
Have pictures of my very lazy 12 week old Staffy puppy Axl taking a nap


9. Ghost Fighting Corporation, Jack Howard

I enjoyed this, but it’s not something I’d go back to watch again. The concept was funny and I found the lines funny as well (I liked the ones concerning Sudoku and Seppuku), but didn’t come away from it thinking it was exceptionally funny. Oddly enough, I found it clever & witty (?) in ways I can’t explain, but the detective aspect seemed of half-baked.


Interesting. I totally agree that it could have been funnier. We had to write it quite quickly so we didn’t have time to pad it out with more jokes. Also because we had to set up and introduce a concept and characters in around 20 minutes. But I do agree, there should have been more belly laughs. I also agree that the detective was half baked. We added that to create more scope for the story. The police are aware of Lucy’s activities. But who is this guy? Why’s he working alone? How long has he been working on this? Why’s he so keen to catch Lucy? But nothing really comes of it because we are hoping to explore it more in a series (if this gets picked up by anyone). But I think more explaining could have improved it. But that would have added more time to the piece and less time for jokes and we would have had to change something else. It’s all about balance. Maybe we didn’t nail the balance overall. That’s to be improved next time. Thank you for your criticism.

Source: youtube.com

I spent three weeks in a mental hospital and what I discovered there I feel like should be put into words.

we are not who you think we are.

the boy with turrets told the funniest jokes

the girl who raked her nails up and down her skin could create the most exquisite drawings

the girl who abused drugs had the wisest soul

the boy with schizophrenia had the biggest heart

the girl who tried to kill herself told the boy with insomnia stories to help lure him to sleep

the boy who wanted to kill himself had the deepest passion for cooking

the girl with slits and scars all over her body dried my tears and told me I was beautiful

the boy with anger issues gave the warmest hugs

the girl with bulimia told everyone every day that they looked beautiful in their bodies

the boy who was a compulsive liar told us that he wanted us all to get better, and that he was for once telling the truth

the girl who almost drank herself to death stood up for anyone that felt they were feeling bullied

the boy with social anxiety made sure nobody sat alone at meals

we are not who you think we are.

*slams reblog button*


have you showered within the last 3 days? have you brushed your hair, your teeth and washed your face? have you put on fresh clothes? changed your underwear and undergarments? have you ate within the last 6 hours or drank enough water? i understand life can be hard and you cant to do anything but i promise taking care of yourself even in the smallest degree will make you feel a little better


I decided I’d probably better reblog this because I’ve only done 2 of these things.


I’m not saying that I’m an amazing actor but i HAVE won as many Oscars as Leonardo DiCaprio

let’s be honest we’re all just reblogging that as long as we still can


“Homosexuality is wrong, the Bible says it!”

So is: 

  • wearing two different fabrics
  • eating pigs and rabbits 
  • wearing torn clothes
  • having short hair
  • having tattoos
  • having more than one type of plant in your garden
  • going to church in the first  2 months after you’ve given birth
  • masturbating
  • wearing jewlery
  • remarrying 
  • women saying anything in church, ever
  • eating lobsters
  • divorcing
  • eating fat
  • touching women who are on their periods are touching something that has been touched by a woman who is on her period
  • cross breeding
  • people with flat noses becoming priests (?)
  • cheating
  • saying God’s name
  • gossiping
  • going to church if your balls are injured in any way
  • wizards (?)

so we’re all going to hell anyways. 

this is the post I’ve been looking for

i guess that second career as a priest‘s out for voldemort


On the left we have the lyrics from Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines. On the right we rape survivors participating in Project Unbreakable, showing the various things that were said to them by their rapist.


i think this is the most powerful photoset i’ve ever seen on tumblr.

Reblogging until you understand why this song is so vile

You don’t understand how many times I keep telling my sister how fucking shitty and horrible this song is and she’s just like “I don’t care I still like it” nO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS SONG IS HORRIBLE AND I CANT BELIEVE IT WAS SO POPULAR

reblobbin this forever and ever


Well fuck, I didn’t know it was that bad.

also take note that Pharell wrote the lyrics for this song

who’s happy now



The notes are broken. This is what tumblr is all about apparently.


THE NOTES ARE BROKEN!  This has been reblogged so many times, Tumblr just shrugged and said “infinity”

I recognize that canon has made a decision, but given that it’s a stupid-ass decision, I’ve elected to ignore it and indulge myself in fanfic.

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