
alive in the age of worry

@annabyday / annabyday.tumblr.com

arianna. 24. mnl > yyc. writerly | caffeinated | insomniac | inspired [header + pp by @karekareo 🎨]

Hi Aja! Could I ask you for a tarot reading from the Ophidia Rosa deck? I'm finishing up an English degree this spring and I've been thinking a lot lately about how to transition out of academia and into the real world, so any insight would be really great. Thanks a bunch


hi hi! 

i’m so sorry for the late reply @annabyday but I hope this is still useful!

The Queen of Wands is a powerful card of action and release. It represents the archetype, in all its flaws, of the Strong Independent Woman — someone who is bold and assertive, confident and fiercely individualistic.

To me, this card is a reminder to you that as you get ready to leave an environment that may have, up til now, been a very familiar and welcoming place full of established order, you need to be consciously selfish as you let go of those things and strike out for something new. You have the chance to basically remake your life from scratch from here, and that’s exciting and challenging and scary. This card is a reminder to embrace that challenge rather than fear it. It also suggests that while you’re looking to other people for advice, don’t forget to look inward, too — to pay close attention to what your heart wants and what your head is telling you and what your intuition is calling you towards. It also, in simplest terms, tells you to do whatever the fuck you want because you are queen. So, take that as you will! And good luck. :D


so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

okay so i just got my dream job??? a week after applying to it?? and now i’m thinking….maybe this is the good luck post


Don’t trust morning you. Morning you is a dick. Morning you would sell your loved ones if it got them 5 minutes of extra sleep


maybe morning me wouldn’t be such a dick if that flaky bitch evening me had gone to bed instead of tumblring til butts oclock int he morning


Well evening me might have fallen asleep at a reasonable hour if that dumbass afternoon me hadn’t lain down for a “little nap” that lasted four hours.

“There’s a Japanese phrase that I like: koi no yokan. It doesn’t mean love at first sight. It’s closer to love at second sight. It’s the feeling when you meet someone that you’re going to fall in love with them. Maybe you don’t love them right away, but it’s inevitable that you will.”

— Nicola Yoon, The Sun is Also a Star (via youngadultquoted)


I adore Night Vale. It’s like…the way I’d actually want God to talk to me. In a familiar slow voice over a long desert about how the universe is large and terrifying and beautiful and lonely and the only things that matter is someone on your side. 

Firefly was a show that Joss Whedon created to explain how he couldn’t believe in God in the infinite black. In a funny way, more people believed because of it. And Night Vale is inspiring like that. Almost like the world is vast and infinite and also simple and sweet and the only things that really matter are corn and tacos and pizza and loving everyone. 


books?? amazing. paperbacks?? soft, cozy, may fit in your pocket, cheap so you don’t feel bad for taking notes in them. hardcovers??? beautiful, pristine, ground you into the world they hold by making you grip them tighter, the stars of every bookshelf. ebooks?? convenient, cheap, always with you, a vast library that you can hold in your palm. new books?? crisp, the smell of wood, ideas waiting to imprint themselves upon the world. old books?? objects transcending history, sweet smelling, enriched by the hands that stroked their pages. books.

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