
Just tell the cops we're following a star

@finstocksimaginaryfriend / finstocksimaginaryfriend.tumblr.com

(If anyone asks)


this is not a helpful translation, google.


Now this is a Russian culture lesson


Always reblog

As a former zookeeper we would hear this a lot. “If you don’t study hard you’ll end up cleaning poop for a living.” It’s the one time we’re allowed to go off on the visitors. I once heard my boss rant for five minutes at a lady, in front of her kids, about how he had a Master’s degree, how people literally worked there for free, and how dare she judge people without bothering to know anything about them. Later that day his boss came by and said, roughly, “She told us what happened. Thanks for not throwing anything this time.”

the monty hall saga

please watch brooklyn nine-nine

hoooOw dare you detective diaz i am your supIORIOR OFFICER! (BONE!!!!)whathappensinmybedroomdetectiveis none of your business (!boOoOoNE?!) dont, ever, speak to me like that again.

I’ve already reblogged this scene but the last comment is a masterclass in punctuation and vocal emphasis.


Two new prints for Sydney Supanova! I’ll be there with @shorelle all weekend! Come by my table and say hi– table #203! PS: Anyone cosplaying as Ahsoka Tano can come by my table for a free Ahsoka print.  (◕◡◕✿)


Muslim brothers and sisters

So I found this app called Scan Halal where you scan the bar code of your food and it tells you if its halal or not. It’s a free app too. Pass this on so others can see and worry a little less about their food/snack choices

Yessss, it is very handy especially in non-muslim countries

If you reblog this for no other reason, do it because it’ll piss off Pauline Hanson. And pissing off Pauline Hanson is reason enough to do anything.

Pissing off Pauline Hanson is my favourite pass time

If you reblog this for no other reason, reblog it to make a Muslim feel safer, more accepted, and/or more informed about food.

Other people and their needs are not your game pieces to use to offend others or make yourself feel better.


This is actually a cool app! I had a customer come into my candy store and we discovered that certain flavors of the same brand of candy sticks were okay to eat! It was really handy for them to be able to scan it rather than rely on the ingredient list, which could be flawed sometimes! 


what’s with all these stories of hundred plus year old vampires falling in love with teenagers like yes they might LOOK your age but you’ve got a few centuries of maturity on them I want vampires falling in love with 40 year old suburban housewives and business executives and preschool teachers not high school students


vampires falling in love with spry 90-year-old great-grandmothers




there’s no shame in admitting that none of us have any concept of how big a whale is

Once in the 3rd grade, we were learning about marine life. The material we were reading said that baby blue whales are around 50 feet long when they’re born. Our teacher stopped, realizing that a bunch of 8-9 year olds had no actual concept of how big that was, so she took us all out to the schoolyard with a tape measure. Now this tape measure only went up to 10 feet, so she had to mark off 5 total 10 foot increments. And when she was done, standing 50 feet away from us, she yelled back “And this is only a baby! Can you imagine how big adult blue whales are?” And let me tell you, the stunned, profound silence that came from this group of 12 normally chatty children still haunts me to this day. Every time I think about how big whales are, I remember that spring day in the 3rd grade.

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