
L.A's World

@littlemissaprill / littlemissaprill.tumblr.com

welcome to my page ^_^ So basically my page consists of my ships, my interests, and I'll occasionally post pictures while I live abroad.



How long until we get the reveal that someone in the position to make money off of organ donations paid off judges to sentence people to longer sentences than they otherwise would- or prison sentences where community service would have been the more typical sentence- in MA in order to increase the chances of getting “willing” participants?


Text: PSA to anyone with a tree nut allergy who frequents starbucks. We have a new drink called the pistachio cold foam cold brew and our pistachio sauce not only has real pistachio in it, the syrup sticks inside the blender and will 100% not fully wash off with the rinsers we use (its just water). I highly suggest if you want a cold foam drink during Jan-March you request it done in a sanitized blender to lower the chance of having a reaction if you are at risk.

Anonymous asked:

Not it being 2022 and people still thinking Damon/Bamon was anything more than an abusive toxic “friendship” in which Damon was never held accountable for anything. 🙄

well it's annoying because when people bring up kai, i'm like yeah he's operating as a villain and an antagonist to bonnie so he does villain-y and antagonist-like things when she won't be swayed by him and it's on pretty equal footing, sometimes he wins and sometimes she wins because, you know, enemies. damon is supposed to be her friend, he's supposed to be her closest friend, and he treats her like shit.


You can’t see the problem if you are part of it 😂 let’s be real those people are probably the Damon in their friendships


You’ve come a long way, haven’t you? Yeah, yeah, I think I have. And of course I’m still living with my two sisters and still going to college, you know, eventually I’d like to work past that. You don’t like living with your sisters? Um, it’s more out of necessity. But enough about me. Tell me about you. Am I the only one with a past here? Mine’s not very interesting. More secrets. I don’t like to talk about my past much or my family. I lost them a long time ago. Oh, I’m sorry. I know how that feels. Um, I never knew my mother and my father left when I was really little. So we were raised by our grandmother. She’s not with us anymore.

He ain’t shit lol

@triplelmonamour your comment almost made me holler in this office 🤣


Imagine they could look at each other this way in TVD. Imagine they could run to each other this way in TVD….

too much chem and it’s not even a real fucking scene

Right?? It’s because they look so good together. Just imagine if this was a real scene, their chemistry would be off the charts.


Listening to Bahari, The Wild Ones while looking at this and imagining this scene. *im not crying I swear*


“I… I need a favour.”

“Shocker,” Kai whispered, still staring at her like if he wanted to eat her with his eyes.

Bonnie couldn’t hold his gaze for much longer, and looked away. “Can I come in?”

“Do you need an invitation?” he murmured, stepping aside.

She brushed past him as she entered, her sleeve catching against his jacket. Both of them tried to ignore the cackle of electricity where their auras clashed.

Omg… Keep writing ;D

vivere-militare-est1991 thank you so much for this, I’m crying  oh…my babes look so good together. . I’d wish so, so much to see this two play again together, it’s insane.

thefan-girldiaries this song is so good, listening right now. I imagine them sat in Kai’s living room focusing on witchcraft scriblings and huge grimoires volume, trying to find something helpful for whatever Bonnie she needs to do. They keep eyeing at eachother discretly, while the rain is delicatly pouring outside.

leianaberrie your exerpts are so good it’s insane, please keep writing *.*

I don’t know if it’s me being sentimental, but bonkai makes me litteraly teary eyed today. And it’s strange cause i’m more the crying in the inside, type of person.

Awwww. HUGS!

[contd from earlier]

He had been practising. The charge of spell-work still lingered in the air, raising the tiny hairs at the back of her neck.

Or maybe that was his presence, warm and too near her back. 

She took a deep, shuddering breath.

“Let me guess,” and she jumped because she hadn’t realized just how near he was, his breath warm inches from her ear. “Not one favour but two. Their names start with D & E and they don’t tan.”


Holy crap, that gifset is amazing! And the little drabble. Sigh. My poor Bonkai heart.

It is, isn’t it? The splicing is perfect. I can’t believe that it’s not a scene.

Here’s more:

She stepped away at once, not bearing to have him that close, close enough to whisper a hex into her ear, or… 

She didn’t want him close.

She crossed the entire length of the foyer before she turned to face him.

He stood where she left him, leaning against the wall with his hands deep in his pocket and a frown on his face.

“I have to get them back,” she said desperately. She hated this. Hated coming to him for anything. But she didn’t  have a choice. 

