
i made a new blog!

i’ll be keeping this blog as an archive of course...there’s just too many good memories and nice messages on here and i don’t have the heart to delete this.

to anyone who wants to follow me there, feel free to ask for my new url! to my friends i’ve already followed you just keep an eye out :^)


Digital Artist:

Shoko Ishida

“Beauty and the Beast - 鏡獅子”


“Illustration based on the story “The Beauty and the Beast” from the Brothers Grimm. Inspired by the Kabuki act, “鏡獅子 - kagami-jishi”. Digital.”

“Sleeping Beauty”

“Illustration based on the story “Little Brier-Rose” by the Brothers Grimm. color pencil and digital.”

“Entropic” MALN 2014

This piece will be showing this Saturday at Santa Ana’s artwalk in the Lineage show at B-minus Studios and C J Sitton. If you are in the area please come by and see the exceptional artwork! 

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