
Charred Meat

@charred-meat / charred-meat.tumblr.com


Well -- it's been a while since I've posted on here!

I haven't been super active on here, but figured I'd pop back over to share a little resource I made for an RP group!

Behold: Tyrian slang, their meanings, history, and ties -- all told from the viewpoint of our favourite little memer gremlin, Zyrra Stormdancer. She's a character that ICly uses slang constantly and leans towards that fun side of things, so it was pretty important to be able to make something that she could share to extend that little fun part of herself.

This has been a fun little project to make, and ICly ( for those RPers out there ) Zyrra has actually made the 'pocketbook' a printable and shareable item, so if you want to use her little translation service or refer to it at all, feel free to do so! All I ask is that you respect the work I put into it and give credit where credit is due ; v;

Hopefully you can enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!


If you had 15,000 Gold … ( V.2 )

So it has now been around two years since the last time I asked this, and I’m always entertained and curious about people’s replies to it, so let’s try this again !

We’ve had a huge expansion since, a lot more new items added, a bunch of armour sets, different things to do in gw2, etc, since the last time I asked, and everyone tends to have different goals and ideas for things that they want to do or obtain in gw2.

So: if you ever got 15,ooo gold, what would you spend it on / what would you do with it all ?

I’ve had a few messages asking me what I’d do for this, and honestly it may sound a little corny or tacky, but here’s what I’d do ::

+ use likely around 3.5-5k for a giveaway since I’ve been overdue to have another

+ put 8-9k in savings for a Chak Gerent Egg Sac ( aka my number one wished item and the most stupidly elusive item I’ve tried to get aaaaaaaah )

+ invest the rest in basic legendary crafting materials since I always seem to have a legendary or two or three or four going on at the same time, and always run into the same issues as before with mystic coins, etc.

It’s super interesting to read what everyone else would like to do though - so many of you seem super generous with your plans with how people either want to outright buy their friends legendaries or support each other somehow ; w;

it’s really refreshing to see, aaaaaaaaaaaaah


If you had 15,000 Gold … ( V.2 )

So it has now been around two years since the last time I asked this, and I’m always entertained and curious about people’s replies to it, so let’s try this again !

We’ve had a huge expansion since, a lot more new items added, a bunch of armour sets, different things to do in gw2, etc, since the last time I asked, and everyone tends to have different goals and ideas for things that they want to do or obtain in gw2.

So: if you ever got 15,ooo gold, what would you spend it on / what would you do with it all ?


I had a friend ask me why I kept swapping to my alt that I normally never use and, well :

Because people keep sending me pumpkins and I can’t delete them and can no longer keep them in my bank.

I’m going to drown in pumpkins.

e d i t ::



the latest update on the literal pumpkin patch hoard ::

someone please free me

Of Charr and Zephyrites ( Part o2 )

It’s kind of interesting to watch Charr try to bring back traditional views of themselves both out of pride and I suppose the misunderstanding of what ‘pretty’ means to a human in comparison to the insinuations of the term for a Charr.

While it seems counter-productive to try and implement old-school values of self into a young human child, it does make sense when you look at the traditional ‘important’ values that most Charr try to strive for. Strength, cunning, battle-worn, brave, etc. A charr’s sense of worth is not usually determined at all by their appearance, if anything scars and battle-worn bodies are more attractive to many within the Legions, especially Blood.

Perhaps to be feared is, in a sense, a way to feel stronger and better about themselves, but it is difficult to convince a child on such things when it seems that they know better than to fall for it.

( part o1 | part o2 | part o3 )
Of Charr and Zephyrites ( Part o1 )

It’s always interesting to watch the interactions between Charr and Zephyrites because they tend to have a different opinion of them due to much different histories than the non-Zephyrite humans. It’s equally interesting watching a Charr NPC flounder at the idea of a ‘compliment’ being thrown their way.

Although a traditional Charr may not pride themselves on being ‘pretty,’ as scars and singed fur is more of a sign of power and pride than vanity is for most, a human would likely not quite understand that at first glance and likely would try to use their own compliments instead.

All in all, we end up with a rather fun mix of interactions between races which highlight some key differences between them, and maybe a lot of ignorance passed down between generations as well.

( part o1 | part o2 | part o3 )
When tending Dragon Eggs . . .

Another interesting tidbit is watching the tourists interact with the Zephyrites - they either discuss magic, their logic on things, or admiration of their skills. Sometimes though you get little gems like this.

Who knows, maybe the Master of Peace had to sit on it every so often to keep it warm while Aurene was still back in her egg. Maybe he had to slip it in with the chickens at times to allow them to keep it warm. Maybe they just hired an Asura to sit on it.

Or it could simply just be another case of Norn not quite understanding common sense. 