Enzo and Damon didn’t have a choice.

“You already knew the answer before you came here,” he said, his frown still in place, his voice grim. This was Malachai Parker, the coven leader speaking now. Not the pscyhopathic Peter Pan of 1994, not even the desperate-for-another-chance reformed sociopath of five years ago. 

“I thought you said you owed me,” she threw out.

Something flashed across his eyes and he started walking to her, a look like menace on his face. “Owe you?” he asked softly.

She didn’t back down, her back straight as he advanced on her, a thrill that she hated coursing down her spine.

“I think I paid that debt when you asked me for your last favour to spring your buddies out of the Phoenix Prison. Or the one before that, when you needed help routing the heretics out of Mystic Falls.”

“The heretics were as much your problem as ours-” she bit back.

“Or,” and now he was close enough that she had to tilt her head up painfully to look at him, “earlier than all that, when you locked me up in 1903 with said heretics. I think we settled our scores as far back as then.”

His eyes were really flashing, she thought with a thrill, anger and something like hurt deep in them.

“We didn’t,” she said hoarsely. “You and I… we’re never going to be even. You’re never going to make up what you did to me.”

He stepped back like if she had slapped him. Looked away, turned back, then nodded quietly to himself. “Good to know. Won’t have wanted to waste my time trying to redeem myself or anything.”

He turned around her, started walking out of the foyer. “You can show yourself out.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t forgive you,” she called out to his back. “We can’t let bygones be bygones.”

He stopped, but he didn’t turn. She heard him scoff softly. “When have I heard that before?”

“Kai…” The next word that should have followed was ‘please’ but she couldn’t bring herself to say it. Not that she hated him. She didn’t hate him. She hadn’t for a long time.

She hadn’t been lying when she said he was never going to be able to make up to her for what he did. Nor that she couldn’t forgive him. The truth was… the truth was that she had, a long time ago. Now, the memory of 1994 was like the scar on her stomach - a reminder, but not a wound. 

But the guilt of a powerful coven leader had proved to be valuable currency these past few years. Bonnie wasn’t quite ready to relinquish that boon.

“What?” he said, turning to look at her. She hadn’t realized she had been silent for so long.

She licked her lips, thinking of what she could say, the precise combination of words she needed to use to bring him to heel. That was when she saw his eyes follow her tongue, the way his eyes darkened, his face going taut with desperation.

It happened in a blink-and-you’d-miss-it moment. 

She didn’t miss it.

She took a step forward when her brain screamed at her to take a step back, when her ‘sensible’ voice was whispering furiously at her at the inanity she was about to propose.

“I can pay you,” she said softly.

This time it wasn’t a flash of expression, but a long, blazing glare. She almost turned around then and walked - no, ran - out of his house.

But she thought of Enzo and Damon, felt her heart twist, and knew she couldn’t back down. 

“You can’t afford me,” he said, just as softly.

“Can’t I?” she said boldly, taking another step forward. Then another.

He backed down, moving with his eyes widening as she came nearer, until his back hit the wall.

Her smile widened as she stepped into space, stepped even nearer, close enough for her hands to reach out and touch the front of his soft cotton shirt.

Which she did.

He drew in a deep shuddering breath, as she slid her hands down, pressing hard against muscles that rubbed against her palms, watching with fascination as his chest rose and fell with increasing intensity…

Until his own hands grasped her hands, inches from his belt, and her eyes flew up to his.

The glare had turned into an inferno. His face was twisted with longing and suspicion and she knew - she knew she had him. 

She told herself that the reason why her heart was pounding, her own lungs shallowing, was because of nerves, fear, desperation.

She didn’t want this. This was for Enzo, and Damon.

“What the hell do you think you’re playing at?” Kai asked, his voice tortured.

She flexed her hands, trying to pull out of his grasp but he held firm.

“Bonnie,” he growled.

“What do you think?” she said quietly, silkily. Since he refused to let her hands go, she used her body instead - moving so close that her hips banged against his own.

He was ready, all right. His eyes rolled into the back of his head before he blinked back at her, a look of incredulity on his face.

“I’m giving you what you want,” she murmured, freeing her hands from his loose grasp to hook her fingers on the side of his belt. She tilted her face into his, and he remembered his hands - one going round the back of her neck to hold her in place, painfully, keeping her from coming nearer. But the other had gone to her back, his grip keeping her from leaving, as well.

“This is some kind of trick,” he said, his eyes scanning her face. 

