
r u i n a t i o n;

@jamespottver / jamespottver.tumblr.com

+mandy // xv // india all men must die, but we are not men

i spend way too much time on spotify and thus have way too many playlists, but here are some of them as a thank you for 11k !!

neptune / soundtrack to a warm coffee on a sleepy afternoon 

pluto / 3am, lying upside down off the bed with dim phone light on your face

saturn / laughter, pillow fights and intentionally bad singing-along

mars / quiet piano floats through the window on a warm, windy evening 

lunar / during windows-down summer car rides with your friends

solar / fingers tracing on a thigh and quiet evening humming 

jupiter / gentle, wordless, beats to see you through revision 

eclipse / a soft voice paired with a guitar, and a cup of tea

earth / for dozing off amidst gentle yawns, wrapped in blankets

cosmos / a face amongst the crowd, stairs to the subway, city lights

galaxy / clink of glassware and muted murmurs amongst background jazz

sapph / for the girls who love girls

cappuccino / the feeling of a 9am coffee on a gently sunny morning 


Reblog this within 30 seconds in order to receive luck in your efforts for romance, assistance in your relationships, and/or to help easy conflict in your current relationship. Likes charge.

reblogging this again because I fucking NEED it

Update: I’m now in the healthiest and most secure relationship I have ever had. This person is the love of my life and I couldn’t be happier. Do it, magic is real ❤


ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.

whenever i post this it works  reblog if u want to feel good things & the universe will bring u something sweet 


A community for all HP fans!

(Image credit: SnitchSeeker.com) 

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! I know I haven’t been around for a while but I’ve returned to tell you about SnitchSeeker, the Harry Potter fansite that I have called home for 8 years. 

Do you love Harry Potter? Do you love discussing all things HP with people from around the world who love the world as much as you? Are games more your thing? Or perhaps you’re interested in role-playing? Create your own Hogwarts character and attend classes hosted by other members that are fun and engaging. You can even create characters and be a part of the Ministry of Magic. Maybe you simply want to stay up-to-date with the latest HP related news.  

If ‘yes’ was the answer to any of those questions then SnitchSeeker is the place for you! I cannot recommend it enough. The community is like a family and are so welcoming. 

If you think that you, or any of your followers, might be interested in joining SnitchSeeker, please REBLOG THIS. In recent years, SnitchSeeker hasn’t had as many active member and it breaks my heart. I spent my teenage years and now my early adult years on the site, making friends and building a community that has lasted nearly a decade so far. 

There is currently a Valentine’s Day event taking place on the site and everyone is welcome to join! 

So, once again, please reblog this if you or your followers might be interested and give SnitchSeeker a chance. I promise you won’t regret it. 

- Natalie aka nevillongbottom aka natekka (on SnitchSeeker)  


new year, new blog?

hi, my blog @kaznej has been suspended for a month and i’ve delayed even having a temporary blog bc it felt like letting tumblr win,,, but they still haven’t responded to any of my emails and i can’t stand not having a main lit/aes blog anymore so. yeah. pls reblog this post to signal boost i would really appreciate it (follow me i’m back to nothing again like it’s 2015,, wow i’ve been on this hellsite for too long)


jk rowling making nagini an asian woman in canon is really sending me. you made this asian lady the pet of a nazi inspired character and then had her beheaded by some cracker boy i-

yikesss 😬 it was probably racist from the start then considering it’s origin bc “nagini” is Indian and refers to women who can shape shift into snakes (there was a popular Indian movie from the 90s with the title) and naga/nagin in general means female snakes BUT I just thought she named it that bc the snake was a female and she wasn’t creative enough to pick something else I didn’t know she was about to go Deluxe Racism.

and then 10 years later to have an east asian play her in the live action is SO funny to me like NOT that I Want this Garbage but even with all her Years of practice she can’t even do racism right lmfao


hey guys, im sorry i havent posted since forever, life has kept me busy. im currently on hiatus but i hope to come back one day. i had also been dissatisfied with my blog so can you pls suggest some active blogs matching my blog aesthetic?? thanks!!!

p.s.: i started a studygram!!! the username is @pale.desk pls do check it out??

love you



#tidappreciationweek17: day four ≡ favourite platonic relationship

“I cannot leave you to face death alone,” Will whispered, but he knew he was beaten; the sands of his will had run out. Jem touched the parabatai rune on his shoulder, through the thin material of his nightshirt. “I am not alone,” he said. “Wherever we are, we are as one.”

I think I’ve simply read better characters in period pieces than I have in contemporary, which is a pity. I don’t know why that is. But I haven’t been kind of going, ‘I really want to do another period film.’ I’ve just been led by what scripts I’ve thought were good, and what film makers I thought were good.

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