
Copper Eyes and a Lion Heart

@coppereyed / coppereyed.tumblr.com

I don't know, y'all

Accidental and unwanted pregnancies would still happen even if we had free over the counter birth control and made all condoms free....becoming pregnant when you don’t want to is morally neutral, and so is terminating that pregnancy. Zeroing in on reducing abortion is ridiculous. There is nothing bad or wrong with having an abortion, and the real goal should be to make sure they’re always readily available no questions asked

No, it’s not. Abortion is the safest routine medical procedure period. Abortion is not traumatizing, the vast majority of women report feeling relieved above all post abortion. It’s neither unsafe nor unhealthy. You are falling for anti abortion propaganda rooted in falsehoods and false assumptions about abortion and stating it as fact. Stop doing that.


giving birth is a procedure that can be dangerous and traumatic at a much higher rate than getting an abortion I would say


so there was a shooting that happened at 3 spas in Atlanta that killed 8 people, six of which were asian women. the articles i was going to link had pictures of the shooter, which i am not going to spread, but this can be easily validated with a google search.

here are links to donate. i'm very tired.

other asian americans feel free to drop their donation links too. mine is in my blog description. thanks


its funny when edgy dudes are like “humans are unnatural. we are the only species that will consume so many resources that the land can not sustain us and still continue to reproduce. name one other species that does that” because like, off the top of my head? deer. 


Antivaxxers and antimaskers are class traitors. They put their own individual wants before the needs of those who are vulnerable. They don't deserve anyone's sympathy and should not be engaged in good faith because what they represent is reaction in its most pure form and is always connected with some deeper bigotry. At the core of their ideology is a hatred for the most vulnerable people in society. They're eugencists through sheer stupidity, they don't even have to try.

It's truly a death cult and culmination of years of individualist libertarian ideology, white supremacy, and colonialism. Antimaskers are literally on every continent on the planet and they're always attached to western conservative movements. It's very clear to see its origins as a result of bourgeois ideology.


if you are in high school and you follow me idc if you learn nothing else from me, but learn this: do not join the fucking military. they will promise you all sorts of things in exchange for joining their muder-system for a few years. do not listen to them. you won’t find a sense of purpose, you won’t find an adventure, you might not even get the money they promise you for college. if you survive, you’ll come back with blood on your hands, feeling just as aimless as before except knowing you’re a killer. the government will drop you like hot potatoes the second you are not useful to them, and you will be on your own with nothing but some ptsd and a more intimate understanding of the phrase “blood for oil.”


They also have a way of targeting POC as well as those who are in a family that isn’t doing well financially. Be wary of any and all recruiters.


ya know what, this year sucked so much in so many ways. it was painful, unfair, cruel and difficult, to say the least. the new year won’t magically erase all of the problems and issues we’ve faced in 2020 but i genuinely hope you and your loved ones are able to catch a break. i hope 2021, in whatever ways possible, is kinder to you. i hope healing comes fast and i hope all the heaviness put upon you starts to lessen


it's always a good day to complain about English speakers


Important addition: Maria Skłodowska-Curie was born during partitions, which means Poland didn’t exist, which means her insistence that she was Polish was a significant act of defiance against the occupation, which means that you should respect that instead of arguing that ‘well she had French citizenship’. She couldn’t have Polish citizenship despite being Polish, that’s kinda the point she was making by keeping her maiden name and naming a chemical element she discovered ‘Polonium’ .


L with a dash through it (ł) makes a “W” sound. and W makes a “V” sound.


Thank you for the pronounciation guide instead of the condescending guilt trip



i have 495 people following me right now, including several mutuals. i better see y’all reblogging.


People might not be reblogging this because the first tweet makes unnecessary (and untrue) Holocaust comparisons. Taken from @nat_slay on Twitter (I don’t know the original source):

The “ways to help” info seems good afaik but feel free to correct me if I’m wrong there too.


As a Jewish person, I appreciate those saying that this is not okay and that it is misinformation. No, 6 million Uyghur Muslims have not been murdered.

And, as a Jewish person, I know that 6 million very well could be murdered. This is not another Shoah, but it very well could become another. As a Jewish person, I feel we must say “never again.”

Never again.

“Never again” does not mean “this event was so uniquely horrible, it could never happen again.” It means “this event was horrible, but not unique. We have to make sure it never happens again.”

Never again.

The Uyghur death count isn’t 6 million, that is misinformation. But “never again” means we have to make sure it doesn’t become 6 million.

If you are not Jewish or Romani, do not draw comparisons to the Holocaust. All that provides is shock value and misinformation. What you can do is support Uyghur Muslims.

The link to the original post doesn’t work—here are other sources:

Groups to donate to:

Petitions to sign:

If you have more relevant resources, please share them. Petitions are likely meaningless in contrast to the Chinese government.

For those who are able to, take action. For those who are unable to take action, please share.


vegans who refuse to even eat backyard eggs….why

people who think its unethical to eat chicken eggs are like people who think bees should keep all their honey. they literally produce more than they need and your unwillingness to even buy local means you are doing nothing to help them, support your small farmers you heathens

This is not true.

1) honeybees do not produce “extra honey.” And beekeepers don’t take some of the honey, they take all of it.

2) chickens have been artificially selected from naturally producing eggs once a month to producing eggs every couple of days. Their bodies are not sustainable and the health complications of this rapid egg production kills chickens.

Hey idk who like. Lied to you about the way honey farms work, but could you stop spreading misinformation? Are you a beekeeper?

Because I am!

Beekeepers make sure hives are fed before there is pollen in the air, protected from predators and the elements, and have enough honey to sustain themselves. We don’t take all of it.

