
There's productivity and then there's Me.

@kellinahasaship / kellinahasaship.tumblr.com

Call me khas | Trying to be tumblr- active, most of the time failing | Occasional spoiler territory and NSFW-ish. Not fandom-bound, mostly stuff that catches my attention. Drawing and reblogging things. I talk in my tags.

tw// explosion

Hello, hope all of you are safe and doing well.

You may have heard of what happened in Lebanon today and if not, basically, there was a big explosion in Beirut that affected many cities, destroyed shops, homes, cars, caused many injuries and deaths. The cause is uncertain.

As a fellow lebanese myself (that also lives there), today was absolutely terrifying, probably the scariest moments of my life. We heard a deafening sound as the floors were shaking. Some of us thought it was an attack, others thought it was an earthquake. As soon as it ended many expected a second one, which luckily never happened.

Here's a video of what happened that was sent to me, there are also many others that you can find online.

Windows were broken, doors wrecked, cars flipped over, buildings collapsed, people hit by flying or falling objects, and unfortunately, many didn't make it out alive.

We were one of the lucky ones, our families and friends were all safe and our homes were fine.

Some people couldn't even get out of the crumbling builings, so we saw corpses being pulled out, although some people survived the crash. But wherever we looked, there was blood, poeple were half covered in it, their shirts, pants, hair, everything. And that sight was traumatizing.

We watched the news with elders severely injured, children with blood-spattered shirts and people in pain that couldn't get in the hospitals because they were full.

Some people are missing. Just try to imagine the pain and fear their families and friends are feeling.

Articles about what happened, there are a lot more

Not only are we in the middle of a pandemic, but Lebanon is also going through a very serious economical crisis. To give you an example, before, $1 equaled 1 500 lebanese pounds. Nowadays, $1 equals more than 7 000 lebanese pounds. Not to mention that we obviously don't have any dollars at disposition, so yeah we're fucked.

People are hungry, homeless, unemployed. And even if they are getting paid, it'll be useless since the prices of everything went up because they were affected by the economical fiasco.

Important additional information

Today, I heard my 7 year old cousins scream in fear that they were going to die. I saw my aunt shaking, worried that her children won't survive. I saw my dad freak out while trying to reassure us when we both knew that we were uncertain about the next minutes of our lives. I heard the panic in the trembling voices of my family and friends as they couldn't believe what had just happened. I thought my loved ones and I were going to die in the next seconds.

I'm never forgetting those moments and feelings.

I don't think signing petitions will help, i don't even know if the following links will help either, I just know Lebanon and it's people are desperate for anything because the future of this country is extremely uncertain.








I think donating to the red cross would be the most helpful, so if you are considering it, it'd be great.

There are so many great threads on twitter about what you can do to help, just search help lebanon or something to find them. Also if you can, please donate, and as I said, the lebanese pound is pretty much worthless currently so USD is way more useful to us.



I usually prefer to reblog these kinds of things and let others speak, but -

If Greg Ellis chooses to use his voice to amplify homophobic, racist and transphobic voices; and over the years has shown no noticeable trend to acknowledge and learn from his mistakes; his fans and employers should consider if they’re still willing to support his voice - be it financially or by the attention he craves.

I think if Bioware plans spoken lines for Cullen in DA4, he should be recasted. Cullen deserves a better voice actor.

“I gave up part of my heart.
In exchange for restoring your life.”

I was supposed to animate this but I kinda lost passion for that, maybe I’ll come back to this to finish what i left off.

anyway a fake screenshot of my interpretation of how the apprentice got reborn lel


If you aren’t already, you should be buying from Cantrip Candles

So, Cantrip Candles has already been a favorite company of mine for awhile purely just because of the quality of the products. They make candles designed to enhance your RPG experience, and they do a great job. 

