
Sunburned Hermit Spider


drinking from your tear ducts

Reblog if you’re 30 or older

This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!


…Older. :)


I am /much/ older than 30.

I am older than 30 but younger than Stormdancer.


Yesterday, I was at dinner with some friends and briefly forgot Harrison Ford’s name, but I was like, “His name is a president and a car,” which is how we got such acceptable alternatives as McKinley Camry, Van Buren Gremlin, Clinton Infinity, and Range Rover Cleveland.


This feels like a way to generate 80s character names. Not a Harrison Ford movie, actually, but like one of those crazy Kurt Russell weirdo-action movies:

  • Roosevelt LeBaron
  • Bush Bug
  • Lincoln Ford
  • Ford Lincoln
  • Nixon Six
  • Jackson Viper
  • Laser Reagan

(photos by Bill Watterson and an octopus)

I think this is the best scientist photograph I have ever seen.

But people didn’t believe him on reddit. So Watterson made the photo sequence into a gif.

Here’s the gif for anyone curious.

I had to go through the notes to find the gif. Not because I didn’t believe him but because I wanted to see it.


 i don’t wanna start Discourse on someone else’s post, so i have screenshotted the relevant phrase in order to say: so much Weird And Confusing Vegan Talk makes a lot more sense when you realize people have no goddamn idea where animal fibers come from.

i mean, if you’re such an absolutist that the death of a single insect four days early is unacceptable, of course follow your heart. but like.

bombyx morii moths do not have a life after the cocoon. they don’t have mouths. they mate and then starve to death. maybe they die with a deep sense of satisfaction, i dunno, maybe boiling the cocoon is depriving them of their ultimate life fulfillment, absolutely no one has any idea what moths think. but they are not going to go out and travel the world as beautiful flutter fairies. they’re going to fuck and die. that’s nature, folks.

it does not take thousands upon thousands of dead bugs to make enough silk thread for a kerchief or pair of gloves or whatever. the highest estimate i’ve seen is about 60 cocoons for the type of meter-long scarf you tuck under your coat collar, but that sounds high to me when you do it by weight. a silk scarf that weighs 100 grams is a hefty thing. 100 grams of wool is enough to make a thick pair of socks with enough left over for fingerless gloves, and silk is spun much finer. i would estimate, going by weight, that a meter-long oblong scarf would take more like 30 cocoons.

not 100,000.

the dead bugs aren’t just tossed out, btw. they’re a good source of protein, humans eat them in some places, and in others they’re used as part of animal feed. since they’re raised on mulberry leaves and nothing else, usually indoors, they’re a very clean and safe food source.

i realize this isn’t going to stop people being vegan, and it’s not my intention to anyway. you do you. i just want people to make their choices based on what’s actually happening in reality, not weird guesses or alarmist nonsense. if you’re imagining mountains of dead moths deprived of the best part of their lives, good news, that’s not a thing!

ps shearing doesn’t hurt sheep either. it’s a haircut. it’s exactly the same as what a dog groomer does.


I have no idea what’s going on


Congrats, we have reached a period of time where there is a generation that does not remember the first memes.

Look, i’ve been on tumblr for nine fucking years and I don’t get this meme. I remember seeing it at some point, but have no clue what it means.

because this meme is pre tumblr and pre-youtube and is about 17 years old, almost twice as long as you’ve been on tumblr the ancient depths of albinoblacksheep will never die


Being friends with content creators and artists/authors is such a strange thing, because you can be moved by a piece of art, and absolutely enamored with a story–sobbing into your pillow at 4am because you can’t put it down–and then, just randomly remember that the person that created this incredible thing, is someone you send shitposts to at one in the morning, and exchange recipes with, and flail over your faves with, and talk about all your ridiculous ideas with.

Knowing the people whose talent brings you such joy is such a surreal and beautiful experience. Getting to hold in your hands something that was created by someone you know and care for is amazing.

But also, there chance to know that that incredibly talented person is a fellow Disaster Human is the most comforting thing?


truer words rarely spoken

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