Anonymous asked:

Once you get settled, please do somthing with dovbleback's JT!

thank you for the encouragement, nonny! but i’m not entirely sure west is writing over there at the moment- and i know he had quite a lot built up with another gemma. i’m absolutely not saying i wouldn’t- i would write with west always, because, duh, west is the best. it even rhymes- but i’d like to remain within people’s comfort levels and boundaries.
@dovbleback is a really beautifully considered and thought out jt, tho! absolutely worth giving a follow, to be there to catch every second if/when west *ahem* doubles back to him. ♥♥
Anonymous asked:

Misconception: JT hated Clay

misconceptions // accepting.

          NOT EVEN CLOSE. John said it himself in a letter to Maureen. Clay was his best friend. Toward the end of his life, he considered Clay closer than even Piney. What he had issues with were Clay’s morals. The two couldn’t be more different in what they wanted out of the club. Where JT saw it more as a family and a lifestyle, Clay saw profit and power. These two outlooks can go hand-in-hand, and for a while, they did. That was how Teller-Morrow started up. That wasn’t the issue. No, that was the knowledge that Clay was willing to all but sell his soul for what he wanted, and he utilized manipulation to his advantage. Nothing done between them was out of spite. JT gave up years before he died, and everything Clay put him through was for Gemma’s sake.

I BROUGHT UP RANTING, AND NOW I GOTTA DO IT. In regards to the severely anti-JT post I just reblogged ( Everything in the JT tag was posted when the show was still running, so it’s at least a year old. But shit. ), I got a few points I’d like to make for the people who had the same outlook on him. Here are a few things to keep in mind in regards to John Thomas Teller: He was almost 40 when he met Gemma. Jax was born maybe a year later. John WILLINGLY fought in the Vietnam war. How do I know that? Because his birthdate was never called with the draft. He was born at the tail end of the Great Depression and likely had overly-religious parents with a hoarding problem, as most people who went through that do. He lived a completely nomadic lifestyle since he was 16, at most and was smart enough to know the true meaning of ANARCHY. Now, here’s a little something about anarchy that the world doesn’t seem to get. ANARCHY ISN’T BLOWING UP SHIT. It isn’t killing someone because you can. It isn’t throwing a brick through your neighbor’s window when the city’s power is out. It isn’t riots or rebellions or mass shootings to get a message across. It’s peace and unity, without the threat of a government or religion taking that away. Look up true anarchist societies, and they’re so much closer to hippie communes and the values of a nudist colony. They aren’t punk rock assholes with the ever-present need to break everything they touch. They’re still  f i g h t e r s , but there is so much more to their lifestyle than people acknowledge. Alright, so you’ve got those two. Now I want you to imagine a man who fought his entire life for freedom and even lived off the back of his bike for almost TWENTY YEARS. I want you to imagine him settling down because he got some girl pregnant and willingly becoming something more than a ghost. He’s being forced into arms dealing and getting in bed with the IRA. He’s surrounded by people telling him that power is more important than freedom. Money is more important than peace. He was never depressed because of Clay and Gemma. In fact, he didn’t give a shit. Just because you tell another person what’s happening, that does not mean it truly matters to you. By the end, JT knew every last turn where he fucked up, and he acknowledged every bit of it in one way or another. The death of his youngest son sent him spiraling, and he gave his eldest a roadmap of HOW TO FIX EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM THAT JOHN COULDN’T. But no. You’re right. Terrible person and father.

I really have 0 sympathy for John Teller.

He left Gemma when Thomas was sick to go and have an affair in Ireland and he acts like an emo asshole when Gemma and Clay start hooking up. And if he wanted to get out of guns so bad maybe he should have tried doing something about it instead of just writing in his diary and closing himself off from everybody.

Like do people forget all this stuff? He was a crap husband and father.

Okay but why is everyone in the JT tag either messing up the timeline or giving him a fancast of someone who looks like they’re 20? With the exception of pre-Gemma JT, it makes no sense. John was 38 when Jax was born. And then you have people acting like his marriage to Gemma was a dream when they first met, but he got her knocked up a few months into knowing her and was forced to settle down, because that’s what people did back then. He didn’t meet his match or his true love or anything. He met a girl who thought she was grown, and he thought of her as disposable, just like any other he met before her. Odds are, he’s got more than three biological children, and Gemma just happened to be the first who made sure he made her an honest woman. I’m not calling JT scumbag of the year, but he wasn’t a saint. He had a soul before its time and valued freedom over all else. Gemma’s peace of mind was not a priority. He did love his sons with everything in him, to the point that the death of one furthered him into depression ( because yes, that was a thing he struggled with for a long time ). But Gemma Madock was only the mother of his children. They had interests on two polar ends of the spectrum, and Gemma’s persistence beat out JT’s morals.

Age Difference Starter Sentences

"Are you even old enough to be here?"
"What did I tell you about coming here? You're too young."
"Age is but a number."
"Will you just drop my age and go on one measly date?"
"If I was just a few years older, I'd marry you."
"You can't tell anyone about this."
"You're too young for me."
"You're too old for me."
"Hey, I'm over 18. It's perfectly legal."
"My feelings for you mean more to me than your age."
"Ask me again when you're done with high school/college."
"I'm old enough to be your mother/father--okay, maybe not THAT old, but still!"
"This isn't a lifetime movie, I could get into some serious trouble."
"I didn't know you were that young!"
"So I may have lied a bit about my age.."
"This never happened."
"You're not being professional."
"I'm not a kid, you know. Stop treating me like one."
"So you like older men/women, huh?"
"Go home, your parents are probably wondering where you are."
"I'm a lot more mature than you think."
"I don't know if I can handle this."
"But think about it, in ten years it won't even look like that big of an age difference!"
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