
i'm going on an adventure

@sarahexplosions / sarahexplosions.tumblr.com

Sarah Andrew is not qualified to captain a rocketship, and yet here we are.

Ok tumblr, TMS therapy and/or spravato treatment. Have you done it or know someone who has. Lmk.

(So far in research I have found “this helped my depression so much” and “this ruined my life” in regards to both. So idk why I’m asking here. But here we are.)


Ok tumblr, TMS therapy and/or spravato treatment. Have you done it or know someone who has. Lmk.

(So far in research I have found “this helped my depression so much” and “this ruined my life” in regards to both. So idk why I’m asking here. But here we are.)


there’s a misconception that grief only happens when we lose people. this is not true. we can grieve circumstances, relationships, missed opportunities. in fact, sometimes when you find yourself plagued with waves of emotion from sadness to melancholy you may be grieving yourself. the version of yourself that you might have been if things had been different, or if only you had said something, or if someone had stood up for you.


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I find it heartbreaking how Ishmael tries to distance himself from Queequeg dying: Queequeg calls someone to his deathbed to hold his hand and to express his final wishes to, he tells someone "to go to his bag and bring out his little god, Yojo," Ishmael says what "you" can see if you look at Queequeg instead of what he saw himself and dissolves himself among "every one" who is sad and "some" who are delighted when Queequeg rallies—until he's truly well and strong, and then Ishmael calls him "my Queequeg" again like he has in the past and like he did at the start of the chapter.


Something so funny about making the crew put together elaborate funeral preparations including a whole personalized coffin only after everything is finished to go ‘nah I still have some shit to do’ and heal almost immediately

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