
i would choose you every time

@definegameplay / definegameplay.tumblr.com

nicole. twenty-five, old-school big brother fan. writer, former lurker, shipper. definestrategy @ AO3. my ask box is always open.
Anonymous asked:

Natalie voted for Nicole cuz Paul was mean to her and he doesn't have a vagina, Paulie voted for Nicole cuz Cody knows Nicole and Cody is a stud, you know? Zakiyah voted for her cuz Nicole pretended to ship zaulie and Davonne is the biggest question mark I have other then James being top 3 for AFP. The robbery and fraud I just watched on live TV was illegal.

per da'vonne, she didn't want to be seen as a bitter juror and was heavily influenced by ppl coming into jury implicating nicole as the reason they were evicted - i think paul's gameplay was a little too complicated for some of these people due to a shortage of brain cells - and that's how she wound up voting for nicole. it's flawed logic but it is theoretically logic and that's why i have less of a problem with her (ultimately crappy) decision.as for the rest of them, paulie was always gonna vote for nicole regardless of what she did with her game and zakiyah is his doormat who he'll use to fix his reputation and then likely dump three to six months from now. don't even get me started on natalie, who doesn't understand the feminism she preaches - spouting "girl power!" every five minutes isn't it - or quite possibly anything else in this game and is still bitter over a name michelle got called that michelle both didn't understand the meaning of and has clearly since gotten over enough to vote for him. this season was a mess. i'm glad it's over. i hope to see paul back on a future season. him and victor are just about the only ones who showed up to play and did so well.

Anonymous asked:

Janelle is my fave BB player (I know) and I just saw she's a Trump supporting, islamophobic moron who is also very anti immigration. So now I have no BB fave. Womp womp womp

i love when my dislike of her is vindicated over and over again.

Anonymous asked:

I hope frankie said he wasn't compatible with anyone on BB sexuality wise since zach isn't out because otherwise he's a professional at rewriting history. If you ever had to read the book 1984 for high school, the main character's job was basically to rewrite history whenever big brother changed its mind on what the new truth/reality was. If it was deleted from media, it never "happened" even though people remembered. Frankie taking BB way too literally.

i mean, he’s been rewriting history since january. this is the narrative that was pushed in the january llvg, taken back in the june llvg, and now has popped out again in full force. the ‘truth’ seems to be subject to whatever his whims are on any particular day. it’s the reason i got out of this subfandom, more or less. he needs to pick a narrative and stick to it for once - i don’t really care which one it is - because the constant back and forth shit is endearing to no one but the tiny subsection of people who live up his ass, and i have zero respect for it. 


'how can' anon: it's not the same, it's exploiting a bad situation for sympathy and it's disgusting. but what else is new.


“do you ever” anon: yup, practically every damn day lol.

Anonymous asked:

Thank goodness you actually make sense! Everyone is so excited for him to do celeb bb and all I can think about is how trashy it is! I feel like it's so below him and embarrassing. Ugh if this stops him from allstars, I'll be so mad!

i doubt that it would hinder his appearance on a future allstars season, but this is below anyone who is hoping to further their career, not stall it out, imo. i don't quite understand their happiness - perhaps it comes from seeing him on tv more often, temporarily, which i suppose is valid - but considering the level of star-power present in that house is like...dog the bounty hunter's wife, idk, this wouldn't be something i would be cheering on no matter how much i liked the person.

Anonymous asked:

Can you believe Frankie turned down the Amazing Race with Zach, but accepts CBB? CBB is so trashy. All the "celebs" who go on that show are washed up or reality tv nobodies. The Amazing Race has anywhere from 7-10 million viewers and at least some people with notoriety have done it like Tyler Oakley and Joey Garaceffa. Ugly.

turning down a well-rated award-winning reality show on a major tv network during primetime is a mistake no matter who is involved tbh. cbb, on the other hand, doesn't seem like anything you want to be associated if you want any kind of serious career afterwards, and it's a popularity contest rather than a comp-based program - comps being what he did well on bbus - so this is just overall not one of his better decisions.

Anonymous asked:

Oh my god did you see Michelle's own sister dragging her on twitter? She called her a bitch and spoiled brat and said she sleeps with anyone who gives her attention. That has to be by far the weirdest thing a family member of a houseguest has done so far.

Anonymous asked:

did you ever think nicole would get so hypotized and focused on a guy? personally i don't think she was good at bb her first and second try, but at least she was trying in some way. now she just daydreams about corey and lets paulie make decisions. its hard to watch, and to go from hayden to corey is such a downgrade.

it’s embarrassing to watch. 

nicole was no great shakes in her first season, but that was mostly down to her weak game instincts and, honestly, gullibility because derrick played her like a fiddle both times. she wasn’t letting herself be run by her showmance however, or maybe it’s just that hayden had an actual (surprisingly decent for a recruit) grasp of the game. this time around she seems to alternate between irrational amounts of paranoia and talking about how corey is the greatest guy on the planet and how she can never measure up. insert eye roll here. it’s a waste of a returnee slot, tbh. it’s a waste of any slot. 

