
ha ha ha ha ha

@temporal-infidelity / temporal-infidelity.tumblr.com

she/they, queer, late 30s
I write stuff

genuinely obsessed with the way this guy approaches the tasks like this is the same guy that, when asked to name powerful animals as part of a task, went with “red-eyed tree frog.” i love him. man after my own heart


why do we have to do “taika waititi is a bad person” discourse every other week

so he said some stuff in a podcast that i saw summarized as “ppl don’t know about Māori topics so i dont need to know about Palestine” before i saw a transcript. and first of all he doesn’t even mention Palestine in the podcast so it’s kinda weird to assume that was what he was talking about. and second of all, to me when i read the transcript and if i were summarizing it i wouldve paraphrazed his comments as “look, we're all going to be more aware of the issues that are actually impacting us personally, and it's frustrating to be expected to comment on every single humanitarian crisis to trend on social media that i'm uninformed about as if i don't have personal experience with topics like genocide”

and then i see people saying shit like “well, he should KNOW better, how does he not see the parallels?“ and it is so fucking clear to me what the moral outrage is. it’s the idea that poc and other oppressed people inherently have a better moral system because oppression and suffering makes you a better person and victims of oppression are more moral just by virtue of their oppression.

and this isn’t the case for everyone getting caught up in hating on taika but this meshes with white people’s guilt for being white (bc if ppl belonging to an oppressed class are inherently better people, that means ppl belonging to an oppressor class makes them an inherently worse person) and people’s guilt at seeing atrocities happening across the world that their country is connected to and in some way responsible for. the combo of "as a poc he should be informed" and "if a poc doesnt know, that means im making up for my sin of being a white person by being more informed than a person of color"

so white liberals who have all this unpacked internalized christian ideology dictating their moral compass really have to bloviate how immoral it is for taika to not be informed about palestine. because in a weird fucking roundabout way it makes them feel better about being white.

like considering the way people were speculating that taika was personally responsible for firing guz khan from ofmd, a story with very little evidence that honestly reads like an antisemetic conspiracy theory, it’s weird to me that the screenshot on the right being the one passed around twitter and people jumping to the conclusion that he’s talking about that letter he signed when what he was talking about right before that was jojo rabbit and holocaust denial/misinformation and continuing conversations about the holocaust.

yeah taika has a history of saying/doing some pretty uninformed and tone-deaf stuff at times and this is one of them, but i’m not gonna get all worked up over a Jewish Māori man being frustrated that people who dont know anything abt what Māori people are facing are combing through his instagram likes and going in twitter to demand expert statements from him on social issues he is not completely informed about. taika is literally just a guy who makes movies and the way people hold him to this higher standard of moral purity is so fucking transparent


i can finally show off the Necromancer trench since theyre going into production now!

100% cotton twill outside, cotton printed lining inside, sizes s-3xl! the initial release will be limited but if they sell well theyll be back, with other designs too 🤍


 🏴‍It's time to #HoistTheAds! 🏴‍

The RenewAsACrew campaign has a new project. From LA to NYC, we'll be taking out ads, flying planes, and posting fliers to SaveOFMD!

How can YOU help? 

The project is broken into two categories → 1) Immediate Action 2) Secondary Action. We have a very small window to execute, so the following are IMMEDIATE.

  1. Times Square Billboard 
  2. Flyover Plane Message 
  3. Canvassing 

Donate BELOW to fund these👇


obsessed with mass market paperbacks. their pleasing rectangular proportions. how they fit badly in a hoodie pocket so you can drag them around everywhere with you like a temporary little buddy. the way they fit in your hand because they're MADE for human hands and not as bookshelf decoration. the way the pages feel when you riffle them gently with your thumb. How pristine and crisp they look when you get them and how creased and folded they look when you're done, even if you try to be nice to them. how that wear is okay, how that's correct actually, because they're made with the philosophy that books aren't meant to be PRETTY, they're meant to be read. that little ripple new ones get on the left side from where you hold them when you're reading, the way the ripple only goes as far as you've read, because u change stories by reading as they are changing you. how you can find thousands of these creased and folded and loved little dudes in every thrift store and used book shop and neighborhood library and you can instantly see the ones that someone carried around in a backpack for weeks or read to pieces or gave up on halfway through because they wear being read like fresh snow wears footprints. I love these poorly made, subpar little rectangles so much. truly the people's books.


addendums: cult classic tv overlaps with early supernatural seasons somewhat, i am aware, just choose based on the cultural context in which you read your first fic.

for weeaboo crew i was thinking of examples like hetalia, black butler, soul eater, etc--popular anime absolutely included but the distinction is that people who were into dragon ball weren't necessarily going to anime club every week and making deviantart stamps about yaoi, but people into ouran high school host club ABSOLUTELY were.

homestuck is in its own category because homestuck changed fandom forever at a critical time which just happened to be when i was growing up in fandom. harry potter, lotr, star wars, and twilight are in their own categories because they were such multimedia juggernauts they had entire archives dedicated solely and only to their fic that spanned multiple franchise reboots (books -> movies -> extended universes). (i acknowledge star trek technically would fit under this but at the time culturally it had more overlap with other cult classic tv fandoms.)

honorable mentions that didn't make it to the list because i had to pick-and-choose with the 12 answer limit: the final fantasy franchise (axed because i am not familiar enough with the fic scene to know if it was as iconic of a gateway drug as, like, naruto or twilight or star wars fic), a general YA lit category (YA lit outside of twilight only went mainstream slightly after this time period), the MCU (i have a hate boner for the MCU), a broader "american superhero comics" category (this would be valid as an option but i don't have the space)


Cannot Stress Enough how important it is to read Howl’s Moving Castle written by Diana Wynn Jones immediately after watching Howl’s Moving Castle directed by Hayao Miyazaki. When he made the movie he was of course upset with war and thus included it in the film, but you gotta understand. You really Gotta Understand. Every time in the movie where Howl turns the door dial black to travel to an absolutely hellish warscape? You know where that same dial takes him in the book? The Real World Country Of Wales

He goes to his sister’s house to play rugby and have a drink with his mates. His sister is like “you fucking loser get a JOB” and Howell is like “I have a job, I’m a wizard!” And she’s like “FUCK OFF”

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