Their candles are divine, are 100% soy (so they don’t smell like burning plastic), have fantastic scents (seriously, there’s a bakery one that just straight up smells like fresh bread. It’s magic, I swear), really well priced, and the big ones even come with a metal D20 sunken in (a sweet bonus)


  • They’re black owned and operated
  • They partner with and support PRIDE and lgbtq communities year round
  • Also support other important causes (currently you can pay a dollar to help plant a tree as they partner with the National Forest Foundation)

They’re so nice, great with customer support, and just such a wonderful company. If ever there was time to support a black owned, lgbtq friendly shop, it was now.

They are currently out of stock on a lot due to a surge in support (go figure) but are restocking in the next week. You can get updates about restocks and things like that on their home page.


A friend of mine posted this and tagged my old instagram account, asking me to share it. I figured sharing it here where I actually have a following, would be far better.

Please remember that just because the government is giving into pressure and greed, that doesn’t mean that any of this is getting any better, in a lot of ways it’s getting worse. And even if you yourself aren’t being as heavily affected anymore, there are people and communities that are.

Stay safe Darling ones, and help others remain safe too.



Thank you again for all your patience and interest. This is a project we are all really excited about and eager to work on. First, we would like to announce that the charity the zine will be donating to is The First Nations. It is a group that provides aid to the First Nations of the USA who have turned their focus to Covid-19 aid for the  American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian community. They will pass the funds collected for the Covid-19 relief to the Native Nations. You can find out more on their site here: Link  Next, the focus of this zine will be Codex, Legends, and Lore of the dwarven people. Meaning this will be a dwarf centric zine. This will include things from the games, books, and also headcanons. You can find a list of codexes specific to dwarfs here: Dwarven Codexes Applications will be open from June 14 - July 9th

We look forward to working with you. - Mod Team @zineapps@zinefeed @zine-scene@fandomzines@all-zine-apps@zinecenter@faneventshub@zinesubmissions


When I talk about Nix Hydra being a generally dishonest and inconsistent company, I’m not trying to infringe on anyone’s enjoyment of the Arcana. Nor am I trying to place a moral value on anyone who enjoys the game.

I’m a fan of the Arcana, or I wouldn’t find these issues so deeply frustrating.

I understand why a lot of people get defensive about Nix Hydra, because they’ve built up their reputation by being “indie” and “female-lead”. They’re neither of these things anymore, with a male CEO and a multi-million dollar annual revenue.

I’m leaving this up here for my own reference and for others to read this document and bring themselves up to speed. None of this document berates you for being a fan of the game, if that’s what you’re worried about. It simply lays out the facts and backs it up with evidence.


“Zevran is not a loyal type” “I don’t romance Zevran, he’d cheat on my Warden” “Zevran only wants sex”

excuse me but have you ever done the ultimate sacrifice while romancing him? i recommend you do it because it will not only break your heart but prove that Zevran remained faithful to his beloved even after they died

i’m not saying he lived a chaste life after that but he never loved again dammit

It is heavily implied that he remains chaste. There is actually a bug in 2 in which he is supposed to turn down Hawke/Isabela if he is with the Warden or the Warden died.

And while that makes me really sad that he never loves again, or takes a lover again, it also really says something about him as a person, as he says in the beginning “I happen to be a very loyal person” He is. He is really loyal.

And he doesn’t let himself love. Rinna died and he tried to kill himself by throwing himself at a Grey warden. He knew her for….A mission? Imagine if he had almost a year with your Warden as a partner, one year to tear down the scarred walls again, and he panics and doesn’t know what to do, then gives you the one thing he’s ever treasured, and you die.

I think we have more important issues than the fact that the sex loving Zevran became celibate, he’s a husk if you romance him and die.

 This man is utterly destroyed if you convince him to love you, and then leave. It’s different than a breakup, or friendship, so few people have cared about him, that he latches on so strongly to people he cares about, that they literally become all the planets and stars to him. Is it healthy? No. Do you really expect that from a guy raised in a whorehouse, sold, bought and taught to quash all emotion and kill people for money, all the while being most likely tortured to keep him strong? Probably not.

