
Construct of Shadow

@unholykeyblader / unholykeyblader.tumblr.com

Vanitas Nomura, Age 29, Chaotic Good. Canon-deviant RP blog from Kingdom Hearts, post-DDD. Warnings: violence, language, adult humor. Page/reaction art by D. Franz.

Blog updates!

((I have just finished moving all of my scattered Kingdom Hearts RP blogs to sideblogs, under this account.  This should make it a lot easier to be at least MARGINALLY active on them–and it means I don’t have to remember a thousand login emails!  (No seriously.  I’m doing this across the board.  I’m going from 16 login emails down to 6.)

Ven, Kairi and Aqua have their same old urls.  Riku and Ikki have new urls.  Their old blogs will serve as archives, and the Rules page for each has links to those.  Here are the new blogs:

If you want to do a starter on any of these sideblogs:  make a new post and @ the username.  I can’t initiate asks on sideblogs unless it’s on anonymous!

Cheers ya’ll!))


Happy Birthday

He is not okay.
Ikki and Stitches are out for the night, house-hunting.  Good.  They deserve their own place.  Aqua is out, and her twins are asleep.  Polaris is asleep, thank Balance; his poor girl had such a time after seeing her mother, robbed of emotions by some divine spell.  He sits on the back patio he built himself, an ashtray on the table by his side, a glass and bottle of whiskey next to it.
His fingers shake as he inhales.
The night is young and fresh; the stars twinkle brightly in a moonless, rain-washed sky, even here in the suburbs.  But the darkness and the little sprinkling of light, even now the reflection of the structure of his soul, brings no comfort.  Neither does the booze or the faint euphoria of clove smoke.
Rainy is gone.
He inhales again, and exhales a sob.  He chokes it back, coughs on the smoke, and goes quiet, staring into the empty night.

An angel from Heaven alights in the back yard of Vanitas’ property, except it isn’t, it’s a familiar and rather stocky New Yorker with fluffy owl wings, which fold up behind him. Vani can probably tell who it is just by the glow of red in his chest, and the fact that he’d been told where his house even was.


And he’s about to greet Nomura with a snarky remark when the vibe hits him, making his wings droop as he’s confused by the negativity that hits him, and he slows his pace considerably as he approaches. “Yo, Sootball, you okay? You feelin’ kinda fucky over there, bud?”

He wasn’t going to say how happy he was to receive company, especially sympathetic company.  He didn’t want to admit that, despite half a lifetime pushing people away and the other half being socially awkward, that he was so in need of human(oid) contact that it hurt. Most of all, every single instinct in Van, whether beaten in by the Master or acquired through modern society, told him to not show weakness.

So he didn’t lift his head as he answered, even though he couldn’t agree more.


“...No.”  He pulled in a deep breath, cleared his throat wetly, and sniffed.  “No, I’m not okay, and yes, I feel absolutely fucky.”

He gestured to the only unoccupied piece of furniture on the patio:  a second chair, a comfy wicker armchair with freshly-laundered plush cushions.

“If you wanna stay, I hope you don’t mind if I smoke.  You wanna drink?”  He gestured to the bottle of whiskey on the little table between the chairs.  “I can go in and get you a second glass.”

Please stay.


"About time you got back, no way i'm letting a stranger babysit the twins."


I’m gonna start charging you at the rate you’re goin’.


“Well, its not as if most people know how to handle kids who know how to start magical fires… By the way, they know a few words now.”


“They better NOT be spell callwords, woman.  Are you casting around your babies?  Why the ff…”


“…yeah no actually I could see Stopza being really useful.  And Zero Graviga.”


“But NOT.  FIRE.”


Blog updates!

((I have just finished moving all of my scattered Kingdom Hearts RP blogs to sideblogs, under this account.  This should make it a lot easier to be at least MARGINALLY active on them–and it means I don’t have to remember a thousand login emails!  (No seriously.  I’m doing this across the board.  I’m going from 16 login emails down to 6.)

Ven, Kairi and Aqua have their same old urls.  Riku and Ikki have new urls.  Their old blogs will serve as archives, and the Rules page for each has links to those.  Here are the new blogs:

If you want to do a starter on any of these sideblogs:  make a new post and @ the username.  I can’t initiate asks on sideblogs unless it’s on anonymous!

Cheers ya’ll!))



The idea behind this piece was how darkness in Kingdom Hearts is different for everyone. The inspiration for each character was the external force that turns them to darkness. Granted, not each character here has “fallen” to darkness, but that doesn’t mean they’re not fighting darkness in their own way.

(Thanks to @imaginative-ink for helping me come up with the ideas for these!)


Draft Deletion Call

((Hey so, here's a list and links to some drafts I have in my box that I wanna delete.  Either the thread is outdated, the plot has pretty much run its course, or I just don't wanna continue.  Message me if you want to continue one of these anyway--and if you do, throw ideas at me, I'll need inspiration!  Some of these are years old!

If you wanna start a brand new RP instead of what I linked to, message me about that too!

