
@markdelfigilo / markdelfigilo.tumblr.com

Just a cool gal who likes animals.

What they don’t tell you: Self care sometimes isn’t fun. It’s going to class even when you want to stay in bed and rest. It’s paying bills on time and running errands even when every strand of your being cant stand it. It’s going to therapy and taking your medicine even when you don’t want to. It’s using coping skills even when going back to self destructive ones seems more appealing.

Recovering sucks. It’s hard. But you have to believe in the light at the end of the tunnel. And even on those days you don’t, you fake it till you make it.

Recovery is still worth it.


Sometimes self-care is taking care of future-me. Because she deserves to have someone looking out for her. 

Someone finally said it, letting yourself always have a break whenever you don’t have the energy for responsibilities isn’t how you take care of yourself 


i was at the grocery store and did the whole ‘how r u’ ‘good how r u’ ‘good’ thing with the cashier and as i was leaving the person behind me was doing the thing too but this time the cashier said ‘not so good’ so what happened


if the loch ness monster is ever proven to be real i’m throwing a huge party and im gonna get Fucked Up


Work in progress. I’ve been stepping out of my comfort zone lately by painting without linework. #teapainting #tea #portrait #workinprogress

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