And when it mentions his comrades being held at a distance? He didn’t even allow platonic love, he leaves Alistair and Lelianna and Oghren even, forgets about them, then ruled the crows almost absentmindedly, just a sea of faces that mean nothing, and it’s terrible.

It’s one of the things that I love and hate about Zevran, one, he’s so ridiculously loyal that he self destructs, which, while terrible, is interesting, and the fact that He loves you, so much, so fucking much, that you NEVER need to worry about anything coming between you. After all, even when he wants to die, he goes on, because you wanted him too. And it’s just so sad and beautiful and tragic that I have no idea what to do about it.

People that say Zev is all about sex, or not loyal….I have no idea what game they were playing. And if he won’t ‘cheat’ on the Warden after death, what makes anybody think he’d do so while they lived?

Also another proof of Zevran’s loyalty is if you attempt to romance both   him and another LI at the same time. If you are already romancing someone when you get with Zevran he will force you to choose as he states he’s no ‘cheat’. The same thing happens the other way round if you romance him first and someone else later.  

Not only that but if you import a DA:O game with a romanced Zevran you learn that he is with your warden. He never becomes a warden himself and he is still with your warden after 10 years helping them stop the Calling. How is that not love and loyalty and devotion?


TLDR - Zevran > All other DA LI’s


I had the pleasure to take some screeenshots for @kellinahasaship!! :D

Look at those two :)  Thank you for entrusting me with your OC :)

If anyone is interested in having their own screenshots taken by me please send me a message! :)

Oh hey, there here! Thank you so much @iawv for these beautiful beautiful screenshots!

Depicted are Josephine and Meraad, my DA RP character (and first qunari character ever lol)


John Boyega at Hyde Park demonstration #BlackLivesMattter



[Boyega]: I want to thank every single one of you for coming out. This is very important—this is very vital. Black lives have always mattered! We have always been important. We have always meant something. We have always succeeded regardless, and now is the time. I ain’t waiting! I ain’t waiting! I have been born in this country, I’m 28 years old, born and raised in London, I’ve grown tired—every black person understands and realizes the first time you are reminded that you are black. You remember, every black person in here remembers, when another person reminded you that you are black. So none of you out there, all those protestors on the other side protesting against what we want to do, protesting against what we want to try and achieve, [?] you, because this is so vital.

[Other voices, to crowd]: Sit down! Sit down!

[Boyega]: Sit down, guys, we have to sit down. If you could sit down, if you can sit down. Now I need you guys to understand, I need you to understand now how painful this shit is! I need you to understand how painful it is to be reminded every day that your race means nothing! And that isn’t the case anymore. That is never the case anymore. We are going to try today—we are a physical representation of our support for George Floyd.

[Crowd cheers]

[Boyega]: We are a physical representation of our support for Sandra Bland! We are a physical representation of our support for Trayvon Martin! We are a physical representation of our support for Stephen Lawrence! For Mark Duggan! It is very, very important that we keep control of this moment and we make this as peaceful as possible. We make this as peaceful and as organized as possible. Because you know what, guys, they want us to mess up. They want us to be disorganized. But not today! Not today!

[Other voices]: Not today!

[Boyega]: Not today! And now this message is specifically for black men. Black men, we—[Boyega cuts off, crying and bending over from emotion]

[Crowd]: Speak! Speak!

[Other voices]: You can do this, you’ve got this.

[Boyega]: Black men, black men, we need to take care of our black women. We need to take care of them! They are our hearts! They are our hearts, they are our future, we cannot demonize our own. We are the pillars of the family. Imagine this, a nation that is set up with individual families that are thriving, that are healthy, that communicate, that raise their children in love, have a better rate of becoming better human beings, and that’s what we need to create. Black men, it starts with you, and it’s done, man—we can’t be trash no more. We have to be better.

