
Welcome to my World

@aaytn / aaytn.tumblr.com

Basically I'm too old to obsess over people but I'm too young to care... so here we are.

the Drake and Millie situation? why is this being allowed to happen. I know it happens all over the world but here - right in the public eye it’s happening and nobody is thinking anything of it??? Or are turning a blind fucking eye??


Stop leaving out the Black girls.

Jorja is only just now 21 and Bella Harris is only 18.

dont lie to yourselves this IS as digusting as it sounds and these people had sex with these girls probably at the age they met them… maximum a year after.. not EVEN a couple years


If you would report an undocumented immigrant to ICE you would have reported me to the Nazis and I don’t fucking trust you

A note:

I live in a state where you “have to” report anyone you suspect of being undocumented (that wonderful hellhole of Arizona). Now in practice this law has fallen far short, thank goodness. But if you live in such a place and they start enforcing it, here is how you get around it:

Assume everyone who doesn’t speak English is visiting.

Never ask about their job, because if they tell you they work here then you know they’re not visiting. You see them a lot for several weeks or months? Hm. Someone in the family must be ill. That’s terribly tough. They always dress in old, ratty laborers’ clothes? I feel you, my dude, I can’t afford new clothes either, and my dad has the fashion sense of an aardvark, so sometimes it’s not even about “affording” them. They say they’ve been here for years? You must have misunderstood. Spanish isn’t your first language, after all. First and last name? It never came up, or you don’t recall–you meet a lot of people.

And then, if you’re asked: no, you haven’t seen anyone residing illegally in the United States. Just people visiting.

Very good very important addition

Essentially, this is the civil society version of a work-to-rule strike.

Don’t do more than is expressly asked of you, and do what you are asked with such an intense attention to protocol that not asking you at all becomes more effective than even bothering.

In this case:

“Have you seen an illegal immigrant?”

“Could you describe an illegal immigrant, officer?”

*officer describes a person who is in the country without appropriate paperwork, or who has crossed the border illegally*

“No, sir, I haven’t seen any illegal immigrant.”

And this is correct. You have NOT seen an illegal immigrant, because you have no way of knowing if Jose Fulano is here legally or not. And since you can’t see his paperwork (or lack thereof), and did not personally see him cross the border illegally, you are only answering precisely the question asked.

I’m not American, and I have like, three followers, but this is important.


AKA why the electoral college has gotta go. 

though looking at the comments the folks who live in the red part think this is why the electoral college has got to stay. because they like getting 3.5 votes per capita. 

Tyranny of the few is a pretty sweet deal if you belong to the few.

The wild part is how those people view this as the equal version. Like their votes counting as more than other people’s votes is fair because if it wasn’t like that then they’d be in the minority.


Americans, particularly American conservatives, have a horrible habit of equating area with population. Yeah, if we ditched the electoral college a small section of the country would have more power. Because that’s where most of the country lives. Hate to break it to the rural folks in Nebraska, but they are not what the “real” face of America looks like. They’re not even average Americans. The average American lives within commuting distance of a medium to large city. We simply act like they’re average because they have power disproportionate to their actual numbers.

California is the most populous state in the country. We make up more than 10% of the US population, fully a third bigger than Texas which is the next most populous state. We are also the biggest contributors to the US economy and get back almost nothing of what we pay in federal taxes. But politicians get elected not by listening to us and our needs, but by actively dismissing us as those crazy hippies who don’t understand what “real” Americans are like. Instead they focus their efforts on Ohio and Michigan which have smaller populations than the LA urban area alone.

Now, I do think we need to care about rural populations. Everyone deserves to have their basic needs met and both parties have failed at helping with that for some time now. But your vote shouldn’t count for more than mine just because there’s more empty space around you.

This reminds me how in the wake of the 2016 presidential election when I was bitching about the electoral college, a few people had the audacity to claim that rural people NEED heavier weighted votes over city dwellers because they will “vote with the interests of our farm lands in mind” which urban residents are not capable of doing (or some shit.)

Of course for racist, backwards fucks like this, the fact that the EC is systematically diluting the voting power of urban residents, and therefore predominately people of color, is just a bonus for them…a bonus they can attempt to wrap up into some convoluted nonsense about farmlands. (Never mind the fact that the EC is ONLY about the presidential race and not agricultural policy more widely, obvi.)

