

@hunso / hunso.tumblr.com

saya · ♈ · infj
Women hear it all the time from men. “You’re overreacting,” we tell them. “Don’t worry about it so much, you’re over-thinking it.” “Don’t be so sensitive.” “Don’t be crazy.” It’s a form of gaslighting — telling women that their feelings are just wrong, that they don’t have the right to feel the way that they do. Minimizing somebody else’s feelings is a way of controlling them. If they no longer trust their own feelings and instincts, they come to rely on someone else to tell them how they’re supposed to feel.

shoutout to all the kids who

- grew up smart and lost it when they got to high school and dont know what happened

- are so bright but just cant focus academically

- are told their effort isnt good enough when in reality they just dont understand

- are too shy to ask for help and go without it and therefore dont reach the potential they know they have

- are brilliant in class but underperform in exams

- have to pretend that they dont care about their grades because they constantly underperform and dont want to look stupid


How to Stop Worrying

1. Remind yourself that worrying doesn’t stop things happening. Things will happen – or not happen –anyway.

2. Recognise that “What ifs” don’t usually help with problem solving. It’s better to use logic, and brain storm for solutions. Take control of your emotions by using rational thinking.

3. Motivate yourself by something other than worrying. Take a break and do something fun, and then go back to your work again. That positive approach will reap more benefits.  

4. Face your fears – and do the things that you worry about. The thought is often much worse than the actual thing you fear.

5. Ask yourself “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” Then, “What are the chances that it will happen? Then “Will you survive it, if it happens, in the end?” Usually, that helps to move us from an extreme and irrational way of thinking to a more realistic, and reasonable way if thinking.

6. Teach yourself a range of relaxation strategies – and then concentrate on them instead of on your different fears. Or, adopt a mindful approach – and keep your focus on “right now”.

No, I’m not ok. But I haven’t been ok since I was 11, maybe 12. I am still here though. I’m still breathing. For me, sometimes, that will have to be enough

(via seddni)


my 20s aren’t my selfish years. my 20s are my hustle decade. Finish school get money pay back my loans establish myself work hard to create the foundation of a good life so that I can enjoy what’s coming next. Like yes I’d love to backpack across India or something but I’m broke! I have bills! I could quit my job take my meager savings and go on a 2 month trip and then what??? no job no home cause I got kicked out for not paying rent lmao

Enough. Maybe your 20s were the funtime years decades ago but not anymore. Don’t feel like you’re wasting your life bc you’re not hitchhiking in Europe or something. You’re doing fine. You’re doing what you can and that’s all that matters.


i really like the idea of mermaids bringing their witch girlfriends the ingredients they need for potions from the bottom of the sea 


As a rule of thumb Don’t assume you mean anything special to a person if they don’t show you and very confirm that’s how they feel. Don’t put on your detective hat and try to figure out if x means y and that leads to z. Because if a person cares for you, they will make it known. And you deserve a person that makes it known how much you mean to them


Enter for a chance to win an entire bondage set from kittensplaypen.net! If pink isn’t your thing, you can grab a black or purple on instead! :) All you have to do is reblog this post - Following is NOT necessary! Contest ends September 30th. Goodluck!

When you’re fighting mental illness like you are, you’re fighting a silent battle. No one sees just how hard you’re constantly having to fight. No one else knows the pain and the inner turmoil like you do. You should be proud of yourself, even when you feel like you’re failing. I think anyone fighting a mental illness deserves a Medal of Honor, because that fight is real and its more difficult than most people realize.

-Debbie, the anxiety group therapist at valley (via nohdae)

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