You don’t understand, I’m speaking to you from the heart. Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this. But fuck that--[words bleeped out]. This, today, is about innocent people who were halfway through their process. We don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved; we don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved. But today we’re going to make sure that that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones. I’m sure you lot came today, you left your kids, and when you see your kids there aimlessly playing, they don’t understand what’s going on. Today is the day that we remind them that we are dedicated, and this is a lifelong dedication. Guys, we don’t leave here and stop, you know. We don’t leave here and stop. This is longevity. Some of you are artists, some of you are bankers, some of you are lawyers, some of you own shops, stores. You are important. Your individual power, your individual right, is very, very important. We can all join together to make this a better world. We can all join together to make this special. We can all join together!

[End transcript.]


Get the brush HERE. 100% of net profits from sales of this brush will be donated to the Act Blue collection of groups listed here. These groups fight racism and police brutality.

I am doing this fundraiser to show support for the Black community. As with most of my fundraisers, the brush is offered for FREE. I do encourage those who can to make a donation of $1 or more.

To get the brush for $0, simply type a ‘0’ into the price box under the 'Name a fair price:’ heading.

As in the past, I will only reserve the amount I need to pay income tax on the sales and 100% of the net income will be donated to the groups listed on the Act Blue page listed above.

They are: Black Lives Matter Global Network, Reclaim the Block, National Bail Out, Black Visions Collective, NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, The National Police Accountability Project, Color of Change Education Fund, Unicorn Riot, Campaign Zero, Advancement Project, The Marshall Project

Please do everything you can to lift up those in your communities who need help. Please treat others kindly. Please try to act unselfishly. Please reject violence. Love one another. Like many, I struggle to live by these principles sometimes, but I will continue to try and grow and be better.

ABOUT THE BRUSH This brush can be used for many drawing styles and effects. Depending on pressure, you can activate more texture and change the diameter of the brush. Lines are never repetitive, contain interesting and varied stroke irregularities, and have a very natural feel.

NOTE: I am not creating this brush to promote Adobe products. I am proud to work for them, but this fundraiser is about supporting a community that needs all of us to do what we can to help. Therefore, I encourage you to use this brush anywhere and everywhere it is supported: Photoshop CC, Photoshop legacy apps, Photoshop Sketch, Fresco, Procreate, GIMP, Affinity Designer, etc.

Also NOTE: This brush will be available for 3 weeks, and then I will remove it. This is to help me manage the complexities of collecting the payments from Gumroad, then working with my accountant (who is *not* cheap) to reserve estimated taxes. Leaving the brush on my site indefinitely would make it too difficult for me to track the payments and too expensive for me to work with my accountant to reserve for taxes. I limit my interaction with her to one visit, if possible, to sort all this out. Thank you for understanding.

Technical support: Due to my current workload, I do not offer support for the brushes. Please use Google Search or YouTube to learn about installing Photoshop brushes.



a black woman named zoe amira posted a video on youtube. this video is an hour long and filled with art and music from black creators. it has a ton of ads, and in result will rack up a ton of revenue. 100% of the ad revenue from the video will be dispersed between various blm organizations, including bail-out funds for protesters. it will be split between the following, dependent on necessity

  1. brooklyn bail fund
  2. minnesota freedom fund
  3. atlanta action network
  4. columbus freedom fund
  5. louisville community bail fund
  6. chicago bond
  7. black visions collective
  8. richmond community bail fund
  9. the bail project inc
  10. nw com bail fund
  11. philadelphia bail fund
  12. the korchhinski-parquet family gofundme
  13. george floyd’s family gofundme
  14. blacklivesmatter.com
  15. reclaim the block
  16. aclu
turn off your adblocker and put the video on repeat. do not skip ads. let it play on loop whether you’re listening or not. mute the tab if you need to focus elsewhere. but let. it. play.
youtube will donate to blm for you.

please, please reblog. for people who don’t have money to spare, this is incredibly important information to have.

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