@faithfulreplica http://faithfulreplica.tumblr.com/post/162065505229/unholykeyblader-yeeeahi-realize-that-it-sounds @thespellweaver http://thespellweaver.tumblr.com/post/162031333729/taps-vans-shoulder-um-vanitas-i-do-have-a @freezingginger http://freezingginger.tumblr.com/post/161796841720/and-the-search-continues @mydearnamine http://mydearnamine.tumblr.com/post/122642365980/hey-are-you-ok-where-are-your-parents-says @blackburstdragoon http://blackburstdragoon.tumblr.com/post/122646383267/ma-small-amnesiac-8-year-old-go @uncoveredillusions https://uncoveredillusions.tumblr.com/post/122649219302/ma-small-amnesiac-8-year-old-go @shadows-twisted-reflections http://shadows-twisted-reflections.tumblr.com/post/121410145962/unholykeyblader-he-was-taking-an-enormous-risk (?????? I don't remember what was happening here, help) @shadows-twisted-reflections http://shadows-twisted-reflections.tumblr.com/post/120919140847/void-gear-came-out-in-a-snap-slicing-through-the (I remember this one was from a prefab starter) @theotherpuppet http://theotherpuppet.tumblr.com/post/120835704414/unholykeyblader-theotherpuppet-oh-luck-was (also from a prefab starter) @uncoveredillusions https://uncoveredillusions.tumblr.com/post/120867844527/holy-fucking-christ-vans-words-echoed-weirdly (from the same prefab starter as the previous two) @shadows-twisted-reflections http://shadows-twisted-reflections.tumblr.com/post/117881223382/text-hi-baby-bro-m-sorry-i-havent-been-able-to (I'll definitely need reminders as to where this is/was in the timeline and how I should continue) @shadows-twisted-reflections http://shadows-twisted-reflections.tumblr.com/post/92495047562/unholy-keyblader-the-sight-of-sora-skittering (this one was from my OLD Van account, I don't even remember what was going on) @theotherpuppet http://theotherpuppet.tumblr.com/post/95056793099/unholy-keyblader-theotherpuppet (this ancient thing is from my old account, if you wanna continue maybe there's some way we can sum it up in another manner?) @opeapea @warwcn http://opeapea.tumblr.com/post/162135642844/unholykeyblader-right-rafters-got-it-he I REALLY like RPing with your Terry, but I have no idea where I was gonna go with this one--also I like the one with Jason better LOL

Cheers ya'll!))

Anonymous asked:

[via scalysacrilege] "HEY, FINAL FANTASY!" And now there's a fluffy, friendly fuck here. Snide, why are you here. Do you keep tabs on this asshole?



Anonymous asked:

Aww, come on bro! Those puns Roxas! Though, at least there's not going to be anything Clouding your judgement. Sorry to take your bro's name in vain though, not the intention I promise~


Kill me.


Blog updates!

((I have just finished moving all of my scattered Kingdom Hearts RP blogs to sideblogs, under this account.  This should make it a lot easier to be at least MARGINALLY active on them--and it means I don’t have to remember a thousand login emails!  (No seriously.  I’m doing this across the board.  I’m going from 16 login emails down to 6.)

Ven, Kairi and Aqua have their same old urls.  Riku and Ikki have new urls.  Their old blogs will serve as archives, and the Rules page for each has links to those.  Here are the new blogs:

If you want to do a starter on any of these sideblogs:  make a new post and @ the username.  I can’t initiate asks on sideblogs unless it’s on anonymous!

Cheers ya’ll!))

[ikki-masters added you as a friend!]
ikki-masters: hey
unholykeyblader: WHAT THE FUCK
ikki-masters: yeah
me: Look I know you have an axe to grind with the Liash but HOLY FUCKBALLS BRO
Ikki, Disappearing Fuck: i'm alive
me: Yeah I see that jackass
me: Now c'mon dish, what's been going on
me: Have you at least been staying with Stitches
Ikki, King of One-Word Responses: yeah
me: Ikki holy fuck c'mon man use your words
me: you still remember how to internet right
me: they have internet in the infinite alliance
Ikki: yeah they do
Ikki: look it's just been a lot okay
Ikki: the last few years have been
Ikki: pretty tough really
me: You don't motherfucking say
me: Look Ikki you've been through some legitimate trauma
me: I get dealing with that in your own time and in your own way, I really do
me: But you're not alone, you HAVE to know that
Ikki: no I know that Van
Ikki: the thing is
Ikki: Stitches has been the one who's been here for me ever since the Liash shit happened
Ikki: and I'm not saying that no one else has
Ikki: Stitches just isn't the kind of guy who lets you run away from him
Ikki: I couldn't if I wanted to
me: Haha that's my boy
Ikki: yeah I figured you'd get a kick out of that
Ikki: anyway yeah, I've been staying with him for a while now, I don't even know how long it's been, probably a few years now, what is time when you hop worlds this much
Ikki: and he's really helped me, Van.
Ikki: He's helping me come to terms with...well, everything.
Ikki: He's helping me face myself.
Ikki: He's not mushy or overbearing or even very obvious with his love
Ikki: But he loves me so much even though I'm a fucking wreck
Ikki: and it's cliche to say but
Ikki: being with him reminds me more and more every day that it's okay to be WITH people
Ikki: to be AROUND them, to share things, to
Ikki: I dunno, be vulnerable I guess
me: for real? Ikki that's fucking awesome man.
Ikki: yeah I know it is
Ikki: the thing is I
Ikki: I think I'm ready to come home, Van.
Ikki: not just to see more of Ienzo and Sora, and more of you
Ikki: but to see my parents again.
Ikki: to see Riku again.
Ikki: I've been missing them this whole time but I was sure that if I went back to them it would be a disaster
Ikki: But now I'm thinking things will really be okay.
me: Ikki bro you have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that
me: How can I help?
Ikki: I actually was going to ask, if it's not too much
Ikki: Can you be with me when I meet up with Riku? Can you reach out to him too and pick a time and place?
Ikki: Even though I know now that things will be okay, honestly there's still that fear that he'll hate me after everything I've done
Ikki: and I can't handle that, Van, I can't, he's my brother, I'll fall apart
me: I got you Ikki
me: Don't worry about it, I promise you everything is gonna be okay
me: I'll be with you every step of the way, I'll reach out to Riku and bring his bitch ass home so he can see you again, and I'll be there with you, I promise
me: It's going to be okay
Ikki: I know it is, but, Van
me: Yeah?
Ikki: ...thank you for saying that.
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