I really need to stop setting multiple goals all at the same time -- I’m currently struggling to juggle Aurora, Astralaria, Legendary Armour ( if I remember to do the daily merch things at least ) and somehow still trying to get the Chak Egg from the new Zephyrite boxes but like...

Literally all I need for Astralaria are Mystic Coins and Ectoplasm because I spent all my ectos on the boxes RIP which means I’m super close

Pretty much the same for Aurora ( thank gosh, no more map currency )

And then just the stupid provisioner tokens that I’ve been putting off getting

I need to find a different hobby / time consumer on GW2 than just legendary crafting because my pockets and material storage is completely dying at this point anD YET I STILL DO IT OVER AND OVER AGAIN


warm up featuring Taam and @charred-meat Reed


whoops guess who forgot to reblog this to share this here

( spoiler alert : it me )

Look at these two nerds though - Reed looks like she’s showing off how strong she is because... yeah, Asuras totally weigh a lot.

I absolutely adore these two’s weird interactions and just how different their personalities are and how despite that, they’re still able to be close and very much enjoy each other’s company.

Ranger Danger buddies.


uhm excuse me???? 


This little guy is way too glorious to just stumble upon in his bikini-top bottoms and about just as confusing to see hanging mid-air in an updraft.

I love that there’s absolutely no explanation either for this lovely little guy, you just need to know that he’s there, relaxing, and enjoying life near the nearby tourists rocking out.

How he got up there... well, I guess we’ll never know. My bet is that he rented one of the nearby griffons and decided that was his life now.


Also I just realized that I forgot to put my screens as bmp instead of jpg so the quality is so bad... changed it -- hopefully the quality will be a bit better from here on out !

Also happy festival everyone, hope you make the most of it and get as many of those kills and tokens as you can. Gosh knows I’ve already put way too much time and gold into the event ; w;

It’s super nice that you can have a chance at super fancy auras now -- it means I’ve finally been able to try for my life goal of the Chak Egg Sac ( I failed and am now at zero gold and didn’t get anything worth-while oops ) so hopefully you will all have better luck than me.

x x

Charr as new mounts: Confirmed

A fun little tidbit of dialogue in the Labyrinthine Cliffs that show just how easily Charr could end up being classified as mounts.

I came across this by accident and ended up having to stay to grab it again just because of how silly and entertaining it is to listen to the Charr’s moment of realization as to just how well his criteria end up meeting his own person.

The dialogue this time around is absolutely superb -- there are so many pieces of information and conversation going around that I feel like I keep ending up stopping to simply listen to everyone instead of doing events.

Iron and... Rats?

One thing I adore about making a new character is being able to map things out all over again and find little gems like this.

Within the Village of Smokestead you can find an Iron Legion engineer who is trying to problem solve things and theory craft some new pieces of equipment or workshop items all by brainstorming with her pet rat ‘Whiskers.’

You have to look hard to notice Whiskers at first since he’s so incredibly small, but once you do it makes the dialogue so much better.

It shows a little bit of a soft side that we don’t see too often within the Charr of the Citadel, and it’s a sharp contrast in comparison to the ambient dialogue you find in the background.

Of Maelstroms

One of the records found within the Olmakhan village.

“For nearly one hundred years following our flight, we lived the lives we had so often dreamed of, free of persecution by the Flame Legion.

As we traveled south and build the society that would one day be called Olmakhan, we were forced to question many of the age-old norms of charr society. We were starting from nothing, and in a foreign, hostile landscape no less. To survive, there would need to be changes.

There would be no sense of superiority over the land. This was the core dictum of the Olmakhan: peace with nature, so that we might thrive beyond mere survival. Only a thorough understanding of our new environment would allow us to remain here, to build villages, farms, and families.

For nearly one hundred years we strove to achieve this ideal. It was then that nature sent us our first true test of resolve: a cataclysm beyond our northern horizon that shook the seafloor, and the Great Floor that made an archipelago of our new homeland.

In a single moment, it seemed that all we’d build was lost. Many of our tribe were claimed by nature that day, but none truly despaired. Our culture had been forged in the struggle and tempered by hardship, and our commitment to our Olmakhan family shone like steel in the sun once the waters receded. We rebuild, and we thrived again.

Recent times have brought hints of a troubled, larger world that threatens to wash away our peace. First came the spread of the cruel little ones across these islands, with their stone and crystal wonders that defy gravity and their unnatural creations brought to life with unfamiliar magics.

Then came the great iron sky-whale, breathing smog and flame as it crashed into the soft sands of our shoreline. Its metal shell protects our elder council as they meet to plan our response to the threat of the Inquest, and we’ve begun to fortify our structures with its iron skeleton.

Nature has presented us with new challenges, and if we must adapt to survive these trials, we will.”

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