
I'm Not Finished


I'm not like other blogs, I'm a cool blog

honestly this is so much nicer than red

this is coca-cola i can feel calm drinking. no bright screaming red. no anger. no hatred. just a nice sky blue. this is a soda i can feel relaxed with.

Is everyone on this site a fucking bull?


Forgive me, father, for I have sinned. I think that’s how you’re supposed to start these things. I’m only going on what I’ve seen in the movies. Where do I even start? I’ve been pretending to be a - how would one phrase it in Catholic words? A harlot. It’s not like I’ve actually been doing the things that people are saying I’m doing, but - then again - I’m not denying them, so I’ve just been wondering: is that wrong? […] A lot of people hate me now. I kind of hate me, too. I could be wrong, but aren’t you supposed to say something or ask me questions. Tell me to say ‘Hail Marys’? Hello?

FEMALE AWESOME MEME: [9/10 females in a movie] » olive penderghast


Sometimes you really have to put in the effort to have a happy day for yourself. But you deserve to live a fulfilling life, so try to build things into your schedule that make you happy! 💛

Also amidst the recent news, I’m not leaving Tumblr, which has been my home for 8 years since I started Chibird in 2010. But if you are, you can find me on Instagram and Twitter under @chibirdart, and Webtoon and Patreon.

Source: chibird.com

watching an actress in full makeup pretend to wash her face and then pat dry her still fully contoured cheeks for an acne wash commercial

when i was 13 i had no idea what make up looked like on. media literacy is important

I especially like the makeup remover ads where she takes off her lipstick, to reveal lighter lipstick underneath.

or the commercials for razors with women shaving their already baby smooth, waxed legs

This is such a surreal, dystopian thing about our culture. We literally treat the natural female body like its obscene. No wonder girls grow up with so much self loathing when they feel as if their own skin is incorrect.


i put new yellow shoelaces on my boots to show people i am Cool. I walk to my work full of old lady cashiers. “I like your shoelaces.” one of them says to me. I see my life flash before my eyes as this ancient test is presented before me

Op did you say it

did you say it op

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