
The path of ignorance is guided by fear.

@spectre-two-blog / spectre-two-blog.tumblr.com


The signs as Star Wars Rebels characters

Aries: The Inquisitor
Taurus: Jai Kell
Gemini: Fulcrum
Cancer: Ezra Bridger
Leo: Sabine Wren
Virgo: Maketh Tua
Libra: Hera Syndulla
Scorpio: Agent Kallus
Sagittarius: Zeb Orrelios
Capricorn: Zare Leonis
Aquarius: Chopper
Pisces: Kanan Jarrus

A General P.S.A. To the Star Wars fandom,

You all have better things to do with your time than ship hate, like making sure a man who looks like a Hutt in a bad toupee doesn’t become President of the United States.

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