and post ugly things just cause you are mad you lost? This is supposed to be fun. You take it too far with the hypocrisy. You all keep acting like olicity is not a popular ship when last year you lost and barely made 500K in the same poll and now you suddenly jumped to 7 million. When you couldn’t win shit last year and now suddenly you win many polls. Yes I can accept that your ship became popular only if you accept that you were up against a big Fandom that has been relevant years now and has won much more awards and polls than you ever did. Stop acting like we are irrelevant cause truth is your ship is what was irrelevant just a year ago.


Vote now for Ship of the Year by liking and reblogging your OTP here on Tumblr! Remember, notes = votes, so  be sure to show your favorite ship some love and tune into the 2016 @mtvfandom​ Awards on July 24th at 8/7c to see who wins!

have another @mel-loves-all but in a white shirt. 


@andjustforthismoment SALLLLL!!!! The next step would be NO shirt, right?!!! LMAO


Yes yes yes! 


Vote now for Ship of the Year by liking and reblogging your OTP here on Tumblr! Remember, notes = votes, so  be sure to show your favorite ship some love and tune into the 2016 @mtvfandom​ Awards on July 24th at 8/7c to see who wins!


Olicity folks, you absolutely SLAY! 5 millon votes for MTV Ship of the Year? You are FANTASTIC. But we can’t rest. There are 8 more days of voting so keep up the good work. Thank you. Danke. Muchas gracias. Maraming salamat. Merci. Grazie.


Vote now for Ship of the Year by liking and reblogging your OTP here on Tumblr! Remember, notes = votes, so  be sure to show your favorite ship some love and tune into the 2016 @mtvfandom​ Awards on July 24th at 8/7c to see who wins!

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