
Stay Weird

@shaboogami / shaboogami.tumblr.com

shuffling around bits of the internet since 2011

best part of princess bride is that inigo loudly and openly states to anybody who will listen that he's going to kill a guy for revenge and has been chasing this for a while and instead of anybody saying "but revenge wont bring ur father back are u really sure that killing this guy will make anything better arent u scared of regretting the one thing uve spent ur entire life chasing" they're all just like "yea dude sounds cool hope you find him" and then he does and inigo kills him and is just "aw cool my dads avenged now i can go ride off into the sunset with my friends" and i think thats actually really great. yea maybe revenge isnt always the answer but it sure does make you feel better


The best part of the best part is that Inigo knows the whole time that going into it that revenge won't bring his father back—and he's counting on that.

To get his catharsis, Inigo needs Count Rugen to listen to him, to understand who he is, to know how the Count wronged him, and to accept the consequences of his own actions.


"My name is Inigo Montoya.

"You killed my father.

"Prepare to die."

When Inigo has Count Rugen cornered, disarmed, and wounded, he asks the Count to offer him money, power, and everything he could want.

But what Inigo Montoya wants is something Count Rugen is incapable of delivering. It is something that cannot be bought with fame and fortune.

Inigo Montoya wants his father back, but that is impossible, because his father is dead. His father is dead because Rugen killed him. And because Rugen killed Inigo's father, Rugen is a son of a bitch.


The Great Lakes and Saint Lawrence River superimposed on a map of Europe



I googled it once and the only reason why the Great Lakes aren’t called inland seas is because they are entirely freshwater, not salt.

By any other metric they’d be seas. Superior especially (the big one in the upper left) behaves like a small ocean, and has claimed at least 250 ships and over 1000 people. Gordon Lightfoot wrote a frankly chilling song about her that I’ll include here:

Lake Michigan has never fully frozen. Leading to some absolutely terrifying images

Layers of ice created, shattered, and built up like this.

Hey, here’s a picture of that lighthouse in 2015, when we had a polar vortex


I love the Great Lakes, you know how all boats look like shit, like just rusty hulks, you don’t get that on the Great Lakes because it’s fresh water, like the shipwrecks are incredibly well preserved


OFFICIAL Michigan Post

Source: reddit.com

kind of obsessed with this security question option my doctors office has given me


hey good news

there's a specifically designated role in the naked mole rat ecology for "guy who runs off into the wilderness and fucks their way into a stranger's house"

Y'all have no idea how absurdly strange naked mole rats are as creatures They're cold-blooded mammals that live in a eusocial structure with a queen and drones, similar to ants, bees, termites and no other mammal on the planet. They barely need to breathe, with a respiration rate low enough to let them thrive in burrows with 2% oxygen, and survive with 0 oxygen whatsoever for about 20 minutes with zero lasting effects.

They live for over 30 years, which is absurdly long for a rodent, don't grow frail with age, and are basically immune to cancer because their telomeres just never shorten.

Naked Mole Rats are rodents that attempted to evolve into bugs, failed, and unlocked the secret to immortality in the process.


reading this deposition that just got dropped where someone sued musk and ohhhh my god it is this funniest thing ever . i can see why his lawyer tried to keep this confidential . they’re both maybe the biggest idiots . this is like ace attorney

bankston is my HERO he’s tearing these people apart


oh my god


he is DONE.


wow. ok.

genuinely first two pages he says that he thinks ben’s lawyer is the one who is actually suing him and admits he has no clue what the lawsuit is about .

doing a reread now this is so cunty

goddamn .


ppl are always writing characters doing dumb shit like roasting a fresh-caught rabbit over an open flame instead of making a stew with that thing. great now you’re letting all the fat drip down into the fire as it cooks, wasting calories and flavor as well as causing the flame to flare up = inconsistent heat source,… when you could be maximizing the nutritional value of small game by making a soup or stew. Come on


Have had the most antique store experience this afternoon

I walk in and the conversation goes like this. (Presented entirely unedited for your perusal)

Me: Hi!

Old man whose store this presumably is: Hello—how’s your day been?

Me: Good! You?

Him: I only have good days :)

Me: You’re a lucky guy

Him: The last time I had a bad day was 55 years ago in Vietnam when my best friend got his head blown off in front of me


Him: well ok I had a bad day then 2 days later when we walked that way again and the tigers had been eating his body. So that was my last bad day


Him: want to see a magic trick? I’m a licensed magician you know :)

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