
Greta Prewett

@gretaprewett / gretaprewett.tumblr.com

Writer, Reader, Librarian extraordinaire, Super-secret agent,Olicity shipper, Nerd, Protector of Bucky Barnes
Anonymous asked:

For the Russos: What is the most compelling aspect of Steve and Bucky's current relationship?

The relationship between Steve and Bucky is one of my brother’s and my favorite aspects of the Captain America movies.  It’s so complex and tragic.  They have a devotion to one another that is undermined and devastated by fate, and exploring how they endure that is fascinating for us as storytellers and fans.  We feel Civil War is the best chapter yet in the story of their relationship.  The character has gone from being Bucky Barnes to being the Winter Soldier, and now in this movie he is something else.  We explore whether he and Steve can ever have a relationship again and, if so, what that relationship can be.  -AR

Anonymous asked:

For Cap. Are you fighting more for your friend Bucky, or to prevent the establishment of Superhero Registration Act?

IMO - The core of Cap’s struggle in this is for his friend Bucky. 

-Chris Evans


Dear white Harry Potter fans,

It is not your place to be discussing the “right”-ness or “wrong”-ness of a beloved character like Hermione Granger being a black woman in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

It is not your place to be critical of such huge and significant representation being given to women and girls of colour through an iconic and well-loved character just because “it wasn’t in the book”.

(Newsflash: JK Rowling herself said that Hermione’s race is never specified in any of the seven books. Are you going to suggest she, the author, doesn’t know the world she spent two decades of her life creating?)

It is not your place to be saying “Well, I can’t see her as black, so….”

You are irrelevant in this discussion. 

This is not for you. 

This is for the black girls and women who will get to see themselves represented, maybe for the very first time, in a character who is intelligent, driven, brave, compassionate, loving, proud, stubborn, bossy - all of the things that they were told they couldn’t be, because black girls and women are not expected to be those things. 

This is for the black girls and women who will have a character that they can relate to in one of the biggest, most iconic, and universally-loved series’ of all time. 

This is for the black Potter fans everywhere who have long wished to see themselves, their culture, their heritage, and their history represented in their favourite series. 

This is for the black girls and women who were ignored by their teachers because they were assumed to be of inferior intelligence because of their race.

This is for the black girls and women who were labelled as rebellious and loud-mouthed because they dared to speak their minds.

This is for the black girls and women who were called bossy or controlling when they showed themselves to be talented and accomplished leaders, mentors, guides, instructors. 

This is for the black girls and women who saw themselves in Hermione Granger, who was ostracized in a society which valued blood and heritage to the point of obsession, because they too have been ostracized.

This is for the black girls and women who will find inspiration, strength, and hope in a positive portrayal of black excellence and proof that black women can be anything they want to be. 

Just because PoC Hermione is not your Hermione, it doesn’t mean she’s not anybody else’s.

In fact, whether or not Hermione is black is of no relevance to you whatsoever, because this representation is not for you. 

It is not for you. So don’t try to make it so. 


A white Harry Potter fan, who 100% supports black Hermione Granger and always will. 

Anonymous asked:

You're middle aged and still have a tumblr? LOL

What do you mean, “still?”

Child, I’ve been spreading porn via social network since before you were born.




I always wonder what people who make these comments think middle-aged people do. Like, sit around, doing their taxes and talking about escrow 24/7?

Do they really expect not to have any fun or waste any time after age 30? Or maybe they think that people are just not awesome enough to be able to have a professional job, a family, and still waste time on Tumblr.

Well, I’m here, friends, to tell you that it is possible! You can have it ALL — the career, the family, and the incredible time-suck of fandom!

Oh middle aged WOMEN in particular are just… not allowed to have fun, I think? We’re supposed to be past it, pathetic and devote the remaining dregs of our time, energy & attention to caring for others, and studiously avoiding anything that someone might find worthy of mockery. Then we die (or become invisible). (I mean, maybe we’re allowed to have fun if it’s APPROPRIATE fun. Like, a small sherry after an age-allowed exercise class? A couple of hours of watching BBC2? Not fandom. Never fandom!)

This post has reminded me I still need to do my tax return. But that’ll take an afternoon, not my whole 40s.


Also middle-aged (because I don’t figure on living much past 90) and here reblogging and yelling at stupid people on Tumblr, sharing beautiful art and writing. I wanted this when I was a teen and I’m SURE gonna enjoy the hell out of it now!


Wow, I am middle-aged now? Who knew?

Yeah, I have a Tumblr, too. I do Tumblr when I am not casting spells, watching Marvel movies, or talking to my Beast Herd.


@spitandvinegar, you seen this yet?

In the spirit of clarification I would like to point out that I am not middle aged but rather a ageless and deathless dread-beast of the underdark, which is entirely different. But I do have something to say, and it is this:

Time is an anchor. Time is a weight. Time is a dog that has picked up your scent. Time is a vampire. Time is a screw. Time is the god that you don’t choose to worship, but you are the flesh that is burned on his altar.

You are not young. You are a visitor. You have lingered in this country, but your visa is expiring.

You are standing on the deck and you are in the sunlight. You are watching the coast go by, the castles on the bank. Do you see the flowers, darling? Do you see the children waving? Wave back at them, darling. Wave as they pass. The current sweeps one way. The current runs downstream.

You will never return to the school bus, the board-books, the faith in the wisdom of your elders. It  has passed. It has gone. You saw it as you fell, and you are still falling. There is no return, darling. There is no falling up again.

You will grow old and your body will be a stranger’s. You will grow old and men’s eyes will pass over you. You will grow old and you will learn what you’re made of. Will you know yourself, darling? Will you love who you have become?

You can lay back, darling. You can let yourself be carried. You can sink to the deep with the anchor round your neck.

Or you can decide that you don’t give an everloving fuck and reblog a bunch of GIFs if you damn well feel like it, because one of the benefits of not being a puerile youth is that you’re not hysterically concerned with what other people may or may not think about your hobbies.


Word to your mother. 


i feel like age of ultron is like that one really bad fanfic set in canonverse that you read until the end because well you started it and it looked promising and youre halfway through so you might as well finish it and afterwards you sit there feeling confused and weirded out like ‘wtf did i just read’ and spend the next 3 weeks trying to forget you ever read it or pretending it doesn’t exist

ever wonder what it’d look like?


it gets me every time

I’m crying.

I am legit crying. No, I’m not doing that usual thing where I say I am but I’m not. No, I have actually tears rolling down my cheeks. This is so sad.


Crying again on the way to work. Jesus I have to stop reading this website when I’m wearing mascara.

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