

@melluhhhhnie / melluhhhhnie.tumblr.com

doin my best

every time someone talks about someone "faking disability to live on welfare" or anything to that effect i think about how my mom worked in law and directly knew of a case of a guy who had terminal brain cancer with an estimated few months to live and got rejected the first time he applied for disability income. like, he was 100% going to die and that wasn't disabled enough to not have to jump through a million hoops and get lawyers involved. non-disabled people "living off of welfare" is such a non issue because i cannot bring myself to care about the like, 3 people who maybe successfully do it compared to the thousands of people rejected who need aid


As an adult I think me and all my friends should all have matching schedules and work like 20 hours a week and also everyone lives within 15 minutes of each other why is that so much to ask


something deeply intimate about being outside early in the morning all alone and seeing the world as she is


honestly fucking fascinating that people will pretty universally understand that thin people can be naturally predisposed to thinness regardless of what they eat or their activity level, but that so many of the same people cannot possibly fathom that fat people could have similar dispositions or that there could be any factors more complex than a "lack of self control."


i think what ppl who don't like cats do not understand is a cat will scuffle with u even if it likes u. sometimes more. a cat biting you or kicking you isn't because they hate u its because they are little predator animals and they like to play. they're also 2 feet tall and don't have hands and their mouth is the only thing they can Get Stuff with and it's full of tiny razor teeth. not their fault!!

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