Anonymous asked:

So what do you make of each vet's gameplay this year as opposed to their previous years? I was a fan of Nicole's but she's disappointing this season. Day is wild and Frank seems to have learned nothing. James is a nonfactor.

nicole: kinda the same, with worst taste in showmance partners. she seems to trust the wrong people - that brief brush with trying to go back to someone like frank last week, when she already knew he was bad news, which is a lot like how she let derrick play her twice over last time - and is incredibly indecisive, always to her detriment. she lets the people around her make her decisions for her which is a huge flaw when her closest ally is corey, someone who has little grasp of the game and isn’t as into her as she is into him in any regard. 

da’vonne: better, but not by much. she seems to be slightly better at controlling her emotions, and making the effort to do damage control when she fails to. in that aspect, she’s learned from last season. however, she’s still paranoid and it isn’t helping her any. planting seeds with people to stir shit up, and doing so seemingly at random early on, was kind of always bound to bite her in the ass and i think it has, particularly with regards to tiffany. i like day a lot, she’s one of the few hgs who gives good dr and doesn’t force production to rely on scripts, and i had high hopes for her this year but i can’t follow the logic behind a lot of her gameplay unfortunately. 

frank: worse. if it weren’t for other people on his team repeatedly winning hoh, he would be dead in the water. he’s been power hungry despite having limited power ever since week two, and hoh-itis isn’t flattering on people who actually are hoh much less someone who just tries to run them. aside from roadkill, his comp showing has been rather poor compared to his last season, and the set-up of the roadkill comps as well as the convenience of the last four winners (generally people who are being targeted that week) makes me question the legitimacy of those wins. production liked him enough last time to lock the damn door and then rig an hoh for him - and that seems to hold true this go around with their very forgiving two-sided edit about his behavior towards the women in the house and michelle’s insinuations that their board in the hoh comp week three was tilted towards the higher numbers - so i fear he’ll be difficult to get out this time as well, but probably not for the same reasons as last time (i.e. stacked veto/hoh wins). 

james: better. in fact, james might be the one doing the best out of the four, imo. it’s interesting that you call him a non-factor because i think, to a degree, that’s true, but there’s a difference between being someone like natalie who is a non-factor in that she’s not in a position to be involved in much game talk or have much of a voice in the house due to her bad choice in alliances early on, and being a non-factor in the way that james is. he’s flying under the radar and not making big moves, but it’s only week four and half the battle pre-jury is to not have your name come out of anyone’s mouth as a potential target whilst still being included in game talk with the bulk of the house. he’s managed to do both. unlike last time where he was only very rarely with the side that held any power - and failed to be proactive while his alliance was picked off one by one - he has positioned himself better. he’s no one’s first target right now and. if he doesn’t win hoh and make waves, he may be able to ride that out for a few more weeks yet due to the slew of bigger targets in front of him currently.

Anonymous asked:

The tokyo room this year - what was that room in BB16? I know the Safari Room was the bee hive room thing, but the rest I am having a brain fart on.

the tokyo room is the rock room, the uk-themed room is the fire room. 

Anonymous asked:

Frankie just tweeted All Lives Matter. I'm gonna die.

yeah, he needs to check himself. and stop deleting shit like ppl didn't already screenshot it. own your mistake and learn from it.

Anonymous asked:

Off topic, but did you hear that Christine is not watching this season? She said it's cause not All Stars but do you think it actually has to do with Nicole being asked back and not her? It's like how is a 'superfan' not going to watch because it's not All Stars when at this point we should know better than to expect that? I guess she might never watch bb again if that's the case.

yeah, i heard she’d tweeted stuff about not watching if it wasn’t straight up as2 but, then, she’s also tweeted negative shit about how she couldn’t play with nicole because she played too emotionally (whereas christine preferred to throw away her own game in service of being an honorary member of the boys’ club like an overexcited teenager who finally gets to sit at the cool kids’ table). honestly, it could go either way, but nicole’s the opposite of an incentive for her to watch i’m guessing. it’s kind of idiotic to me to automatically write a season of just because it isn’t allstars - give it a week or two to get going before you make that call, but to each their own.

Anonymous asked:

so are you saying in like an as2 situation derrick would go for zach? imo that would be dumb cause zach would never put him up or vote him out.

i don’t really know what derrick would do in that situation. you’re correct that he likely wouldn’t put him up or vote him out. but zach has a problem where he either speaks without thinking or tells things to the wrong people, and that’s still dangerous shit to your game when your whole strategy is playing puppet master. i don’t think derrick would necessarily try to boot him pre-jury and, depending on who else is in there, it benefits to keep him longer if there isn’t anyone else that zach is automatically loyal to, but i can’t see him keeping zach around anywhere near a f4. 

Anonymous asked:

ehhh it's a little borderline personal. i don't think he told him out of dislike for zach obviously, but you're still messing with someone who you call a friend's chance to win. derrick loved to toss around the old "your messing with my daughter's livelihood" during bb16. so like why would you put any sort of target on your friend's back who is trying to win for his family? idk all i'm saying is if i was zach i think i'd feel a bit hurt that my friend is giving a random advice against me.

“trying to win for his family” dear lord, please tell me you meant to say trying to win to get away from his family. i’m sure they’ve attempted to bleed enough out of him. 

zach takes shit personally so, like, i’m not saying he’s probably not a little bothered because...that’s zach, but. i see the logic. and, like, advising him of shit that should be really freaking obvious is...not handing james the hoh to get him out. zach would be a target anyways. if your social game is worth shit, you should be able to turn that around in game. 

Anonymous asked:

Why would someone tag Zach about Derrick telling James to evict Zach if he was on the show because he's a loose canon? Why is that something Zach would want to hear? Why do people not use their brains

probably because they think they’re letting zach know derrick has it out for him? idk. i don’t really speak moron, nor do i know why anyone is upset by that. it’s good game advice. zach’s impulsive and when he gets bored he sets out to amuse himself by blowing up other people’s games or occasionally his own. i’d boot his ass too.  

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