
I noticed they changed Makoto's battle stance.

In FES he's much more crouched down and feral while in Reload, his posture is A++ and he's holding out his hand in front of him. (Reminds me of Aqua Kingdom Hearts actually)

I wondered if they took his stance from the Persona 5 Royal DLC but no, that stance is different as well. He is standing up straight, but he also has his hand in his pocket/on his belt in a much more relaxed fashion. He doesn't really look like he's fighting a 4 on 1 battle.

I started to wonder, "Did they copy Joker's stance onto him or something???" But no. His stance is not like Joker's at all. In fact, Joker's stance is a lot like Makoto's stance from FES.

Feed wide apart, left side of the body facing forward (for the most part). What probably happened is they took inspiration for Joker's stance from Makoto originally. Now in the remake, they needed to give Makoto a new stance to differentiate him from Joker again. Haha.

All of this is very irrelevant but fun to think about. I still think Makoto will only be able to use swords in the Reload sadly, but it does cut down on development time to program all those weapons and animations to work with him. Just kinda sad a bit of Persona's 3 uniqueness will be wiped away with history.

Also I must say, P3R is looking amazing. Just comparing Makoto's current model to his P5R one?? I'm in awe of how good he looks. It's so detailed and expressive in comparison. Even compared to the dancing game.

I'm so happy they didn't just stick with the P5R engine and went a little above and beyond to craft something unique. I'm also willing to bet everything they've learned for P3R will be used for future Persona games.


4 the whole crew bc i think its rlly cute when ppl help make battlejackets for their friends 🤝


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well, guess im really utilizing this website now


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