Anonymous asked:

Hi, sorry to be a bother but I was wondering if you could tell me where you found the footage where Rafe kills Nate at the end of your "Mad Hatter" video ??


Not sure if it is still on YT but in case you’re wondering, here: “Uncharted 4 A Thief's End - All Death Scenes Compilation” That’s what the video is literally named/titled

*Follow Forever. But really, what sorcery is this?!

It has been a long time since I’ve done a ‘proper’ follow forever thing and I feel the time has come. I still cannot believe this many people follow my really lame blog. But I am glad I did something good enough for you to decide to come here and even stay. It means a lot. To those who I somehow disappointed, I’m sorry. I make mistakes too, you know.

I am not very good with speeches or words in general. But I would like to thank each and every one of you for your never ending support, kindness and inspiration. There are always moments of doubt, moments of disappointment but at the end of the day I realize, that I am still here, fighting for whatever I come up with, because of some of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you

I would like to give a shout out to my friends, the people who deal with me occasionally or even on a daily basis. You’re a tough bunch and I am glad I was able to somehow fool you into talking to me. I love you all! –

|| Brent || Ly || Boshra || Yasmine || Ducky || Alex || Bj || Sarah || Robert || 

I’d like to also thank some other people I occasionally speak to and/or have some great memories with:

| rekkusu-chan | miyku | notevenwinded | impalallama | letspaceit | deanharrisackles | bloodcorneayyitskaykay | 

And, finally, here are the lads that flood my dash on a daily basis… Not in a bad way… Most of the time. Wait. What I am trying to say is… Thank you for coping with me. Man, how do you do it?

aartyom | ahtabai | allourheroes | amilleniumfalcon | andrastian | armourofaltair | arno-duu-fromage | ave-stark | burialatsky | cassiiecage | celume | cg-games |  comdrshepard | corruptedvergil | corvopearce | crroft | dayrldixon | definitiveedition | delsinsfire | doingstuffthings | edwards-kenway | fandommess |
gaarrett | haythamsama | haythuum | handsomejackhole | yesterdaywastuesday | inquisitioncullen | inquisitorz | youreverydaygentleman | josephohda | jskarh | kyratiroyals | lady-lamplight | lockuhart | maaowaao | madkiingryan | mariiathorpe | mrsattano | neko-marble | ohdewitt | ohyeahgames |
perseuus | piratekenway | rahgot | ranthonyaketon | renegon | romanyoshi | sarabeaarr | shaycormec | skyholdes | templar-queen | thediviision | thisgirlgames | unrelise | valrider | volsungs | vovoreturns | xarame | zevraninboots | 

I’d also like to thank once again everyone who donated for Zuika’s surgery. And controloverwritten!

Thank you so much, everyone! Please, take good care of yourselves and have a wonderful summer! <3

Don't think like that. I kinda have the same issue too. I mean, in real. Had also a lot of fake friends too. I've been following your post from months now, and I really love it. I'd love to help you. You don't deserve to feel bad about anything

“don’t think like that”

“you deserve so much better, I can tell” 

“you don’t deserve to feel bad about anything”

That’s all I hear from all over the internet!

I can’t take this shit anymore!

For 3 years I’m trying to do something with my life, I’m joining all this comepetitions I’m trying to be the best when it comes to school month practise (by the way every other classmate got practise at spa and I’m on a fucking re-hab and hospital) and guess what?! NOTHING! Everyone’s like

“ah.. it’s so awesome, you’ve got golden hands, your drawings are awesome, wish I could draw like that”

“keep up the good work”

“patients are so happy with you”

And where’s the fucking happynes?! NOTHING! I got absolutely NOTHING! I don’t feel good about myself, I don’t feel any passion for drawing anymore, I don’t have a job, all I feel is frustration, sadness and regret.

Every nigh I lay down to my bed and think about all the things and It just makes me sick and I want to die, there’s nothing worth fighting for anymore, nobody cares about me! and words like “oh no don’t say it and don’t hurt yourself” are currently worthless


I guess I’ll just go find myself some nice spot in the forrest and stab myself!

Don't feel bad, I like you. You have the same interests as me : ). You have people who likes you. I hope you'll meet friends in real, who likes you like I do ^^

Been on my own for almost 18 years now.... I wonder.... is it going to change some day? Like thanks for the kind words and all but... I’ve stopped to trust people from the internet, don’t take it personally or that I want to insult you I just.... I’ve had bad experience before and even after 3-4 years...I’m still not over it.... Maybe it’s my honesty and my fucked up face what’s making sure I’ll never have friends

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