Just Fuck Me Up

@awholefuckingunit / awholefuckingunit.tumblr.com

Icon from the webcomic 'Ava's Demon'. Xe/Xir pronouns.

(my brother just got to the grave sand episode and I remembered I had never gotten around to posting these!)

@bifacialler and @meganiac had some posts about grave sand physically affecting the changelings - and there is definitely concept art of Nomura with 4 arms to pull from - so I’m jumping on that idea.

AU where grave sand isn’t dropped after a single episode and comes back for the final battle. It makes them bigger, stronger, and generally more like the trolls they would have been if the hadn’t been corrupted. For this AU Strickler only gets his wings in this form(which is kind of a better limitation than just ‘he didn’t feel like using them until like the third to last episode?)


Me on Fourth of July like

Anyway, stop spreading white nationalist rhetoric and toxic nationalism thanks

Nobody said anything about race. Stop that.

It’s nationalist to state facts now?

How is this toxic?

Show me countries better than the USA.


human freedom

quality of life

social progress 


income equality (america was among the worst)


x x

gender equality

what exactly makes america the “best country” here? america doesn’t excel in anything.

I was gonna say aren’t we like #1 in a bunch of bad stats? Like aren’t we the top for rape and abuse?

I remember this epic moment from The Newsroom

Americans just buy into the propaganda they are the greatest country when there is absolutely zero evidence to say so.

It’s called Fascism.

Can you see over this normally without jumping? Actually, yeah.

Like most gardeners, I talk to my plants.

Called my pawpaw a lazy sack of shit for not bearing fruit this year.

So this year my pawpaw did bear fruit- one tiny little fruit that I watched grow partway, then promptly rot and fall off the branch without ever coming near ripening.

First time in my life I’ve ever been flipped off by a tree.


So apparently I just picked up an $8,000 organ off of the curb

The few seconds before I realized you meant the instrument were terrifying


The Nashville Graphic, North Carolina, May 21, 1925

The original nursery rhyme, if anyone was wondering what this was parodying:

Where are you going, my pretty maid? I’m going a milking, sir, she said. May I go with you, my pretty maid? You’re kindly welcome, sir, she said. What is your fortune, my pretty maid? My face is my fortune, sir, she said. Then I won’t marry you, my pretty maid. Nobody asked you, sir, she said.

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