
Little Bit Of 4'10"

@halleydoedog / halleydoedog.tumblr.com

Halley KYšŸŒ¾COšŸ”Converted Trailer Owner
Animal Rescue | 26 | Pasta Whore |

Why give a shit about myself when no one else does?


Tumblr is my getaway social media. A lot of people who know me personally donā€™t even know I use it which gives me somewhere to go and think of my thoughts


Itā€™s not that they donā€™t have the time itā€™s that no one actually gives a fuck


Having to keep myself together somehow every single day is getting harder and harder. I am pushing myself harder than I know I should be but I know I donā€™t have any other option. Iā€™m just really tired.


take me laser tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me. then shoot me and walk away.


take me laser tagging and then push me into a corner and kiss me. then shoot me and walk away.


ā€œThatā€™s not fair!ā€

ā€œCan we please just go?ā€Ā 

ā€œNo, Conner, not until Iā€™ve made my case!ā€

ā€œWhat case? The teams are even already,ā€ Conner scowled, irritated.

ā€œBut you guys got Artemis!ā€

ā€œSo, you have Conner and Megan,ā€ Dick pointed out, eyebrows raising over dark sunglasses; Wally didnā€™t even know how he planned to see anything at all in the dark laser tag arena, but he supposed it would be some free points for his team.

ā€œUnfair advantage, sheā€™s an archer! And sheā€™s also my girlfriend, I got dibs!ā€

ā€œExcuse me?ā€ Artemis cut in, giving him a mildly dangerous look for his poor word choice. He had the decency to look apologetic about it, but he didnā€™t let that deter him from his case.

ā€œSorry, babe, but like, come on! I totally need you by my side in laser tag, with my lightning fast reflexes and your ridiculous aim, weā€™ll be unstoppable!ā€ Wally exclaimed, pumping his fist at an imaginary total victory, and Artemis canā€™t help but smirk fondly despite herself.

ā€œAdvantage it may be, but we cannot simply exclude Artemis from our activities,ā€ Kaldur said evenly, ever the voice of reason.

ā€œItā€™s okay, Kaldur,ā€ Artemis piped up, flinging the laser gun up to hold it in both hands, and cocking one hip in Wallyā€™s direction. He knew that challenging stance before she even opened her clever mouth, and it was amazing how he wanted to groan in dismay and kiss said clever mouth until it was red at the same time.Ā ā€œWallyā€™s just afraid to get his ass handed to him by his girlfriend.ā€

ā€œBabe, please,ā€ Wally snorted, moving closer to her and shooting her a sly look.Ā ā€œYou hand my ass to me all the time. You know I like it.ā€ He waggled his eyebrows, and Conner let out a slightly disgusted sound.

ā€œIs it TMI Tuesday already?ā€ Dick asked the room at large, pretending to pull out his smart phone to check the date.

ā€œIf you like it so much, then suck it up and take it.ā€

ā€œFor the love ofā€“ LETā€™S GO ALREADY!ā€ Conner yelled, and a good thing too, because the lovebirdā€™s faces had drifted alarmingly close.


Two rounds in and Wally West was sick of being on the losing side. One match left, one last chance to redeem themselves. He told Conner and Megan as much while they waited a minute for the points to be reset.

ā€œAlright men!ā€ Wally stated, then backtracked, pointing at Megan.Ā ā€œAnd babe.ā€ Conner scowled, but Wally plowed on.Ā ā€œThis is our last fight! Weā€™ve totally sucked it up, but I know we can win!ā€

ā€œBut, Wally, itā€™s been so fun anyway!ā€ Megan said, grinning happily.Ā ā€œWhatā€™s it matter if we lose all the rounds?ā€

ā€œIā€™ll tell you why it matters!ā€ Wally gasped, his voice rising in volume. He pointed outside the little room they were in, to the darkened, space themed room that served as their battle ground.Ā ā€œKaldurā€™s the only decent human beingā€¦ er, Atlantean, out there that wonā€™t rub it unmercifully in our faces for weeks to come!ā€

Megan laughed; Conner looked unimpressed.

