
Connor: Synonyms are weird because if you invite someone to your cottage in the forest, that just sounds nice and cozy, but if I invite you to my cabin in the woods, you’re gonna die.

Ezio: My favorite is explaining the difference between a “butt dial” and a “booty call.”

Altaïr: It’s called connotations.

Edward: Try this one for size: “Forgive me Father, for I have sinned” or “Sorry daddy, I’ve been naughty”

Desmond: Great news! Language is now banned.


The Assassin’s (and Shay) As Marvel Characters

Altair: Dr. Strange

Ezio Auditore: Iron Man/Tony Stark

Ratonhnake:ton: Hawkeye/Clint Barton

Aveline de Grandpré: Mystique/Raven Darkholm

Edward Kenway: Wolverine/Logan

Adewale: Black Panther/T’Challa

Shay Cormac: Punisher/Frank Castle

Arno Dorian: Spider-Man/Peter Parker

Evie Frye: Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff

Jacob Frye: Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff

Lydia Frye: Jessica Jones

Bayek: Luke Cage

Aya: Storm/Ororo Munroe

Desmond Miles: Star-Lord/Peter Quill


Layla Hassan: America Chavez 


The Assassin’s (and Shay) As Marvel Characters

Altair: Dr. Strange

Ezio Auditore: Iron Man/Tony Stark

Ratonhnake:ton: Hawkeye/Clint Barton

Aveline de Grandpré: Mystique/Raven Darkholm

Edward Kenway: Wolverine/Logan

Adewale: Black Panther/T’Challa

Shay Cormac: Punisher/Frank Castle

Arno Dorian: Spider-Man/Peter Parker

Evie Frye: Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff

Jacob Frye: Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff

Lydia Frye: Jessica Jones

Bayek: Luke Cage

Aya: Storm/Ororo Munroe

Desmond Miles: Star-Lord/Peter Quill


Layla Hassan: America Chavez 


Cesare, oh Cesare, A man of great depravity. Believed himself immortal ‘til, He had a date with gravity.


Which AC character...

Always gets forgotten at family reunions: Desmond
Shares random trivia facts with strangers but gets ignored: Shaun
Has the best hair: Altaïr, but nobody has seen it because he's always wearing a hoodie
Successfully assembles IKEA furniture: Leonardo
Has the most instagram followers: Ezio, posing shirtless
Wears colorful underwear that bleeds onto everyone's laundry: Yusuf
Always talking on the phone: Arno, to Elise
Always carries snacks: Bayek saves them for Senu
Remembers everyone's birthdays: Aya has a good memory
Steals your dog: Jacob, breaking into the house
Pours milk before adding cereal: Evie
Kindly points out food stuck in your teeth after a meal: Connor
Laughs at food stuck in your teeth after a meal: Edward
Doesn't bother telling you: Haytham
Cooks the best food: Malik
Burns all of the food: everyone but Malik
Source: brotherhoot
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