But overproduction of honey leads to stagnation in the hive. It puts stress on the queen to lay eggs, and when they inevitably fill up all their space with honey (instead of filling up the multiple empty, clean boxes of frames beekeepers might put on top of the main hive box), the queen can get so stressed she dies. If there’s a spike in the weather and the hive hasn’t prepared new queen brood, that’s it! The colony is dead. Because there wasn’t enough space for eggs and honey in the hive.

Beekeepers take excess honey. We are constantly monitoring the state of the hive, checking for parasites, analyzing the eggs for diseases, and making sure they are fed and healthy (usually with sugar water and pollen substitutes until they have made enough honey to sustain themselves in the early spring months). If a queen dies prematurely, we make every attempt to replace her to save the colony.

I know there’s an urge to patronize everyone who works in the farming industry, but try to understand the differences between small scale agriculture and industrial farming. There IS a difference. And stop spreading misinformation.

If you’re this passionate about ethical consumption, look into some of the ecofeminist research on non-hierarchal interspecies relationships (working on building animal-human relationships in a non exploitative way).

But yeah! Stop spreading misinformation! Please 🐝

Also if I can harp on the chicken part?

Yea Chickens are some of the most abused animals on big factory farms and I’ll be the first to admit it’s criminal and more needs to be done to regulate this.

Yes selective breeding over time has caused an increase in the ammount of eggs produced by chickens and factory farms have some messed up practices to get more eggs from them including forced moutling.


Many people take to raising their own hens because of America’s immoral treatment of hens in factory farms like you’re not helping the poor chicks by starving these farmers financially you’re just hurting the one people trying to change things and making the OPTION of cage free organic cruelty free eggs even harder to find

Yeah, as someone who like… lives on a chicken and duck farm… Coops help keep wild animals out but birds are kinda dumb. And chickens literally do not need to keep the unfertilized eggs! 

Most chickens will sit on unfertilized eggs until they can tell if they are or not… By the smell of rotting egg. Yeah, ew. Farmers can hold that bitch to the flashlight and tell if there’s a baby in there! They know! The eggs are not being abused!

Also - once a month? Like thousands of years ago maybe? Because Grandpa had chickens he literally let just roam around his farm and built coops and scattered corn for them and I helped collect the eggs, and believe me, those chickens each laid more than once a month.


As a beekeeper…what the fuck? No we don’t take all the honey. That would be downright ridiculous. 

Reblogging for the bee facts. Love me some bees. 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝


And chicken facts!


It's hard to explain how alienating the media has been this year as an "essential worker". Every single piece of media produced this year is about how "we're all" stuck inside all the time now, and I'm just like..... I got two weeks at home when I actually had covid and otherwise have gone to work every single day I normally would. All these adverts and news show lines about how we're all in this together and we're all spending our days baking banana bread and zoom calling and all this and I'm like..... Well, not all of us I guess. And it's weirdly alienating and makes you feel weird and cut off


2020 is almost over and all I gotta say is what the fuck was that


are you one of those fuckin time travelers

date of origin of op’s post: october 4th, 2018


What the fuck op


[Image ID: infographic, or something of that sort, titled “Three Ways to Avoid COVID-19 Vaccine Scams. Its body text says “While vaccination details are getting worked out, here’s what you can be sure of:” then it goes into bullet points. Bullet point number one says “You can’t pay to put your name on a list to get the vaccine. That’s a scam.” The second bullet point says “You can’t pay to get early access to the vaccine. That’s a scam.” The final bullet point says, “Nobody legit will call about the vaccine and ask for your Social Security, bank account, or credit card number. That’s a scam.” Following the bullet points, it says in the same size text, “Ignore any vaccine offers that say different, or ask for personal or financial information. At the bottom, it says “Learn more at ftc.gov/coronavirus/scams”. /End ID]


someone: prohibition in the united states was largely ineffective, cost millions, tried to force a religious belief on the entire country, only ever resulted in the increase in consumption of alcohol, as well as the increase in police violence, and ultimately failed

people: okay yeah that’s true

someone: the war on drugs is the exact same thing except this time because of the militarization of the police and private prison interests, is much, much more deadly and specifically exists to justify and widely reinstate slavery within the united states

people: what? but drugs are #bad, and we can’t let people use them. obviously this is the only way to deal with this situation


seeing people actually saying ‘don’t mock trump supporters, some are your friends’ like….no they’re fucking not, i promise you that.

democrats with no spine: Stop mocking trump supporters…have some sympathy…some of these people are your friends .



literally who CARES if straight cis men are wearing skirts for ‘clout’!!! I want to live in a world where being gnc is desirable to them rather than one where they make bigoted jokes about it. it’s GOOD that people with the privilege to do so are normalising gender non conformity and i dont give a shit if they have deliberate political intentions or if they’re just having fun you guys are all so annoying

we could be using the tiktok boys to kickstart a movement around men wearing skirts that would benefit gnc and trans people but you guys want ideological purity before u want results

i agree wit this but at the same time a lot of these guys are performing to be gnc in order to attract women and that’s a problem,,,,

is it?

do you think men have never tried to make themself attractive to women before? why is it that you suddenly have an issue with that when they’re not doing so in a socially approved way? Why do you view gender nonconformity as any more ‘performative’ than mainstream, conformative choices of presentation?

This just in, it’s morally wrong to want to look hot


also, let it be perfectly 100% unequivocally clear, the idea that “men are dressing up as women in order to lure them into sex” is an extremely old and blatant transmisogynistic trope to cast transfeminine people as predators and its extremely fucked up and alarming that this is becoming a talking point im seeing parroted over and over again by young people who seem to think this is progressive and pro trans of them

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