The EC is just another piece of crap we need to leave behind.


wtf this is real bad

disaster capitalism wrecked nearly every facet of new orleans post-katrina, this is the latest in a long line of things that have broken this city. half the black population gone, gentrification in final stages, underemployment is rampant, harsher enforcement of ancient drug laws, corrupt politics, Airbnb, and now a fully for-profit school system designed to funnel those with the best access and privilege to the top, and those without on the school to prison pipeline as early as goddamn Pre-K. New Orleans ain’t New Orleans anymore, and hasn’t been for a long ass time.

This is just terrible how is it legal to get rid of all public schools


Because technically charters are public schools (just structured more like a magnet school rather than a community school), so they get to skirt all kinds of education laws, even though they’re literally just shitty private schools


You are LGBT if..

You are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. That’s it. Aces aren’t LGBT.

I mean for one your forgetting a bit of that. Like the Q+.

Mod Bethany

The full acronym is LGBT.

I love me some ahistorical bullshit

The “full” acronym at one point was “GL”, after lesbians fought against male homosexuality being the “face” of the movement (i.e., the Alliance for Gay Artists (AGA), founded in 1982, was renamed the Alliance for Gay and Lesbian Artists shortly thereafter; and the Gay Activists Alliance never included “Lesbian” in their title).

The “full” acronym at another point was “LGB”, only after bisexual activists campaigned fiercely to be included, and is often still not even included in acronyms

The “full” acronym at yet another point was “LGBT”, only after trans activists campaigned fiercely to be included

Queer was added to the acronym after it was reclaimed and re-politicized by ACT UP off-shoot Queer Nation in the early 1990s. LGBTQ has been a thing since the 90s.

ONE Archives, which is the largest repository of LGBTQIA+ materials in the world and was founded by some of the principle members of the early (1950s-60s) homophile movement, which led to the gay rights movement post-Stonewall, uses the full acronym LGBTQ on their website and also freely uses the word “Queer” interchangeably.

As of 2014, NOW (National Organization for Women) agreed to switch to use of the full LGBTQIA acronym, and it likely isn’t the only large social rights organization to have done so

Many LGBTQ+ magazines use LGBTQ, including One (which has existed in some form since the 1950s) and The Advocate, use LGBTQ or LGBTQIA as the full acronym and regularly use “queer” as a phrase (and, in fact, some articles have welcomed asexual people and their narratives as part of the queer experience).

The acronym is constantly evolving. It’s not static. To claim otherwise is blatant ignorance. The modern-day LGBTQ+ community is a result of decades of political activism, social inclusion, and community outreach. It’s not a rigid structure that operates by a strict set of rules about who can and cannot join.

The full acronym is LGBT. Cishets don’t belong in the community. Aces aren’t inherently lgbt. We don’t want our oppressors in our community.

“we don’t want our oppressors in our community” 

as if trans people don’t already have to deal with their oppressors (cis people) being in their community

as if LGBTQIA+ people of color don’t have to deal with LGBTQIA+ white people in the community

as if LBTQIA+ women don’t have to deal with GBTQIA+ men in the community

as if disabled LGBTQIA+ people don’t have to deal with able-bodied LGBTQIA+ people in the community

the LGBTQIA+ community is huge and consists of people with multiply-overlapping identities and privileges. we all (unless you’re a cis, able-bodied, wealthy, white gay man) have to deal with a member of our oppressing class in the LGBTQIA+ community

ETA: “Straightness” is a position of power. Ace people, even if they are in heterosexual relationships, do not necessarily perform “straightness” in ways that are acceptable to the Straight class. 


Voter suppression and racism and Republicans: the conservative trinity.

Donate to Stacey Abrams if you can.


Remember this guy? This Trump-backed dude who is Georgia’s Secretary of State? 

This is the guy who stalled 53,000 voter registration applications in Georgia. 80% of these applications were sent in by Americans of color. 

Kemp knows what happens if these folks vote. 

And people are out there saying voting makes no difference. 


Keira Knightley when she’s offered projects that take place in modern day society

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