
Sugar Milk

@suitemilk / suitemilk.tumblr.com

A NSFW Blog: Writer. Researcher. Observer. Aspiring minimalist. Photographer. Music collector. Social Drinker. Sex enthusiast. Urban. Queer. Accepting. Public Transportation. Spring and Autumn Memoir

PSA about reblogs and reposts.

Reblogs are when you see a post you really like and you use the reblog button to show it to your followers on your own blog. This keeps the post in circulation and it's helpful and appreciated by the post creator (if it's not stated otherwise). This goes especially for creative posts. It also offers the chance to write something nice in the tags or in the reblog.

Reposts are when you see a post you really like and you just copy it and then make your own post, either on Tumblr or any other site on the internet. This erases the creator's credit (yes, even if you keep their name in screenshots, that's not enough) and they lose control over their own creative work. This is most likely not appreciated.

Also important for all the new arrivals to our favourite hellsite!


DO NOT FORGET the things you create are just as unique and singular as you are. NOBODY ELSE can make what you can in WAY that you can with the HEART AND SOUL that you can. you are the only one who can gift this timeline with your art and ideas and this power is at your fingertips


I like tumblr because it’s the only social media platform that isn’t like “look how great my life is going right now!” it’s literally just shitposting. it’s the one website that doesn’t destroy your self esteem. no one has ever read a text post that just said “bungus” and been like “wow they have their whole life together and I wish that could be me” and I’m here for it


How to Recognize a Toxic Friend

1. Is this a person who always puts you down? A friend is someone who accepts you as you are – and allows you to be different, and to think for yourself, and to make your own decisions – without an explanation. However, if a person is demeaning or always puts you down, criticises your opinions, or the way you dress or look, then that’s someone to avoid as they’re a toxic friend.

2. Do they gossip about you? A friend is someone you can totally trust. You can share your deepest secrets, and say what’s on your mind – and they won’t tell a person or betray your trust. However, if you always have to watch what you say around a friend, as they’re likely to gossip or let a secret slip, then it’s likely that this person is a toxic friend.

3. Do they constantly mock and make fun of you? A bit of gentle ribbing shows affection between friends. But if they’re always making fun of you, or highlighting your faults, or attacking you in public, then they’re not a genuine friend.

4. How do you feel after being with your friend? Think about your answers to the following:

- Do you feel defensive when you spend time with them?

Do you feel hurt or upset after spending time with them?

- Do you feel as if you always have to justify yourself instead of being “natural” around your friend?

- Do you enjoy their company or do you feel ambivalent?

- Do they undermine your confidence and self-esteem?

- Do you feel attacked and used after spending time with them?

- Does the friendship feel unbalanced and require a lot of work?

- Is it more a competition than a genuine friendship?

Note: If you recognize the signs of a toxic friend, then it’s time to move on and find a different friend. Being with this person will wreak your happiness.


mental health tips

{day 12 of #wilstudiesfeb}

for bad days

  • get some sunlight
  • workout
  • have a warm drink
  • sink into your hygge
  • create something, the world needs more creators
  • call someone and vent
  • watch some vine compilations
  • take a luxurious bath (or shower if they’re more your thing)
  • wear something comfortable
  • colour in a colouring book
  • doodle
  • scroll through some positive reminders on tumblr or pinterest

important ~ daily

  • make sure you’ve eaten in the last 6 - 8 hours
  • make sure you’re hydrated
  • how long have you been sitting still for? have a stretch.
  • set alarms for any medication that needs to be taken. seriously, it only takes a matter of seconds, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

small things to do if life is going smoothly

  • meditate for 10 minutes
  • call a loved one
  • cook a nice breakfast
  • moisturise
  • brush your hair
  • smell something nice whether it’s a candle, bodyspray or a plant.
  • drink some more water
  • improve your posture
  • research what you can do to help the world
  • change your sheets
  • make your bed
  • open your windows, let some fresh air in
  • kiss your body, caress your body. love yourself.
  • delete conversations between people you no longer talk to.


  • “you are allowed to be proud of the little things you achieve; like becoming better in a video game, baking really good pancakes or just getting out of bed today - not everything you do has to be world changing” - @gentle-reminder
  • “Don’t ever do something simply because someone else forces you into it. At times, people may try to make you do things that you may not want to do. However, you must respect yourself and only contribute to what you feel comfortable with doing.” - @thepowerwithin
  • “There will be other tests. Other assignments. Other jobs. But there might not be another chance to dance with your sister on her wedding day. You may never get another opportunity to sing along to all your favourite songs at a concert. There are no guarantees. So, forget the test. Miss the assignment. Skip the work day. Life isn’t made by those things. It’s made by living. By experiencing and enjoying every thing we can while we’re still here.” - @ifthenightcouldtalk
  • “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.” - @psychofactz

I have so so so many more tips that I’d love to share, so perhaps I’ll make a part two next month aimed at a different audience, who knows? In the meantime feel free to ask me for advice or send me a message if you ever need anything! I’ll leave you with a sweet little meditation gif below :3

Much love xx -wil

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