ā€œOh, Wally, theyā€™ll only do that to you!ā€

ā€œYeah,ā€ Conner grunted.Ā ā€œYou make it too easy for them.ā€ He shrugged, inclining his head at his martian girlfriend. ā€œWe just donā€™t care.ā€

ā€œNope!ā€ Megan chimed in, hoisting her gun up as the ding and countdown timer of ten seconds started to signal the last fight.Ā ā€œNow come on, letā€™s have some more fun!ā€

Wally moaned miserably. Good-bye dignity.


So it all came down to this.

Wally and Artemis. Artemis and Wally. All that remained.

Conner had taken out Kaldur. Dick had taken out Conner. Dick and Megan had taken each other out at the same time, a hilarious incident that had them both laughing uproariously as they exited the arena.

Now it was just Wally against his girlfriend, and so far he hadnā€™t been able to spot her among all the cheaply paintedĀ ā€œspace rocksā€ that served as cover. He pursed his lips, peaking out from the inside of a small tunnel, letting his eyes sweep the area with same sort of calculation he might employ on a mission. The only thing missing was his trusty goggles, but those rested, as they always did, in the back pocket of his jeans, and he was starting to consider snapping them onto his face. Just for a minute.

And what harm could it do, really? It wasnā€™t like Artemis didnā€™t already have a totally unfair advantage; they couldnā€™t very well ask her to take her eyeballs out (ew) to make things fairā€¦ so why couldnā€™t Wally use his goggles to bring things down to an even playing field?

ā€œJust to find her,ā€ Wally reasoned softly to himself, glancing around a moment before lowering his gun and pulling them out discreetly. He didnā€™t waste time by slipping them on, instead bringing them to his eyes like a magnifying glass, letting his index finger expertly flick it to the setting that showed him exothermic signatures.Ā 

ā€œBingo,ā€ Wally grinned, his tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth when he caught her curvaceous outline on a raised section of rocks that created a sort of arched bridge at the center of the room; a vantage point. Typical archer mindset, he though fondly.Ā ā€œBabe you are in for a hot surprise,ā€ he whispered, chuckling to himself as he pocketed his goggles and began to move.

There was a second slightly raised area diagonal to the bridge Artemis perched upon, and Wally crawled his way over to it silently, coming up into a crouch behind a largeĀ ā€œrockā€ the provided excellent cover in case of retaliation. And he was damn sure there would be a whole lot of that if he happened to miss; he totally wouldnā€™t, but if by chance he did, his ass was grass, no doubt.

Wally West wasnā€™t naive enough to mock his girlfriendā€™s mad skills. He feared them, like a proper boyfriend. But that didnā€™t mean he never put up a fight.

ā€œAlright, West, here we go,ā€ he murmured to himself, holding the gun close to his chest, heart thudding in his rib cage.Ā ā€œIf you screw this up, itā€™s gloat city for a month.ā€ The thought was enough to sufficiently spur him into action.

Wally steeled himself, let out a wild yell of attack, and stood up from behind his cover, aiming his gun and pulling the trigger several times.Ā 

Artemis wasnā€™t there.

ā€œWhat theā€“?ā€

ā€œNice try, babe,ā€ a husky voice said right in his ear.

Wally whipped around, a high pitched shriek of complete surprise bursting past his lips in alarm. He would later be embarrassed about the noise that had escaped his throat so undignified, but at that particular moment he found himself far too preoccupied but the sudden press of a hot, full pair of soft lips snatching his own up in the confusion.

The force of the attack cause him to stumble back against theĀ ā€œrockā€, feeling it give just slightly under their combined momentum and weight, but Wally found he couldnā€™t care less about that. He dropped his gun, reaching up to grab her face between both of his palms, marveling at the skill in which she attacked his mouth. He became putty beneath her within moments, eyes closing and his lips returning the sentiments, pressing back just as harshly, just as skillfully. Her supple lips parted slightly, and he ran his tongue along her bottom lip, shocked that she was being so bold as to invite him in for some hot tongue action when they were out in public like this.

Not that he was complaining at all.

Except, Wally barely got his tongue passed her immaculate teeth before she pulled away unexpectedly, leaving him dazed and slow and mildly more turned on than he should ever be outside the safety of a private space.Ā 

She pulled the trigger on her gun, and Wallyā€™s eyes widened to the size of dinner plates in their sockets as Artemis Crock efficiently and without mercy claimed the victory for her team.

