
daughter of the cosmos

@garrusvakarian / garrusvakarian.tumblr.com

Megan/24/filthy casual/reptile mum

hey uh yeah quick question

how come the people of yharnam don’t just……………….move

to be fair nobody knew about the werewolves until some dude with a giant glowing sword knocked on their door and was like “y'all heard about the werewolves? im getting some lads together to go kick their ass, wanna help? ” and the whole city was like “rad” and then they all turned into werewolves

honestly this is the most beautiful summary of bloodborne


there are EXCEEDINGLY powerful and chaotic energies in this image

if you look closely at this you can see that there are way more jpeg artifacts around the eyes and the timestamp which means that someone either photoshopped them in and let it get deep fried over the course of a dozen resaves or someone went in and manually sharpened those specific parts. who did this

fotoforensics confirms i’m right with this error level analysis

this image has been altered heavily and manually from its original form. but by whose hand?

not by human hands…….

not by hands at all


british summer is here.

[rain pouring] [thunder rumbling] [car horn blaring] “go on. wheyyyyyyy!! Oh no.” [in distance: “YOU IDIOT”, uproarious laughter] “why would you go through that. what are you doing. ahhh no, he’s actually floating!” “well of course he is. what a fucking bellend!” “what a knobhead!” “fucking hell.”


Please send me more of these memes, I need to see literally every single one of them

submitted by @artistic-cyber-cat

submitted by @zeddspectrial

submitted by @goodwiththechicken

submitted by @fedora-master96

this meme is officially called Fantasy Painting Object Labeling, thanks for that @eddrian32!


I love these so much

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