
Hey Matt Reed!!!!

@heymattreed / heymattreed.tumblr.com

This is where i post progress on things.

The welcome to Anhedonia set I got to make! Kevin Boylin made these set flats; he put cardboard on the bottom and stamped the upper area with a quick foam stamp for wallpaper. We reused much of the kitchen from the previous pilot. Made a really cute quick faux wood island, Kim painted one and then I did another ( I enjoy the subtle difference). A lot of the cardboard props were either made by me or overseen with my wizard eyes. So much little magic was added by everyone bringing in personal art, fake props, and household oddities. (I hid a milk carton puppet and bouncing beveled in the kitchen)


Here's the full sized rat boat set I made off the miniature that was completed months ago. Was pretty pumped to include the head and not just have the set be a wood paneled square. Also made the mountain scene in the background that was rear screen projected. Rat lady costume done by Michelle Yeager


Currently working with monkey boys studio to produce this web series called Welcome to Anhedonia. Making a bunch of cardboard houses for town shots. The main characters live in an old run down house next to some cool city

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