ā€œWhat!?ā€ Wally burst out as victory music played and a flashing sign declared Blue Team the winners. The lights flicked on above them, stinging his eyes, and he rubbed at them before waving his hands wildly, cheeks still flushed from their kissing.Ā ā€œIā€“ what!?ā€

Artemis, at least, was rather rubicund herself, but those rosy red cheeks were accompanied by a victory flush and a look of pure, unadulterated satisfaction.

Even in his consternation Wally wanted to make out with her asap. Not that he was going to admit that out loud just then.

ā€œYou lose, Wallman,ā€ Artemis stated matter-of-factly as their friends came running out, Dick giving her a high five and Kaldur beaming almost smugly. Kaldur, how could you!

ā€œThat was so good, Artemis!ā€ Megan laughed, forgetting for just a moment that they were out as civilians and levitating a few inches off the ground before dropping back down.Ā ā€œCongratulations!ā€

ā€œDonā€™t congratulate her!ā€ Wally yelped, his voice strained.Ā ā€œSheā€™s not even on our side!ā€

ā€œYeah but I think, by the end of it, we were all hoping sheā€™d kick your can,ā€ Dick said thoughtfully, then grinned and shrugged.Ā ā€œOr at least, I know I was.ā€ He offered Artemis another fist bump, which she happily reciprocated.

ā€œMe too,ā€ Conner confessed, rolling his eyes.

ā€œNo offense, Wally butā€¦ me too.ā€

They all looked at Kaldur. He glanced at them all uncomfortably, then gave Wally and apologetic smile.

ā€œI thought it would be an amusing end, given your earlier protests.ā€

ā€œGah, you guys are terrible! Kaldur I thought you were above this!ā€ Wally bemoaned, looking tragically hurt. Kaldur looked unimpressed.

ā€œIt is just a game, my friend.ā€

ā€œNo, you donā€™t understand, Iā€™ll never hear the end of this!ā€

ā€œNope,ā€ Dick said.

ā€œNever,ā€ Artemis added, crossing her arms under her chest. Wally tried not to noticed too much, instead scowling and pointing and accusing finger at her.

ā€œYou know you cheated, right? No physical contact!ā€ Wally said, flushing again at the memory of her secured victory. Was it sad that it both infuriated him and turned him on?Ā ā€œI win by default!ā€

ā€œI donā€™t think so, fleet feet,ā€ Artemis drawled, then stepped around him and slapped a hand over his right back pocket so abruptly that Wally yelped.

ā€œWoah,ā€ Dick said holding up his hands.Ā ā€œDo we need to leave?ā€

ā€œArtemis, whatā€“?ā€

She delved her hand into his pocket and came up with his goggles, dangling loosely from one index finger. She raised one eyebrow in question, and Wally grinned sheepishly.

ā€œWho cheated, exactly?ā€ Artemis prompted.

ā€œUuuuh,ā€ Wally murmured, rubbing at the back of his neck. Dick cackled, walking over to put his hands on both their shoulders.

ā€œSo youā€™re both a couple of dirty cheaters. Just makes you even more perfect together,ā€ he crooned sweetly, then let go of them and started to walk away, the others following.Ā ā€œLetā€™s go get something to eat, Iā€™m starved.ā€


ā€œSounds fine to me.ā€

ā€œCan we get pizza?ā€

Wally and Artemis trailed behind, all of them taking off their laser tag vests and depositing them in a collection box on the way out. Wally cast her a sideways glance.

ā€œYou know, that was a pretty dirty trick back thereā€¦ totally hot, but dirty.ā€

Artemis handed him his goggles back, pleased with herself.Ā ā€œIt was, wasnā€™t it?ā€ She grinned slyly.

Wally returned the gesture, pulling her flush to his side.Ā ā€œYouā€™re wicked,ā€ he declared, planting a quick kiss to her neck; she hummed in appreciation.

ā€œSo are you, goggles.ā€

The speedster waggled his eyebrows deviously and let his fingers feather across the bared mid-riff.

ā€œDonā€™t I know it, babe. Letā€™s find out just how dirty and wicked we both are later, shall we?ā€

ā€œI can hear you,ā€ Conner snarled.

They both turned red and laughed loudly.

ā€œHe feared them, like a proper boyfriendā€ IM SCREAMING I LOVE THIS RANTY

Still wild that I get to see all these cool things that are done/written into my tumblr post. Love that. So interesting to see some of the things written. Such talent. Very thankful

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