

@ratfacealex / ratfacealex.tumblr.com

alexander | he/him | 17

“That’s just how I am lol” NAH. That’s a character flaw. Work on it. Fix it. Grow.

thank you, Russian Spy Agent

Source: twitter.com

Lyrics: “Cocaine ruin your brain (ay), please don’t do cocaine (ay), cocaine ruin ruin your brain (what), please don’t do cocaine (ay)”

This sounds like a man on cocaine



The one dude headbanging in support has me in tears


Anyone else terrified that they are toxic and manipulative and just can’t see it? Or is that just me?

A lot of people who’ve been abused think this. It’s very common for abusers to try to convince their victims that they, in some small part, deserve the abuse. And a common way of doing that is to frame the defensive tactics of the victim as bad, manipulative things.


When you don’t think you have a chance so you friendzone yourself

this post emits a strong gay culture vibe


tiny brain: brooklyn nine nine isnt cop propaganda

average brain: brooklyn nine nine IS cop propaganda and that means u cant watch it

giant brain: brooklyn nine nine is absolutely cop propaganda and 1 episode about the treatment of black people by cops in no way fixes that, however i still watch and enjoy it because i am a mature person with critical thinking skills who understands that boycotting every problematic piece of media is a fruitless endeavor. especially because boycotting b99 specifically would mean sacrificing the many other great things it brings to tv, including its humor, its diversity, its strong & well-rounded female characters, its presentation of healthy friendships & relationships, its subversion of harmful stereotypes, and its constant social commentary on political issues such as transphobia, gun control, flaws in the prison system etc which other shows wouldnt DARE touch

galaxy brain: BOOOooooOOoooNE!!


not to suck my own dick or anything but im such a good lover like when my heart is invested in u i love so hard & i try my best 2 be mentally + emotionally supportive for u at all times

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