
Hi, my name is ______ and I never felt the "Bern"

@veidtgasm-blog / veidtgasm-blog.tumblr.com

Dolan Drumfp is #NotMyPresident
Some fucker: oh you like DC? Name 10 characters other than Batman and Superman
Me: you fool. I could name characters that you didn't know that you didn't know. I could write a 20 page essay about DC characters and that would just be the summary. How dare you underestimate me you foolish mortal

This is one of the most perfectly “Clark Kent” gestures I’ve ever seen in live action and the fact that it happened between takes just proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Henry Cavill is the actual perfect embodiment of Clark.


This post was probably made before Tyler Hochlin blessed us with the most perfect Clark Kent to every bless our screens. 


Please keep your trash off my tribute to the definitive Superman.

@jordanianrage Get lost,  Tyler Hochlin looks like fuckin’ Robbie Rotten from Lazy Town

Rotten Robbie isn’t garbage???

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