“This isn’t what you want?” she asked, her mouth curling. 

He swallowed hard, once, twice. Then he growled softly, yanked her forward, his fingers creeping into her hair and twining through the strands, and kissed her. 

Holy shit, this is good. It feels kinda like that part in Long Shadows where they’re in the kitchen and Bonnie tries to do the same thing, but Kai’s not having any of it. You bring out the longing in each of them. I think I once wrote that it was so well written that I felt like I was intruding. But I love that about them. It’s not easy, and there is a lot of hurt (on both sides) to get through. And you know if they do, they would be an unstoppable force.

LOL! Sorry I’m just replying this so late. Yeah, it is a bit Long Shadows-esque with the bargaining for favours and the ‘we’re even/no, we’re not’ back and forth between them. And Kai kissing Bonnie in that kitchen was something I always went back and forth in my head about. 

::sighs:: so much potential. so much waste. ::sighs::

bringing this back because i can’t get over the fic

my head is full of veeeeerryyy appealing visuals

and as for the kitchen scene in LS Kai not kissing her is what actually made that scene great imo, you know every reader was like “fuccck, come on man, kiss her!”


There was an arrest across the street from my place in Oakland one day – three cop cars with a bullhorn and guns out – and before I could even get out the gate there were a couple people posted up and one of them was filming and another one was narrating in a calm but very loud voice, just


and that was something I hadn’t thought to do before. It certainly let the cops know what the narrative of eye witnesses was going to be. 

I especially liked “his hands are empty” because this statement would still be true and a witnessed reason the police should not become violent even if it turned out he had a weapon on his person somewhere.


I see people in NYC stop and record a lot. Even if they are just being nosey, that’s still witnesses if shit goes down.


We must be vigilant.  The New Solidarity.  You might just save a fellow human being.

If you don’t feel comfortable with doing the narrating thing (which really is quite clever), even just standing around and blatantly staring actually legit helps immensely.

There are studies that show that even an image of someone looking can be effective to change people’s behaviours.

Sidenote: If you see a cop stopping an Indigenous person, the same protocol applies.

I did this in a parking lot when I saw a group of Black men and teens being harassed by a cop. Stayed in my car, but whipped out my phone and started to record, pointing out via narrative when I could hear the cop contradicting himself and changing his story. At the eight-minute mark, when I knew he was past the reasonable-stop guideline time (thanks, legal tips side of tumblr!), I flipped on my dome light.

Fam, what happened next was INCREDIBLE.

The cop had been gesturing in a wild way, almost flailing, like he was actively trying to get these guys agitated. He saw my dome light, saw a white face with a phone, and suddenly his hands came to rest on his vest. Within 90 seconds he’d packed his shit up and gone.

The most outspoken gentleman in the group came up to me and went “whatchu doing in there?” So I straight-up told him “it looked like you were being harassed, so I was recording.” The whole group recognized someone who was on their side, and started venting about the shit that had just gone down.

Turns out the asshole had had them stopped for a good five minutes before I pulled in. That means they were stopped, with no probable cause and a cop changing his story no fewer than three times, for AT LEAST THIRTEEN MINUTES. While chatting in a parking lot. One car had pulled in next to another that turned out to belong to one of his buddies and they were just shooting the shit when Officer Bacon came by.

Want to know the kicker here? One of the cop’s stories was that a group “matching their description” had been reported by the grocery store security guy for shoplifting. Black man, red shirt with a sports logo, jeans. Know what this convenient report didn’t mention?


This guy was, without exaggeration, at least 6’10”. I assure you any report of him would have mentioned his height FIRST. And you’d best believe I pointed that out in my narration.

Cops WILL try shit. You CAN stop them. I did it and it was as simple as having some patience and a camera.


Why the Aztecs followed the Spaniards around with incense burners - WTF fun facts

“ Oh, they must think we are gods, Hahah silly savages”

The Aztec People:



The Aztecs when the Spaniards came around


Imagine smelling THAT bad, even for the standards of THOSE times …that’s gotta be a pretty foul smell 😷

Nah nah Aztecs valued hygiene and even had public steam and bathhouses. Europeans even after being introduced to soap and seeing how other people washed up still ACTIVELY chose to walk around musty, crusty, and dusty tracking filth everywhere 🤢


It all makes sense. It just makes sense.


All the money in the world to afford beautiful houses with the most amazing showers and tubs and these people don’t fucking bathe. I can’t.

And they have multiple bathrooms! Like 5! To not use any of them!

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